STEEMCHURCH: Give thanks to God


When we were children, our parents worked hard to make sure we understood what it meant to have good manners. And one of the first lessons I remember as a child was that when someone gave me something or did something for me I had to say thank you, and for some reason this lesson had to be taught to me, again and again. Now that I am a parent, you might think that this would be a lesson that my children could easily learn by following my learned example, unfortunately I find myself having to remember the times my parents had to remind me. WHY? Well, the reason my children have to be told over and over again to say thank you because, even at my age, I still struggle with the grateful to be and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Appreciation seems to be really an art lost today.

We as Christians must understand that it is by the grace of God that we have what we have. 2 Corinthians 9: 14-15 says, "And in your prayers that your hearts are with you, because of the superabundant grace that God has given you, let us thank God for his ineffable gift." Christians of the first century understood that the only thing they had was from God, and that he deserved gratitude.

Of all the characters in the Bible I believe that both David and Paul understood the power of being the most grateful. In Psalm 107: 1 and 136: 1, David proclaimed that we should, "Give thanks to the Lord because it is good, because his love endures forever." And in Psalm 118: 28-29, David says: "You are my God, and I will thank you, you are my God, and I will exalt you." Give thanks to the Lord because it is good, because his mercy is forever " .

The apostle Paul said it this way in Colossians 2: 6-7, "So, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, now live in him, rooted and built up in him, confirmed in the faith as you were taught , and full of gratitude. "David and Paul knew that if we could understand the concept of what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has done for us, then and only then will we be able to really understand what it means to be grateful, and we would be overflowing with it. Than the gratitude.

Why do we have so much difficulty in showing our gratitude for the blessings we have received. Maybe some of us have not recognized that everything we have comes from God. If this is true, then let me remind you that everything we have comes from God. Maybe some are so busy in their daily routine that it seems they can not find the time to thank God for all they have. For them, let me say that if the great King David could find time to thank and praise God, and if the Apostle Paul could find time in each of his letters to tell the brothers that, "Thank God that every time he remembered them, "then
surely we can find the time to be grateful for all that He has blessed us.

Being grateful can not come easily for everyone, but if we are going to try to be an example of Christ to this world, then we have to remind ourselves, every day, to be grateful for all that God has given us.



Super message Adela! We must always give thanks, in everything and for everything, and that our requests must be accompanied by thanksgiving. There are those who try to access God using different ways, but that is impossible. Gratitude to God is key to unleashing supernatural power, because it builds the throne for God to make a room.


We should thank the Lord almighty whiles we have breadth.

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