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RE: It's a Morbid Thought, But This Coronavirus Presents an Opportunity to Crush China Once and for All

in #china5 years ago

Do you have a soul?

As someone who lives in China, I sure hope you're wrong.

Try zooming out and looking at the bigger picture.

Globalism supersedes nationalism, and the globalists have chosen China as their manufacturing base, somehow I doubt any of what you have presented is going to end well for humanity.

Its far more likely that the top brass in China was bought off decades ago, and are nothing more than useful idiots that will be disposed when they are no longer in control.

Follow the money.


Do you have a soul?

Yes, though five and a half years living among a barbaric and murderous society, built on ethnocentrism and Nietcszhian delusions of demigodhood, called China, did some damage to it. Losing everything I owned and almost losing my right leg to their primitivity and corruption, while listening to their constant musings about the notion of annihilating entire nations, including the one where my children are growing up, did further damage to it. In the end, I will say yes, I do have a soul, though I will go to my grave denying any sonofabitch holding a Chinese passport can say they have the same, and I spit in the face of any stupid motherfucker who thinks otherwise.

Seriously, read some of the literature of that backward little shit pit you live in. Learn their language. Read the history of how that language was formed. Get a load of what they really think of the world around them.

As for globalism superseding nationalism, look around the world. Nobody but Xi buys that anymore. Regarding the idea that globalism has "chosen" China, if you really do live there then surely you've noticed how their economy is collapsing. I watched it happen from right there in Beijing from 2015 onward. You say "follow the money?" I have been, and I'm watching how desperate the Chinese elites and middle class are to get theirs out of China, while it's still worth anything.

China has been in a death spiral for years, and all they have done now is made it literal. The only tragedy is that the world didn't become aware of the virus fast enough to pull our own people out of China and lock the Shi-Na Minzoku (get a Japanese friend to translate it for you) inside their third-world homeland, assuring that no one would have to die with them except themselves.

Now then, got anything else you want to ask?


You might want to seek out some professional help to deal with your PTSD.


You might want to contact someone who actually has a background in psych and learn what the hell PTSD actually is, kid. Here's a clue: low tolerance for ignorant bullshit from self-righteous baizuai's isn't typically symptomatic.

By the way, if you want to remedy your glaring dearth of knowledge about that God-forsaken hive of filth you live in, Shanghai Foreign Languages Bookstore on Fuzhou Road (about a ten minute walk from East Nanjing Road Station) would be a good place to start, long as the Party hasn't shut it down. They have all manner of delightfully twisted and arrogant Sinophiliac nonsense, written in China, by China, for China, and translated into English so the entire world can know exactly how dark the collective mind of that society truly is, and the government themselves sells it, without a trace of irony.

Of course, your comments indicate to me that the whole "reading" thing is probably not your strong suit, but give it a try. Then come back and spout some more drivel about asking who has a soul.

Good Luck with life.

BTW, if you are EVER in Shanghai, I'd love to meet you.



The best part is you failed to realize you proved my point for me.
Hiroshima was what we did to the last country that went around East Asia enslaving our allies. Japan started a war with us, and we ended it thus. China declared war on the U.S. in 1991, and the U.S. has been quite patient about not crushing them like the fly they are, but that patience is running out. Perhaps your boss at the United Front Work Office would do well to read my article and reflect upon that fact.
In any case, your lame-ass attempt to twist whataboutism and deflection into something that could be mistaken for a coherent rebuttal was one of the most yawn-inducing examples of copied and pasted Sino-slop I've ever had the pleasure of laughing at, and the fact that you didn't even have the brains to include the pic until an after-action edit eight hours from the post is almost ridiculous enough to distract from the fact that nothing you have spat out has anything to do with the topic in question.
And finally, I can only presume the italicized kiss was intended for my ass.
Now then, here is your half RMB for the half-assed attempt at a post, little wumao. Try not to spend it all in one place.

As for "if you are ever in Shanghai," it's unlikely I'll ever be back. I was there back when it was civilized, and I've watched with every trip there how it has deteriorated further and further as those Zhongworms whose boots you lick reduce it to just another Chinese city.
I'm curious why you're so eager to meet me though. Are you that eager for an ass-whooping? You might want to... oh, how did you put this?
" out some professional help to deal with your masochistic and self-injuring tendencies."

Tell yourself whatever makes you feel better.

You clearly missed many opportunities.

Enjoy yourself, I've lived my life already, have you lived yours?

Man, your comments are why Steem needs a "laugh" button like Facebook has.

I date an ex-model, I've taught in five countries (my alumni are on Dean's Lists ranging from Harvard to Tulane) and visited eleven (and not one of them was in Europe), I've taken part in five rebellions and crushed two, jumped out of planes, charged into burning buildings to pull people out, published a novel, and seen the sunrise from the summit of an active volcano then blitzed down the slope to avoid getting caught in the eruption.
I've got zero regrets about any "missed opportunities," except for the years I wasted in a barbaric shithole like China, educating arrogant brats in the most racist society in Human history. Fortunately, I didn't spend the Chinese stretch of my life laboring under a delusion that my host country was civilized, as you clearly have. I took the opportunity to learn what the Shi-Na Minzoku were really about, and I have taught more about that rock-banging hive of vermin than you will ever learn.

Anyway, keep going kid. The way you weave and wind from topic to topic with nothing threading it together except junior-high one-liners is giving me some damned fine material.

You win!

Have a nice life :)

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Are you working on a book?

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Perhaps I should be. ;-)
I've been told that what I dealt with in the Jing would make one hell of a read.

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