The heart of worship is to surrender, to surrender. The current culture of competitiveness teaches us that we should never give up and that we should never give up. If everything is about winning, surrendering is inconceivable. But surrender to God is the heart of worship. It is the natural response to the amazing love and mercy of God. We surrender to Him, not out of fear or obligation, but out of love.
There are three obstacles that block our total surrender to God: fear, pride and confusion, we want to control our own lives, and we misinterpret what delivery means. Trust is an essential ingredient of delivery. You can not surrender to God if you do not trust Him. Fear prevents us from surrendering, but remember that perfect love casts out fear. The more we realize how much God loves us, the easier the surrender will be, God takes care of all the details of your life; have good plans for your life; he forgives you; and he is patient with you. God is lover and liberator, and when we surrender ourselves to Him, we obtain freedom.
Recognize our limitations: Pride is the second obstacle to our delivery, we do not want to admit that we can not control everything, which fills us with stress. Life is a struggle, When we face our own limitations, we react with irritation, anger and resentment. When we realize that God endows others with the characteristics we do not have, we respond with envy, jealousy and self-pity.
Surrender to God is not passive resignation, nor fatalism, nor an excuse for laziness. It is not accepting the current state of things, quite the opposite: it is changing what must be modified. Delivery is not for cowards or for those who let themselves be trampled all over the world. Surrender does not imply repressing our personality that is unique, God wants to use it. Delivery is best demonstrated with obedience and trust. We can not call Jesus Lord if we refuse to obey Him, consecrated persons obey the word of God, even if they do not understand it. You can know that you have given yourself to God when you depend on Him for things to turn out well. One releases the reins and lets God work. Once we surrender ourselves to God, we no longer disqualify others, we do not demand our rights and we do not seek our own good.
Surrender is hard work, in our case, it is an intense combat against our egocentric nature. The blessings of surrender: A life completely given to God brings blessings, first we experience peace, then freedom, we experience the power of God in our lives, because before Christ everything is submitted. God designed us to worship Him; if we do not, we will create other idols to give ourselves to them. We are free to choose who we will surrender, and we can not free ourselves from the consequences of that choice. Surrendering is not the best way to live, it is the only way to live. The biggest hindrance to the blessing of God in your life is not others, but yourself: your own will, your pride, your personal ambition. You will not be able to fulfill God's purposes for your life, as long as you live focused on your own plans. If God is going to work hard with you, give everything to God. Put Christ in the driver's seat of your life and let go of the reins. Nothing that Christ has under his control can be adrift. If Christ has the dominion, you will be able to face everything.
Victory comes from surrendering to God
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