Is the Bible too old to be relevant?

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)


For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.*
Romans 15:4 NKJV

Have you ever read the Bible and thought to yourself "am I really expected to do all that?". I have Come across a lot of people who wave away the bible, because of it's seemingly inappropriate or unachievable directives. Some times we find it hard to relate it's content to our present world of science, advanced medicine and high speed tech. It's not uncommon to hear stuff like "that was for the Bible times, things have changed" or "the Bible is too old to apply now". I personally don't agree with any of these.

The book has survived several years. The oldest biblical text found is about 2700 years old(source) . It's widely accepted and used by many "new folks" in every generation. Having survived these many centuries I don't see why it can't be relevant now.

I have come across news that Pope Francis has suggested we replaced the Bible for reasons it was out dated(source). Though it's been debunked as fake by some sites, I find it hard not to believe since it's actually been proven he has controversial views concerning the existence of hell which is a strong biblical doctrine(source)


An old book with new direction

The Bible was written in the old times to help us in the contemporary times. Although it gives a historical background to our existence, it is not a history book. It's a manual. Why humanity is failing is because we are not living by the manufacturers intent. Our manufacturer is God. The Bible contains wisdom, directions, and principles that have been proven to work even among secular groups. When we apply biblical principles, a lot of government, family and work related problems are solved.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
II Timothy 3:16‭-‬17 NKJV

The Bible contains what we need to live. Just because we feel it's too old doesn't make it irrelevant in our time. It's just like saying that since the law of gravity was written a long time a go, the law doesn't hold now. Infact, the Bible contains a great deal of information about the natural world that has been confirmed by scientific observations and research.(Lev 17:11 Ecclesiastes 1:6-7; Job 36:27-29; Psalm 102:25-27 and Colossians 1:16-17.)

The Bible is one of the books that has been fought over the most. Men will still keep at it for as long as necessary. All this doesn't deny the fact that the Bible has changed a lot of people, including myself. It's power to change a man can't be debunked. This makes it important to read as often as possible.

A friend once shared a dare with me that I'll also like to share with you. He said,

"Follow God and do all that is written within the Bible. If after 3months you don't feel a change in every aspect of your life then you can conclude that God isn't real or is not worth serving."


Follow me as I take a walk with God through the bible daily. I'll look at how to apply scripture to my life and do my best to make the scriptures come alive in a more contemporary sense.
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Feel free to drop your thoughts, questions, or comments below.


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