Current Road to Economic Collapse

in #china7 years ago

We've all seen & heard some pretty outlandish theories about how and what will bring about the end of the illusion of financial freedom in America.

This is just my prediction based on what's developed between China and Russia since October 2015.

so let's breakdown the impending collapse of the economy in America:

China dumps the government's debt in 2015, several other countries (Brazil, Taiwan, Norway, Iran, Russia) follow suit. This means that since nobody else is willing to handle our tab for us, America goes into panic mode and tries to hurry and ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership which means America ties 40% of the global economy to us, making them pay our debt for us, STALLING the collapse of the United States IF it's passed into law.

When nobody is willing or able to pay our $210 trillion debt, this means Americans will have to pay it ourselves --- this is where you might see the phrase "negative interest rates" being thrown around, and that could mean the American citizen pays "taxes" on this debt, WHICH MEANS --- you look at your bank balance one day and you see $0.

It all fits together so perfectly now it's just up to the elite if they see if the economy is ready to collapse. If they wanna pull the plug, the TPP will not get signed into law, if they aren't ready to collapse the dollar yet, the TPP will pass.

Understand? China released their new gold-standard Yuan April 19, and Russia has begun to trade with them and sell oil.

This is bad news for America & its useless paper dollar which has no standard. China will become the new leading superpower by 2018.


What about the dollar ties to the oil trade? Reserve currency, which China has rapidly expanded within the reserve currency world, is not the same as the oil-dollar relationship. Its a high volatility variable.

The slow motion collapse is in progress and gaining speed:

  • Brexit approved, other countries to follow suit.
  • Austria Presidential runoff do-over ordered.
  • Deutsche Bank on the brink of failure.
  • Marine LePen gaining steam in France.
  • Venezuela in total melt-down.
  • Greece reduced to 3rd world status.
  • Turkey/Iceland withdrawl from EU admission process, Turkey normalizes relations with Israel
  • USA in denial over default of Puerto Rico.
  • PRC economy and currency in freefall.
  • Japan facing inevitable economic/population declines.
  • ME/NA regional turmoil shows no end in sight.
  • Undeniably destructive debt levels continue to rise world-wide.

Invest, plan, and prepare as best you can. Stay alert to the world bond markets.
Wabi Sabi

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