Parables of Yeshua: The Parable of the Talents.

in #christ6 years ago

From a Clergy member. Samantha Kennedy.
I hope people understand the Lord's teaching and what it truly means

It’s easy to understand and it’s not always, for one thing, the Lord's teachings may have many different meanings with one teaching.

A Clergy member who is a Cardinal of Lord RayEl, Samantha Kennedy, response...
No, It does have a very good meaning and that is that you are given the Lord`s Light and the moral of his teaching is to share that Light with many in order to increase those that carry the light further. If you hide his light and say nothing of what he has taught you then you are Not the faithful servant because you have not carried that light to others.

Oh, now I get this teaching of the Talents. Could the talents that were gained back represent people that came to the Lord by using the Gifts he gave and used those gifts to spread his word?

Exactly they carry what you have said ie the Lord's light and teachings. The further it is spread is like the extra 5 talents that were added. The more you sow so shall you reap.
If you read a good book of Knowledge and wisdom, Do you keep it to yourself or do you share with others so they are enlightened with you?

Share it with others.


Angelus Domini
I would like to add something to that...

Samantha is right that the parable has one meaning, but it has several applications both spiritual and material.

As it is important to take the spiritual enlightenment the Lord has given and put it to work so that it multiplies, He also wants to see people take the other blessings that have been given to them, and put them to work so they multiply.

The reason He started out speaking about the Kingdom, is because He wanted people to understand that the prosperous shall prosper more, while those who do little or nothing, will be left in the Outer Darkness.

To be very specific, He has come to "judge the nations", and what has He found?...

Europe (and the Western culture nations) was given many resources, and with those resources, they did beautiful and amazing things that carried the world into the modern age... They took the 5 talents given to them and made them 10.

Asia (not all of it) was also given many resources, but they waited much longer to use those resources to their fullest, but when they did, they turned their 2 talents into 4.

The rest of the world was also given great resources, but they did not manage them well and are today dependent upon those who did things properly... They shall be the primary inhabitants of the Outer Darkness.


The African continent seems to have been an amazingly vibrant place. What's holding them back?

Very interesting perspective 1

Thank you. <3