So [they]'re coming for the children with a vax they don't need, on a Jewish Holy day...
We're coming to the end of the Hebrew month of Elul... a month of repentance and asking for forgiveness in preparation for Rosh HaShanah - beginning on the evening of 6th September - and following that, Yom Kippur.
From this Sunday in Jewish communities, a special extra set of prayers for forgiveness will be added to morning prayer services. These prayers will continue past Rosh HaShanah through the 'days of awe' or 'Ten Days of Repentance' that culminate with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement on September 15th.
The following image is a screenshot of a message from Mike Yeadon, research scientist and former VP at Pfizer, forwarded in a telegram channel by Zev Zelenko.
And a description of Rosh HaShanah...
Rosh HaShanah starts the month of Tishrei... The 7th ecclesiastical month of the year. On the 10th of Tishrei, we have this interesting bit in the Wikipedia entry...
Moses had been up the mountain, and whilst he's there talking to big G, the people below have set up a golden calf and started worshipping it. Big G tells him, angry enough to wipe them out, and he pleads with big G not to have brought them out of Egypt for nothing. When Moses went back down the mountain, he got angry, chucked the stone tablets big G had written on, called for whoever was left who was still for big G - the Levites stepped up, and were asked to take a sword to their 'brother, friend and neighbour' who hadn't answered Moses call for big G over the idol they had set up and worshipped, and for this were 'set apart' (elsewhere in the handbook, that's to be made holy). Moses goes back to big G to see if he can make atonement for their sin. He says, please forgive them, or take me out of your book...
"The Lord replied to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book. 34 Now go, lead the people to the place I spoke of, and my angel will go before you. However, when the time comes for me to punish, I will punish them for their sin. 35 And the Lord struck the people with a plague because of what they did with the calf Aaron had made."
Not quite the same as the Wikipedia entry? They're not being allowed to get away with it...
Interesting that lots of us seem to have heard the call from big G that it's time for the sword of Truth/Word/the Spirit with our nearest and dearest?
But 10th Tishrei would be 16th September, and Yom Kippur too?
So, they're coming for the children with a vax they don't need, on a Jewish Holy day...
Jewish gematria for 6th September 2021