Neoliberalism or exploitation in Chile
Hello, many of you will know that I am from Chile, a country with great reforms at present where more than 70% in a recent vote approved the acceptance of a new constitution.
Working hours by law exceed 45 hours a week, there are days when you have to work 13 hours in a row, as in my case, to have the approval of the company, you must give them your life in exchange for very little.
There is also a labor code that is not respected and many employers abuse their workers by making them carry more than 60 kilos on their backs or by making them sleep 3 4 hours and then go back to work.
Worker carries around 70 kilos of beef rods on his back
What do you think it is fair for a 20-25-year-old to burn out have lessons throughout his life from overworking to eat?