The DOJ's Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website & App Review
- The website allows searches* of 1, 2 or 3 miles by name or address, or an advanced search by name and address, or zip and region/territory/state. There were 53 listed in the 3-mile search around my home. You can click on each indicated pin on the map and see the photo name and address of the person. All perps are listed below the map, which shows a photo, age, aliases, home and (if available) work employment. It doesn't indicate what crime, though, so I couldn't tell if any were child molesters. You can sort the list by name, age, aliases or addresses. You can click on the people in the list, which takes you to a complete workup of the perp on the website, which includes a lot of details, other known addresses, anonymous victim info, and vehicles. In this place, you can leave a comment, submit info about the perp, and register to monitor the perp (which results in notifications about that perp being emailed to you). This makes this website an excellent resource.
NSOPW App: Android Apple - Price: Free
- Size: Android: 24 MB, Apple: 39.4 MB
- Ratings: Android: ,3.4 Apple: 2.8
- Last app update: Android: 2/1/2020, Apple: 2/3/2020
- Provided by: Institute for Intergovernmental Research
- Search options: The app allows you to search* for predators 1/4, 1/2, and 1 mile from you (no other options) but I couldn't get 1/4- & 1/2-mile searches to work. If you single-click somewhere else on the map, it can run a search from that location within the same radius. Local to map focus (starts where you are), nationwide, clickable to refocus
- Results: I found 6 in the 1 radius around my home, with an identical pin also at my home (for reference, apparently), which confused me. You can zoom in and out.
- Details given: Each perp pin can be clicked on to reveal photo, and name, but it doesn't display well on my LG K30, so I can usually only see the 1st and middle names. There is also a large grey button at the top that tells you the number of results, and clicking on that takes you to a list view. In the info for each perp, it shows a photo, full name and age, and you can click on an entry to get further info, which is also the age, gender and locations (could be home and work, current and previous homes - it doesn't say). There is a more information button at the bottom, which takes you to the relevant county/state/tribal/territorial sex offender website and that perp's info there. This is apparently done via an intermediary website,, which is part of This view is of all the data on the website and relies on your browser, so you are able to zoom in and get a good look at the perp - something that I couldn't do in the other apps.
- Other features: None.
- Thoughts: You can't do name, address, phone or email searches with this app, but if you can find a focal location anywhere on the map, you can find local perps; otherwise, it defaults to your current location. As far as I know, it doesn't show you where they are in real-time, only where they are registered as living. The app is useful as a tool despite the glitches because of the amount of data you can get about nearby sex offenders, and zoom in on the photos. The website is even more useful for learning about perps in your area.
*Search may not return results if the jurisdiction doesn't provide geographic coordinates for a perp's location.
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