Western World says man has no free will | 《西部世界》说人没有自由意志
Just finished watching the second season of "Western World". The entire timeline was cut into chaos, and it seemed to be unnecessary.
I don't know if "Free Will" is the theme of "Western World", but it is at least one of the themes.
The first season sums it up: a host can also have free will.
The second season sums it up: mankind actually has no free will. Not only isn't it, and people are terribly simple, a book that is not thick can hold. It is almost said that it will only be conditioned.
This means that, given an input, there will be a definite output.
I don't know if the screenwriter has watched Sabesky's "Behavior", anyway, and the argument of "Behavior" is still very close: man is a machine and man has no free will. But a very fascinating point of "Behavior" is that giving an input does give an output, but the process itself will change the system hardware, so that the input and output will be different later. The brain is plastic.
Sounds like ... it's almost like machine learning. The process of training the model. Of course, machine learning-based artificial intelligence now seems to be only weak artificial intelligence, and it will never reach the stage of human-defined strong artificial intelligence.
So, who is training humans?
originally posted in Chinese on 2019-11-23 at https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU1ODg0MDk4NQ==&mid=2247483951&idx=1&sn=e798a0d6932116c2a0a74547e6554aa1&chksm=fc212fd9cb56a6cf14b9dee1a2f6c626c5ab5e8820385582e42398ac4f7492c71b26f0b3a173&token=723186731&lang=zh_CN#rd