in #christainity6 years ago

God is essentially a 3 spirit individual,with a father,son and a spirit entity in the same entity God.the three parts are distinct in their various functions yet interrelated.
The book of genesis 1vs 26, tells us
Then God said"let us make human being in our image,to be like ourselves.they will reign over the fish in the sea,the birds in the sky,the livestock,all the wild animals on the Earth and the small animals that scurry along the ground
Take note God used "US"in this verse this proved that they were more than one.what confuses a lot of people is that is Good one with the 3 inside of him or are they separate entities with different bodies just inter-related by functions.
It is also cogent to know that these three had begun to share responsibility since scholars opined that from genesis chapter 1-11,God as a name was used whenever the supreme being himself performed an action,but in genesis 12-19 Lord was used to describe God,this could simply be the appearance of God in form of the son and also abraham was awakened in the spirit to notice the three men,what awakened him I may say the holy spirit.
Gen18vs2"he looked up and noticed three men standing nearby.when he saw them he ran to meet them and welcome them.bowing low to the ground
On a sane day Abraham would not have bowed down for stangers but on this day he was bowing down, something awakened him to notice the 3men,that is the holy spirit.
This justapoxes that the truine had work together in the affairs of man from the beginning of creation till now

                *THE      FATHER*

The father "God, Yahweh," is first of the order of creation the uncreated one who created others.the life force that keeps the son and spirit alive.God is the source of all power in heaven and Earth,He is all sufficient.
The book of genesis started with his name and the book of revelation ended with his name,who then is this self sufficient entity and who created him
Gen1vs1"In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth".
Rev22vs21"may grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's holy people"
Science states that the world originated from a cataclysmic explosion,but my question is that if by chance the world existed through an explosion who created such an explosion.this leaves science with a question mark hanging.
The push that created this supreme being cannot be phantomed and comprehended .the book of 1kings8vs27",elucidates the greatness and mightiness of the father.who then is this father.He is a supreme being is all knowable,mighty,all powerful, omnipresent, omniscient etc
To talk about God is to talk about eternity.the Earth shows God in it's craftsmanship and design.
Psalm24vs 1-2"The Earth is for God and everything in it .the world and all people belong to him
For he laid the Earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths
Then if the father is all powerful,then why the need for the son and the holy Spirit.the answer is balance.God is a God of balance and not disorganization.the Bible tell us that although God having the power to do all things still called the rest"come let us" he understood functionality and balance even with his hosts.

                 *The Son*

The son also known as the word,is the 2nd truine.Jesus was not at inception was not all powerful,his only duty before his sacrifice was to speak the word
John1vs1-3"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was with God.God created everything through him and nothing was created except through him.
The word is the created creator who was formed by God the Father,His only duty in heaven before his glory was word,Bible has it that God gave the order the word constructed the order and the spirit gave life to the order this was how the word operated with the truine.
At this point you might want to ask that if the only duty of Jesus then was word then who performed or was an assistant to God in terms of power.The Bible reveals that it was Lucifer.The Bible tells is of how Satan was greatly adorn with power,beauty and fame which led to his downfall.
The word assumed power when he surrendered himself on the cross for mankind.John3vs 16"For God so loved and the world that he gave his only begotten son that,who so ever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Jesus is the physical form of God,the word,the one who came to die for our sin,the priest in the order of melchizedek.a royal priest form the line of David.The one who got his power from God.the perfect example who was born of the holy spirit as the saviour of mankind in the flesh.
The son has now ascended into power sharing the throne with the other truine and would one day return to harvest the world.are you ready for his arrival.

                  *The  spirit*

The spirit is the embodiment of God's presence.He is the spirit of the father who came after Jesus to establish and guide those following the will of the father
The holy spirit was also involved in creation and also in our salvation struggle with the devil
Titus3vs4"but when God our saviour reaveled his kindness and love he saved us not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.he washed away our sins,giving us a new birth and new life through the holy Spirit t
Gen1vs2"The Earth was formless and empty,and darkness covered the deep waters.and the spirit of the God was hoovering over the surface of the waters
He too had existed since the beginning of the world he only played a role of adding life to the order of God and the creation of the word.he lives among and in us now as the comforter,
Rom8vs 11a"The spirit of God ,who raised Christ form the dead,lives in you.
The spirit is our advocator In terms of prayer.that tingly,thiny,gentle voice you hear when you want to commit a sin might be the holy spirit.he protects the sons and daughters of God so that they don't loose the way.
However the spirit cannot function independently as He relies on the father just as the word.he is breath of God that came into man at creation to make him a living soul.
The truine mindedness
The active exploration of the vast potentials in God cannot be quantified,as new things about the creator and his son, spirit and hosts pops every single day. For you to understand some aspect of God fully you have to be spiritually mindedness.
For to be carnally minded is death,but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.romans 8:6
The extent to which a man know,absorb and retains for communion the word of God in his mind determines his exposure to the truine.
You mind mist be turned to the sound wave of the this way a the totality of a man becomes transformed rather than confirmed to this world and when this happens,a man is able to walk in the spirit knowing the good the acceptable and perfect will of God on daily basis
Salvation awaits you,accept Jesus today

The truine of man,coming up..................God bless you!Screenshot_20190810-152013_1565447104779.jpgScreenshot_20190810-151857_1565447219065.jpgScreenshot_20190810-152002_1565447130035.jpg

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