What Goes Round Comes Round part 2
We can change our world when we put this teaching of the lord into practice. We don't have to wait for people to treat us nicely before we become nice to them. It does not work that way! We have to set the process in motion. Start it. Treat other people the same way you want to be treated. "What Goes Round Comes Round" is popular English saying. What you release into the world will eventually come back come back to you. Be conscious of the way you live and interact with others and deliberately ensure that the you only treat them the way you want to be treated. Love others; be kind, polite and compassionate. Learn to forgive and be slow to criticize and condemn. Do not overlook someone in genuine need of help when you can help. You sure will love to have other people pray for you support you in whatever way they can. Do the same for others. You will not want to be cheated, so don't cheat others.
This lifestyle is difficult for one who does not have the grace of God. You need Christ to live in you so that HE can live out His life of love through you. This is where to start. Become born again and receive a new life through Jesus Christ our lord and savior. Then, You have the key power to shape the world - your world.