Love in China

in #china7 years ago


Love is a universal energy and wherever you go it is always the same. Some people express love in different ways and some people have a more open love than others. In China showing your love is not as open as other countries.


I very rarely see people kiss in public which is very different to England where people passionately eat eachothers faces almost anywhere. Also I rarely see people holding hands too.

Saying 'I love you' doesn't seem to be said enough as the first time my Chinese girlfriend heard my mum say to me at the end of our video call 'love you lots, bye bye' she told me that her parents have NEVER told her they love her, which I later found out is pretty normal in China.

Sadly is seems that in China lots of young women would prefer a man with a house, car and a good job. I know lots of people will think I'm being an *sshole for saying that but honestly it's often true. Lots of parents won't allow their kids to marry a guy who doesn't have those things.

The government recently released an article advising the ladies of the country to stop waiting for Mr. Right and just settle for an 'ok' husband as the country will soon have a population of old people and not enough youngsters after the one child policy law and they think there are too many young single ladies at the moment. I was pretty shocked to read the article and find out that it was infact real and not a joke!


It's funny how cultures differ, I remember in my childhood my mother would tell me she loves me 20 times a day and even know I'm an adult now she still says it. My parents would always openly hug, kiss and be very close as they were watching tv or whatever they were doing but in China it's not like that at all. There's barely any touching at all between different genders going on, girls might hug eachother if they haven't seen eachother for a while and strangely most boys walk around everywhere with their arms around eachothers shoulders to show that they're good friends.

I talked about pets previously, how they are just pets/food here and aren't loved or considered family.
After living here for four years I've found the difference with love very strange from my perspective (an English man) as it seems almost like expressing love is abit taboo and you shouldn't do it. It seems like love is being suppressed and it's very odd. I believe love is an awesome energy and one of the best things about being human and should be expressed and shared as much as possible. But I also think love is to pure and natural to be suppressed and throughout history it always prevails :D



Read some Poems that were painted on the Tro-Tro trucks used as buses in Ghana in the sixties. They have short aphorisms about love and giving love to others with smiles and kindness. Maybe start a small market stall with cards produced of love poetry in English in romantic scenery. Apparently, and I only know a few, but young Chinese are all learning English so none cards, birthday style, get well and little loving phrases might turn profitable for you, as well as maybe start a craze or fad, whatever the kids call it today 😇 Keep on keeping on. May the blessings be.

Thanks very much for the comment! That's an awesome idea! I'm not sure a little stall would work but having an online store might :D Thanks a lot :D

''Every person that we meet is a signpost to self-discovery__'' 😉

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