It was huge misunderstanding about Steem Flag Rewards

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)


I had a bad experience last night in this chatroom. Not sure if it was a product of misunderstanding alone, prejudice because they don't know me... Or both but suffice it to say things got REAL UGLY REAL FAST!

Good thing I have thick skin!

I'll tell you it is a hard thing to stand on principle these days but I cannot defy my conscience. There were some choice insults the likes of which some I had not heard since boot camp. Very graphic so I spare you the details. But as for the lesser insults, they called me an extortioner, an person that knows nothing, idiot, and a myriad of what I believe to be ego driven. They assumed the absolute worst about me and my intentions.


I have captured screenshots of the ordeal capturing the very unbecoming behavior but I have no plan to share it. I'd prefer rather to appeal to them with truth and grace. What they meant for evil, God means for good for I learned much of which I am thankful. On the last day, I know things will be made right for God knows my heart on this matter. It is important when proceeding with flagging that it is in hope to educate others and for my speech to be seasoned with grace as the book of Colossians instructs.

Colossians 4:6 KJVS
Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

I try not to be an jerk but thoughtful in my flag comments. Gentle as a dove yet shrewd as a snake as the Scriptures also do say. I may get frustrated but it is absolutely vital to not act out of anger for such does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

James 1:19-20 KJVS
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: [20] For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

I wanted to put this out there. A Steemit user's reputation is often a number devoid of meaning. Often, the true nature of the individual you will learn in the dark places amongst their own company. Most assuredly, I doubt they would conduct themselves in that manner in the light. We all have our demons. This much is true. I am no exception to the rule.


Just kidding!

(Hey, it's good to make light of a bad situation)

Now you know. Still yet, my followers have trumping some of those that place utility over ideals. For that, I am thankful for each and every one of you. It feels good to have quality followers over quantity anyway. I was fortunate enough to have a nice quantity of quality.

I don't use tricks. I don't gimmicks and I certainly do not use manipulative psychology. I could set up a bid bot in day but I don't because I care about the low stakeholder just as much as I care about the whale. And my ideal is sweat equity realized. Not half ass realized but truly. I also believe in an ideal of an equal voice in authorship but that is not something I arrived at from the white paper but rather something I hold dearly from my own perspective.

From my start here, it was about the gospel. It still is. The precious and very distinct gospel of sovereign grace of which I have responsibility to my followers to proclaim. I cannot pollute that with what I believe to be greed; therefore, I do not. I am just another wretch like the next guy the prime difference is being given something more precious than all the cryptos in the world. The market cap of Christ's righteousness is without limit. I cannot compromise it.

The thing is it is conveyed by very specific propositions through a preacher. How could I therefore bring you the gospel in one hand and snake oil in the other. I cannot. I will conclude this with a quote as I believe the principle generally applies albiet the context here is obviously different. It is from the reformer Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms. I am a lesser man than he.

I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen

I hope some of these I encountered yesterday would come here for a earnest conversation in the light. I'm not holding my breath. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to those among you who actually know me and support me. Just a minnow with big ideas that cares about Steem's future in a big way.

Last verse I want to leave is one I believe should be kept close to the heart.

Ephesians 4:29 KJVS
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Have a wonderful day everybody. :)


you entered a wild west very active trading room that is not a safe entered with an essay that presented it in a way to people who did not know later sent a dm that was WAY more of a logical approach in wording then the almost threatening tone that riled up the rogues,
Imagine, a chat is taking place between people who do biz together, cuss and are hard core finance/crypto/trader types and a stranger comes in and just drops an essay that came off wrong. The later dm you sent someone would have been much better received.......
I read this post and will say that the part of "I have screenshots to shame people but will be "good" and not show them" is the exact style that was used in that room.
Does that make sense? Dropping an essay with that sort of tone to start off with was offputting, maybe get the feel for a crowd before preaching how awful people were from what was imho a poorly written sales pitch. If you had used what you wrote later it wouldn't have had that vibe.

I've been talking about this for weeks. We were even troubleshooting the link display. It was a huge misunderstanding but yall went WAY TOO FAR!

Also, I tried to interact with you before to maybe a conversation about another service out there. It's not my fault you never got to me. It's on the blockchain. So, maybe, you would have known me if you got to know me. I was working on something important and felt you would appreciate.

Hell, I felt like the LOT of you would appreciate that EFFORT. So, you can try to justify the cruelty but there is no excuse for that. I'm sorry that's how I feel. To disagree would be on a fundamental level.

I have no powers to kick or keep you, why are you going after me when I'm basically saying an opinion and again...what is with this quasi "it's on the blockchain" stuff, I came here and tried to extend a bit of an olive branch but don't lump me into anything first off,
second off, I interact with lots and am not seeing where you are getting off having this martyr complex to me, think what you will but I find that your repeated "it's not my fault you didn't get tome, is on the blockchain?" whhhhhat? seriously ,

many of us fight abuse so instead of talking about having a thick skin and being Christ like practice what you preach, so far me coming here to be civil is more of a Christian move than the sideswipes and such you seem to be doing...also now you are going into minnow support and self voting, you are not the judge and jury of here, sorry to inform you and you say you wanted someone to come and talk and someone does then you turn around and play the victim card, I don't control rooms or other people and neither do you, you are on a decentralized freedom of speech site, and it went into juries and now self votes, yes that is a problem if you self upvote for thousands , that also is part of the anarcho-capitalist type of place you came to. It is our duty as stake holders to steward it how we shall and I am smart enough to counter zingers..... why don't you let it go and just move on and do what you want. Nobody is stopping you but if you want to act like you are the Pope then go for it, good luck and peace out

You don't have to pay to use minnow support. Any stakeholder can do it. Besides registration but that's nothing.

Thank you. Same to you!

I did not see this before my last and well this is really my final post.....
thanks, ditto

@battleaxe, Sorry, it was not perceived as an olive branch. If that's what it is, them I'm cool and hope you are, too. I just want to proceed with the plan and put this thing behind.

Martyr? That's what I don't understand. How you can say something like that? I'm just calling out the offchain abuse because that's what it was. Not you specifically but your cohorts for sure.

But I've done forgiven yall irrespective of whether they think they need to be forgiven so please let it go.

It's not for you or me to say how or why something is said like that.... I did nothing imho that needs to be forgiven, but you wrote a post which you edited, which is totally is. To say you forgive me is condescending imho which I am entitled to as you are to your opinion so ce la vie........ this platform has all types, judging people and a group dynamic that you are unaware of and making a post about it is your right, I also have the right to say something, you said you wanted dialogue and here I am , you didn't get exactly what you wanted and that is going to happen, this is not always a nice zone. You have millions of dollars going around internationally and professionals in it that you are lumping into basically making me ask, what are you not saying is abuse? so far you are rather draconian and that also is not inherently a bad thing but forcing it on others imho is abusive in its own right. So good luck, I have zero feelings about this other than to step up and be civil, IF you are constantly finding fault with things then am not quite sure why you are here. Anyhow, have a nice night, adios

Ok, good night.

If people spent have as much time supporting new users as they do "fighting abuse" the abusers would fade into the background unnoticed amidst all the good content. Instead, all the SP/VP gets used up on these petty battles and people join, get no traction, and leave.


Understand the concern. I am a huge advocate for supporting minnows with my VP. It may be the unpopular opinion but I would rather use all my votes for them than self vote my material. It's my hill to die on I know. But yes also fighting abuse will eventually put more money in their hands (minnows and other quality content creators)

The freesteem people are taking minnow votes away from minnows contributing thoughtful content. I think this may be contributing more to the inability to gain traction than you think.

I disagree. It's giving minnows a way to earn SP (or things to turn into SP) when they're otherwise ignored. In turn, they up their "value" here to the point people start paying attention to them.

Same is to be said of self-votes. When the most I can earn in a week is 0 from non-selfvotes, but I can squeeze out a whopping $3 from self voting... at least I'm driving forward, even if I have to drive myself.

Targeting things that are helping them, hurts them. If you want to target abuse, target real destructive abuse at the whale level. Or... don't... every minnow who voted before the whale self-vote gets an ok little slice of that self-vote. Flagging the posts is taking that away from them, where it makes more difference than what you took from the whale.

Best plan: just post... post about things that interest you, and let go of the whole hall monitor mentality that you're here to police other people and how they use the system. Just go make content posts about things people will like, and climb down off your cross.

When I started on steemit I had the default delegation and nothing more. A lot of what I've made in SP has been a result of those sort of schemes... which has now empowered me to be able to actually go vote for other posts with some measure of impact (4-7 cents). I'd still be a 0 vote if not for those services you're trying to kill off. And I'm sure I'm not alone.

What if everybody did what they were doing? Steem would become a revolving door for most people. They would come in. Say "Looks like SCAM CITY. I'm out!". Except the scammers/schemers, they'll feed for as long as possible. Then, what's stopping them from monetizing to become another bid bot. What if this is the evolutionary cycle?

Or they are just powering down to cash out which doesn't do Steem a lot of good.


Question... what's more likely:

  1. You walk into a room where everyone is getting along and chatting and having a good time, very welcoming and immediately engaging, with a few people in the fringes casing some static/being annoying/maybe playing a game of dice or such but mostly just ignored by the general public and left to their own minimally impacting devices... and you leave because of those fringes not being stopped.

  2. You walk into a room where everyone is just bickering on if they should kick out the dice players, and the dice players are arguing over who's dice game is a bigger scam, and by and large everyone ignores you to keep focused on that... with a few exceptions of people shooting you a dirty look to see if you're a dice player or going to start up your own dice game until you have enough "clout" to really have a voice in their arguments. And you stay anyway.

You're currently very focused on contributing to room 2.

Minnowbooster offers a GREAT service to really help people get their voice heard in room 2 over all the arguing, sycophantic boot licking, and self aggrandizement. Do they make some money on it? Of course... but they also spend money running a website, managing it, writing the algos and automation, etc... these things deserve a little payback.

How many newbies have you gone and found, resteemed for a couple of weeks, delegated some power to, and helped to really get their foothold in the community?

Perhaps Matthew 7:3 should be where you're focused...

The long and short of it is this... if you'd been expending your energy/votes on encouraging good works instead of punishing bad ones, you'd have had a much greater impact... though it would likely satisfy your ego less. Man loves power, and nothing encourages man more than the exercise of his power to lord over others. It's much easier to feel good and "just" for punishing those you deem a villain than it is to take the same power and slowly attempt to raise up those less fortunate, often thanklessly.

How many newbies have you gone and found, resteemed for a couple of weeks, delegated some power to, and helped to really get their foothold in the community?

A few in fact. Not delegated. Straight up gave it to them. They just never got interested I guess. One was a eminent pastor and former friend who branded me a heretic for my views concerning conditional immortality. That's a story for another day I suppose.

To be honest and I sincerely thank you for your feedback, think the scenario you painted is a false dilemma. It's not one or the other. There are various shades of gray in between.

I know @Binkley and I work hand in hand to have helped many a minnow within the Steemthat community. Maybe you should consider being part.

I cannot say that I have repented of my intent to reward flaggers of freesteem but I think when this is over we can arrive at a peaceable resolution.

I don't think there is a problem giving out your post rewards to upvoters. Not at all but using it as a marketing ploy prior to payout for your post. Now that's a problem.

Very Powerful My Brother. "The market cap of Christ's righteousness is without limit. I cannot compromise it." 😀

That sounds like it could have easily made that into a rhyme.

I'm a feeling a little creative. My brother free-styles and one of my cousins. I can think very deeply but not necessarily quick so probably not my thing. But maybe I can write em down. ;)

The market cap of Christ, is without limit.
Stop for a minute.
No compromise wit it.
Check this out.
The Word. Divine Shout.
Taken with integrity, delivered it with clout.
Not eloquent speech, or behavioral goals.
But fire from above putting tongues to the coals.

Ummm, seems like you're doing something Jesus had a few words about...

"casting your pearls before swine" and maybe in a serialized manner.
Just a thought, sometimes one needs to cut their losses.

Ref: Pearls before swine. "Pearls before swine" and "casting pearls" refer to a quotation from Matthew 7:6 in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount: "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.".
Pearls before swine - Wikipedia

Yep. It's a waste of energy. Already lost enough sleep over it. No mas.

Both sides have a fair argument to make with regards to self voting. The real solution is a hardfork with some rule changes made. Or my plan to make such a powerful community that we can have a spot at the table to vote.

To me there is a difference between buying promotion of ones post and clicking the check box. No great author writes a book without advertising and promotion in the plan. Or at least hires a company that does this task.

When you see a whale with hundreds of comments and posts that have been self voting relentlessly on spam and plagarized content its appalling. It drains the rewards pool so much that new members often only get a few pennies for a post no matter the quality.

With that said the best way to use promotion upvote services is to gift such things for high quality posts that you like. Some will return the favor at some point. Either way you have done a good deed and brightened someone elses day. Everyone is so greedy now. Sad really.

I'm not trying to be divisive on the self-voting. You know I hold my view. This is really for generally accepted forms of abuse. But I agree. This place brings out the worst of it.

(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
"Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

Pretty sure he meant to say:

I dropped into a chat room of people who weren't concerned about "my concerns" when I attempted to control the conversation and the reaction the "chatters trolled me back."

Then I got preachy and tried to assume that others should take on my cause in my words, because I said so.

Got it.

If you're not concerned @whatsup, then all you need to do is say it. But that chatroom turned into the Spanish Inquisition when I tried to explain myself.

Just say "Not Interested" and I move on.

But that's not what happened now, is it?

I'm just a minnow that just wants to clean up the trash.
Is it ok if I use my stake for that purpose and others? Is it ok we enact a system where it is profitable? What's the problem here?

I have absolutely no issue with you or what you use your stake for. I preach it all the time.
Also when I want to flag something, I just do it. I don't need to form a group or a club. I have no issue with your desire to do so.
I do take issue with you acting like someone is "doing you wrong" because they see it differently than you.

Yep, I was rude to you in chat. I think your "Fall on your Cross" attitude of "Taking the High Road" is laughable.

Look all I'm saying is the degree of yall's insults was wrong and allowing it without saying anything. That's wasn't really right.. unless you think so I guess.

Yes, but you're not understanding. It's about strength in numbers to take down the rings. Could you do it on your own? I think it's a good approach and was told 10% ROI is all we need. That's too damn easy!

Again, you could say sorry. That wouldn't ruin your life now, would it? By your own admission, you were rude. I had every right to write about it because no apology was rendered..

Except I'm not sorry, you still refuse to accept my "I'm Not Interested" and have to pitch one more time... (Strength in numbers) You are great at identifying when others are wrong, but seem to have some difficulty in seeing the role you play. Best of luck!

Congrats, all of this hall monitor drama, and the flags by your fellow champions of justice, have encouraged me to pack my shit and go. Power down initiated. Enjoy a steemit where you all just sit around telling each other how to post and anyone who challenges the mighty bernie gets slammed out of the system.

Sorry you feel that way. We'd rather you spend some time working on quality posts and helping us fight the crap going on out there.

I think there may be a misunderstanding. We are not affiliated with BS and not sure why you were flagged. Where you involved in a disagreement?

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