No matter what mistakes a parent has made, they should always try to utilize their influence for the well-being of their children. However, parents often forfeit their influence either by failing to realize what they have or by trying to exert power in the wrong ways.


**As children reach into adolescence, they are exposed to different layers of the social life, this exploration knowledge has been gained through different sources among these sources, their parents are the main sources of their knowledge. Parents are the most influential personality for their children. Social life is categorized in many functions layers that a person has to perform in the particular era of his age. Every child have to play his gender role in the society as it grow up and passes through various stage of its growth life cycle.(Martin, Wood, & Little, 1990).
**A child's mushrooming sense of self, or self-concept, is a result of the whole host of ideas, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs to which he or she is exposed and the knowledge stream flow around the child surroundings. This surrounding has been initiated from the parents and then it widens with the growth of the children.(Santrock, 1994).
As children moves in the larger world their social circle widens and they include the friends and other members of family and teachers and so many people who make them realize their social responsibilities and rights.
Parents are the first social teachers of their children; they teach them how to react and how to resolve the conflicts of the life and how to advance in social life. (Fagot, Leinbach, & OBoyle, 1992; Cowan & Hoffman, 1986).
When most people think of parenting, they picture changing diapers, messy feeding times, and chasing a screaming child through a crowded grocery store. But parenting goes far beyond the requirements for meeting the basic survival needs of the child, and parents have a significant influence on how children turn out, including their personality, emotional development, and behavioral habits, as well as a host of other factors. It is important for the overall development of children that parents be present enough to support them, and this support fosters confidence and growth in many areas. Here we will explore the ways parents can impact the emotional development of their children.
Furthermore, how parents address the emotions of their children and respond to them affects how expressive the children feel they can be. Reacting with criticism or dismissing the sadness or anger of a child communicates that their emotions are not valid or appropriate, which can cause children to be even more prone to those negative emotions and less able to cope with stress (Siegler et. al). Instead, guiding children’s emotions and helping them find ways to express themselves in a healthy manner helps them continue regulating their responses to challenges and even aids their academic and social competence. This sort of emotion coaching greatly helps in reducing future problem behavior in children.
In addition to being able to express their own emotions, it is important in social situations for You may think your young people could care less about what you have to say, but current research suggests that parents have a lot more influence than they realize. Not only are they listening, but more importantly, they are watching you closely and modeling their lives after you. Whether you believe it or not, parents are the biggest influence in their teens' life.

Part of parenting involves being present in a child’s life, especially during critical milestones like key birthdays, getting their driver’s license, and dating their first boyfriend or girlfriend. These rites of passage are important to most teens, and one study revealed that a parent’s inactivity or absence during those times made teens more likely to create their own moments by participating in risky behaviors such as drinking, drug use, early sexual activity, and dangerous driving.
Listen to your teen. This takes more than just hearing and involves paying close attention and genuinely caring about what they have to say. If teens do not come to their parents for advice or support when they face difficult situations in life, there’s usually a reason. Most likely, it is because the parent is not a good listener.
Consider James 1:19 (NLT) which says, “…Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” Often, young people simply need to talk and express their frustrations, questions, or concerns. Solving their problems or jumping on their faults and mistakes simply adds more stress to the situation. When they are ready for advice, they will ask for it. Until then, show them that you care for them by listening.

Areas in which parent can influence their children no matter the age
The Example We Lay: The example we set is very Paramount in the lives of our children but most parent overlooked it. No matter what mistakes have been made in the past, if a parent will admit them, seek forgiveness, and make amends, a tremendous example can be set for their children. Even if forgiveness isn’t given, by developing a healthy lifestyle (spiritual, emotional, and physical) a parent can be a positive model for children.
For an example a parents of adult children failing to utilize their role as models for their children. Many parents raise their children in church, but as soon as the kids move out of the house, the parents become lax in their faith. They foolishly believe it is more important to model faith to small children than adult children. It’s possible that modeling faith is more vital the older your children get. Then they know you are living out a true faith instead of putting on a show for them.

  1. Our Story: No one can deny you of your story. We all have experiences in life in which decisions were made, outcomes were experienced, and lessons were learned. Our stories are some of the most influential tools we have. As a parent we should leverage these tools often. However, parents often do not leverage their stories to their full potential. Instead of telling the story, they attempt to manipulate, force, or dictate the outcome they desire.
    I have an older friend who is a master at leveraging influence through story. Whenever I face a situation and seek advice, he will say, “Something like that happened to me one time…this was the situation…I did this…this was the outcome. That’s it. He won’t tell me what I should do; he won’t pretend as though there is a great moral to the story. He will simply tell the situation, tell of his decision, and tell the outcome. What I do with that is my business.(Kevin A. Thompson)
    This is how a parent of teenage or adult children should tell their stories—tell the facts, tell ur choices, tell the outcome, and empower ur children to make their own conclusions.
  2. Our Encouragement: No matter the age of a child, they never grow weary of hearing these words from their parent:
    **I love you.
    **You are capable.
    **You can do this.
    **I believe in you.
    **I’m here for you.

    Parents are far too concerned with communicating their opinion with their children and not nearly concerned enough with communicating their love and encouragement to their children. Our focus should always be on the latter.
    As someone who often speaks with people about the most serious issues of life, I am amazed at the power of parents. If we understood the level of influence we had, I’m convinced we would leverage that influence far more often.(Kevin A. Thompson)
    We may not have the control we desire, but we never lose the power to influence the lives of our children.
    Siegler, R., DeLoache, J., & Eisenberg, N. (2011). How children develop . (3rd ed.). New York: Worth Publisher
    autonomy: Prospective, longitudinal data on the role of parents in development. In J. G. Borkowski, S. L. Ramey & M. Bristol-Power (Eds.),
    Parenting and the Child’s World: Influences on Academic, Intellectual, and Social-emotional Development. Psychology Press.
    Thank you so much for your time!
    Until my next post,
    Steem on and keep smiling, people!

excellent ... I'll follow you every day and vote for you all ... do the same.

Thanks for going through the post..

I really appreciate

Excellent post! what a incredible subject, also is so well writing! congrats!

Parents must come to the understanding that their children are bound to react to the things they are exposed to out there. That is why it is very important for a parent to know when their child is in a phase or not..Without any such idea,the parent is likely to do things which are totally uncalled for. Brilliant post. I see you put in a lot of work. Bigups

Thanks for going through it bro

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