Did you know children are little Gurus and wise teachers?

in #children6 years ago

Dear Steemians and seekers of wisdom and a pure life,

at the moment I am with my family which I haven't seen in one year. I spend a lot of time with my amazing little nephew, who is 15 months old. I simply love this little hero from all my heart and by playing with him, going on adventures together and just discovering life andd the world with him, I just learned so many precious lessons.

I thought to myself so often the last days: "Wow, what a wise little guy! He really knows what it means to live life to the fullest!"

And so he made me think about the times I got inspired by children and babies, which was WAY more often than by adults as I noticed.

Kids really don't care about meeting any expectations, they just live. They are happy, full of energy, never seem to worry and the look in their eyes is so pure and grateful.

They don't know hate, they don't know being burned out, they don't care about what could be wrong or right to others - they just take the adventure of life as a giant exciting and wonderful journey.

I read a lot of spiritual books, blogs and magazines and I came to the coclusion that all the things they teach you and preach are the exact same things that children bear wihin them naturally.

Yes, I came to the conclusion: Children are the best teachers (and not vice versa) and they are truly little Gurus!
If we drop the picture society gave us, that we adults have to tell them how life should be lived and what to do and how to be happy, and just watch and listen to them, we can learn the most valuable lessons you can imagine.

Kids are wise and they are able to communicate out of the depths of their little but yet so big hearts and show you the wisdom of a pure and really happy and fulfilling life.

I am so grateful my wonderful brother and his wonderful wife, who I love more than words will ever be able to express, gave life to such a wise little Guru! I am with them for one week now and I am speechless how much he already taught me!

So today I just wanted to share the knowledge of the most purest Gurus I have ever learned from in my whole life: Children!


1. Life is not yesterday and not tomorrow - Life is now!


Working, everyday's duties, appointments, worries, desires...We adultes tend to live in the past, thinking about what happened and what we could have made better, or in the future thinking about what we have to do and what will be happening.

By living our life on the fastlane of emotions, duties, thoughts and worries, we simply forget one fact that kids never forget, yes not even think about but simply live: Life is NOW! Here and now is the only thing we have! It dosen't make sense to live in another time in your head as this is not reality but just a thought. It's over or not yet there and therefore irrelevant.

If you want to truly live, simply be. Don't think about yesterday or tomorrow and absorb every moment of life in the present moment. It is the only time that matters and that can be experienced.

Thinking about the past makes us depressed or unsatisfied often and thinking about the future makes us worry or full of fear and insecurity. Those emotions and all the thinking close the door to the only thing we all strive for: A happy life!

2. Don't care about what others might think


Have you ever heard a child say things like: " Oh no, I can't wear that / do that! What might the other people say?" No? Me neither!

Kids simply don't care for adult and society things like that!
Why? Because they don't participate in this adult madness of never making any mistakes, always being exactly as society wants us to be and to never do things others might not find good or appropriate.

We always try to avoid making others angry, irritated or having negative emotions towards us and the things we say, do or wear. We do anything to get positive attention, to have our ego pushed and manipulate us and others to fit in a societies mold that dosen't make us happy most of the time, just to be part of something bigger. We always think we must meet the expectations of all the people around us to be loved, while children don't even care about that. They just know they deserve to be loved the way they are.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to never offend or irritate others by the way we are or look, it is simply unnatural and dangerous to wear a mask all the time and worry about what others might think.

We are here to be unique, to express ourselves and to give a new inspiration to this world. Even if some people might not like the way we are. But hey - we don't like all the people and their looks, ways of thinking and behaviour, too! We don't need to like everyone! We just need to accept them, no matter how they look like or are. We should gift us with the freedom of being ourselves and don't care about what others like us to be! Just like kids do!

3. Always listen to your inner voice and your needs


When kids need something, may it be food, water, attention, love, a toy or a warmer jacket, they will immediately tell or show you. They don't care about whether it is impolite to say they need it. And they will never think: "Is it ok if I tell mommy I am hungry or will she be angry as she wants to read her book at the moment?" They are hungry, so they'll tell you!

When we grow up, we start to stop telling others what we need. We might not go to mommy and tell her to give us something to eat, but we say "yes" when we mean "no", just to not offend others. We don't tell our partner what we need, as we are so insecure about whether it's our right to do so or not. And we don't listen to our inner voice, but mostly act as society expects us to do - even if that means that we have to burry our own needs and ignore our inner voice and wisdom.

This isn't only very sad but also the key to why so many people are unhappy, stressed, fighting or thinking life is hard.

But why do we consider it to be wrong to talk about our needs and wishes and to listen to our intuition, but think it is totally natural when kids do so? What makes us think we are not worth it or don't deserve it to get what we need and to live the way our heart and soul want us to?

The reason why kids are so happy and one of the most precious things to learn in life from our little Gurus is: Always care for yourself! And if you can't give yourself what you need, always ask for help. Life is about supporting us so we can all live the life we deserve and are here for. Happy, free and in (self-)love!

4. Life is about having fun!


Of course there are things we need to do and which only make us happy when we have them done as they are boring, not funny or exhausting.

But we seem to almost only do unfunny things in our adult life and forget about the essence of it - enjoying it!

Success, duties, society, traditions, expectaiotns, commitments and more make us think there is no place to play, have fun and simply be and enjoy.

But we are not here to only work, pay bills, clean the house and go to appointments. These are things we need to do to make it possible to live in a modern society. But we are never too old to play, laugh, forget about the serious side of life for a moment.

Whenever children can do so, they strive for fun, laughter and enjoying their life. And this is the reason why so many of us say at a point in their life, when the serious side more and more becomes the biggest part of their life: " I wish I was a child again!"

But it's not about being sad about not being young anymore but to never stop playing and being like a kid in our heart!

5. Miracles and magic can be found everywhere


We just need to open our hearts instead only our eyes to the world around us and experience everything with all our senses, our soul and the spark inside us that never stopped to believe in it.

When we grow up and get older we seem to lose the sense for the pure beauty of nature and life itself.

Children, however, can be totally amazed by a leaf, a flower, a stone or a cloud. They are still able to see, feel and experience the wonders we adults tend to easily overlook in our everyday's life.

When we go out into the forests or nature we should start taking the kids as a role model for a life full of magic, bliss and wonders again.

We all live in wonderland, we only need to open up our hearts and soul for it again. The door that we closed when we opened the one leading to duties and being serious.

Watch the children around you play and get inspired by them in how to find beauty and purity in everything we can see.

A sunray, the colours of the leaves, a butterfly, a raindrop on a plant - There are countless miracles to discover. And this wonderland around us dosen't know age. It only wants us to welcome it in our life again, just the way we naturally did when we were children.


Whenever you have to do with kids, may they be your own ones, from your family or friends or from strangers, just watch them and try to learn. They are so pure, open for the happy and magical side of life and self-love and bear so much wisdom inside them. If we stop thinking that we are always the wiser ones and have to teach them and start being teached by them, we can learn a lot of priceless life lessons. On the playground, in the bus, in a supermarket, in nature, in your city - there are little Gurus and wise teachers everywhere. Appreciate them and be grateful for the secrets they can reveal to you! :)

Did you learn something important or valuable from children?

Much love and bliss. Never grow up in your heart ;)

Yours Linda

Source of the pictures is Pixabay


I totally agree with your list. Being a full time mom of 3 girls gives me opportunity to learn a lot from them. Thank you for sharing ❤

Aaaaw how lovely! I bet your three little girls are the best teachers you can imagine and give you the purest love <3
Thank you so much for your comment! :)
I am glad you agree with my post as a wonderful mum of three kids! :) <3

You are very welcome! Indeed they taught me a lot of lesson. And im pretty sure i will be learning more from them.

I am very happy for you to have your three wonderful little teachers :)
So beautiul to read you appreciate them so much <3

I am sure you'll learn a lot from them and they will learn a lot from you <3

You are surely a wonderful mother :) :) :)

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Yaaaay, thank you so much dear @trufflepig!!! :)

Very, very much appreciated! :)

I am so happy you like this post and I feel very blessed :)

Much love!

Well written article @endorphoenix 😊
Children are so carefree and happy have fantastic imagination and laugh lots too, certainly something adults can learn a bit from. Every day when we wake up were reborn again into a new beginning 😊

My dear, wonderful, magical and lovely soulmate @happysmileyman <3

Thank you SO,SO much for your wonderful comment! I appreciate it so much and I am so amazed by your wisdom and love <3

I am so sorry I have so less time to chat at the moment as there is a lot of adventures, talks, visits and more with my family. But I actually think about you and send you love, light and cosmic blessings everyday! :) <3
I hope they reach you! You're such a fantastic soul, never forget that! :)

I am so excited and happy to have a great chat with you when I am back home and have more time again! :)
( I stay until 7. of May)

I give you a warm, happy, magical hug from heart to heart!
Thank you so much for being here! You're so wonderful! :)

Countless laughter, love, light, divine blessings, blue planetary storm greetings and fairy sparkles dear White Rhytmic Wizard! :)

I hope you're doing super fine and have an enchanting and precious time with a lot of colours, great vibes and love! :) <3


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