zhanzhuang,standing pose

in #chinakungfu5 months ago

Standing pile is a unique training of Chinese martial arts, is a major feature of Chinese martial arts different from Western martial arts, looking at Western martial arts, it basically focuses on the increase of muscle strength and the training of the external body, the training method is nothing more than weight-bearing exercises to obtain physical strength, for the use of fighting, that is, the so-called "external strength", while Chinese martial arts is more focused on "internal adjustment" , that is, the adjustment of the internal mechanism and the cultivation of the habit of exertion, pay attention to the inherent posture energy to maximize the exertion, so most of the Western boxers are strong, explosive, while the Chinese domestic fighters are often thin, but under a blow, the attack is extremely strong, which is the difference in the theme and direction of the study of the two systems of fighting art at home and abroad, and the standing pile is a very representative training mode formed under this training concept. Most of the boxing system, all the standing pile as a basic training, such as Dacheng boxing, 70% of the time is placed on the pile, on the basis of the pile to test the force, walking, force, some of the pile as a deepening training, is to learn to move, that is, a variety of trajectory movement, and then to stand on the pile.


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