How "The Chicken Chick" Monetized Her Blog - Where There Are People, An Economy Develops

in #chickens8 years ago (edited)


A couple of years ago I left my corporate life for a simpler life-style.  We moved to a rural area and I got backyard chickens.  I didn't know much about chickens, but what I quickly learned is that chicken people love to talk about chickens, they love to show others pictures of their chickens, they love genetics and comparing breeding programs.  They are worried about chicken illnesses and how to treat them.  I had a lot of resources when learning about my new hobby.

*my own picture.. What came first the chickens, the blog or the money?

How She Was Able To Monetize her Blog On Facebook. 

On Facebook, I belong to about five different chicken groups, one for general information, a local one, one each for the specific breeds I breed and show.  Each of these groups have over 2000 followers and  The Chicken Chick has 169k+ followers.  When I started following her she was at about 10k followers.  It was at that point she started to get advertising interest.  (What?   FB doesn't support Ads by bloggers?)  Well, it seems that people who create products for chicken keepers had noticed her blog and her followers, so they would give her products for review, which quickly turned into "give-aways".  So, The Chicken Chick would post a picture of a new chicken product, the readers were asked to surf to the website of the product read about it, and "like" it.  They were then eligible to win.  At this point her blog exploded, as people wanted to win these products, vendors wanted people to see their products and this was a win/win situation.  She became so well known in chicken circles that Vets that specialized in chickens soon were contributing to her site,.. which brought on more users and vendors, etc.  This past year, The Chicken Chick was featured on a TV show about backyard chicken farmers.  It all started with a Facebook page, a cute chicken named Rachel, and a blog.  She didn't always make essay-like articles, although sometimes she did cover specific issues in a long-form article, she also would post:  "Post a picture of you favorite hen".  She posted a daily picture of her favorite hen.  She would do a little rant sometimes.  My point is her content was long, short, sometimes a meme and occasionally about other topics as well.

Another example is "Just Fowling Around".  I started following this page when they had 2k followers, they are now above 10k.

Why You Should Care

Most of you aren't interested in chickens, but you are interesting in Investment, blogging and possibly earning from what you would already be doing.  It doesn't have to be chickens, there are crazy dog owners, people who collect things.  Car enthusiasts.  Crypto enthusiasts...  All of these categories, bring us people, people bring with them an economy.  

*my own bad art

What Brings Value?

There has been much debate recently about what posts bring value.  I would argue there are people who want to read some of the long posts, some who want to see a Meme, some want to hear about Cannabis, some people care about centered pictures and grammar while others just want to read for the value of reading.  Nobody is right or wrong.  Can we as a community embrace PEOPLE?  Can each of us challenge ourselves to see that "All Content Matters"?  Just because it doesn't matter to you, doesn't mean it doesn't matter to someone.

If we want SteemIt to gain value and users we have to support other ideas, interests and styles.  


What groups or blogs do you follow and support?  I would love to hear other Internet Success Stories!  Let's talk about what works!  

Follow, Resteem, Vote - It's up to you, it is a decentralized block-chain thingy...


I also have a chicken keeping facebook page, Fresh Eggs Daily, which is actually THE largest on Facebook. I have 57,000+ fans on Instagram, and a blog that has attracted more than 50 sponsors. I have also written three top-selling books and travel the country speaking about backyard chickens. I grew my fan base 'organically' without doing giveaways (except on rare occasions), or posting nonsensical memes on Facebook, or buying likes or paying Facebook to promote my page, but instead by sharing good, solid advice on raising chickens naturally. There are lots of ways to monetize a brand and a blog. Everyone does have to find their niche. And also be able to sleep at night.
Fresh Eggs Daily

Hi, I follow you as well. I hope you will consider blogging here. Welcome.

Hi Lisa welcome to Steemit:) It would be great to have you blogging on here.

Great blog! And welcome to steemit!

Great Points... all valid

wow. I saw this as a cute helpful post to encourage others to find ways to make money from what they love. To be attacked over it is really strange to me. I didn't feel like anything you said was out of line in any way. You were sharing your opinion. Good luck. It has a lot of votes, that is for sure. I have two chickens by the way...

Thank you, for your support and I love that you have 2 chickens. What kind do you have?

We used to have nine chickens but the neighborhood association decided that chickens were "livestock" so we have to get rid of them.

Interests and blogging? What interests me about Steemit is its potential as a "social blogging" venue... blogging+community, where all sorts of content has merit... just like our home towns have a variety of shops and clubs and hobbies.

Personally, I'm a writer-- because I love the written words and sharing stories; I'm also a vintage postage stamp collector, a beach comber, a nature photographer, an artist and a few other things... all of which I add together and call "making a living."

Oh the age old are chickens pets or livestock question. This is a National Problem. ;)

It is great you are a writer. I, obviously am not! However, I am interested if you belong to groups and gangs that hold your interest and if they have become monetized?

I do belong to and/or host some specialty interest groups... but they are not monetized, at least not beyond your basic Google Adsense setup and a few amazon links.

WHAT?! I have no idea where you got the information to write about me, but if you wanted the facts, the responsible thing to do would have been to contact me and ASK ME.
You have NO idea how my advertisers came to be, what motivated giveaways or how I came to be affiliated with veterinarians. You cannot write a story about me without the facts from me as I am the only individual who knows how I have grown my brand.
I will thank you to refrain from inventing fictitious accounts about my brand in the future. The responsible thing to do would be to take down this account that has no basis in fact.

Kathy Shea Mormino
The Chicken Chick®

I would like to know what is specifically wrong or offensive about this post, and maybe you can share with us how your journey did evolve?

Apparently she's been following you for awhile. Why would you lash out at a fan that is giving your brand further exposure and tell them to delete their social networking account?

Apparently she's been following you for awhile. Why would you lash out at a fan that is giving your brand further exposure and tell them to delete their social networking account?

Some people are weird. Most people would be flattered.

If she is offended, that wasn't my intent, it is a success story. If she wants to set us straight, I would love to see her here.

@thechickenchick - I don't know if this account is real or not, but if it is, you should consider sharing your blog here as well. As you are already on multiple social networks, this one would give both you and your followers a place to interact, while earning some Steem. We could build a great Chicken Community here. :) Looking forward to discussing this with you.

Sadly @thechickenchick you're mistaken. Anyone can write anything about anyone. However you do have legal recourse. If you can demonstrate that someone's words about you are untrue and have caused you loss you will have a tort against them. Sadly, enforcing that via a platform that runs mostly on pseudonyms will be almost impossible.

Wow, that was incredible timing. Welcome to SteemIt. Please do correct me.

Don't hold your breath.

I am not. :)

I'd like to see verification of your identity 'The Chicken Chick'. Post this response on your Facebook page as proof you are who you say you are.

We just moved to a rural area ONE month ago and I built the coop(small) and getting ready to build the tractor, and then to get some chickens :D!

Now just to get my wife to join STEEM and leave linkedin, just can't be associated with me account :P.

Either you or her, could post about the coop, what chickens you get, what breeds you go with and why... etc.

She will, I am not showy off and she's got me on videos and pictures making all our furniture and the hamster cage (palace), granted all that was done in a little 2 bedroom in a cordoned dining room :D, still have to make myself a break down work table out here, but she has a way more eloquent way than I do so I know that if she comes over and just comments here and there she will have a way bigger following than my "technique".

lol - responding here due to nesting.

Okay, understood, send her my way! :)

I've followed you, so please introduce her when she comes. :)

No, under no circumstance will I blow my identity and least have her associated with my commenting :D :D :D, it's a prerequisite for being a trollminator, but I will point her your way if she does come.

Congratulations on your new place! Come visit my site Fresh Eggs Daily. Tons of great information.

We found a nice place in town (5 min from us) that sells a dozen for 2.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All we do is bring back the cartons, but we are slowly building our homestead up, fencing, making the gate (timberframe/roof) and then starting the food forest! I will bookmark the website as I have no idea about chickens other than seeing them run around and get slaughtered at my grandparents place so I have some reading to do for sure.

Awesome post. I recently heard an interview with a successful blogger who said that getting an audience these days is about finding the right niche (at least at the beginning) - with Steemit each individual blog has the possibility of doing that. I think one of the problems is that people are only looking at things that they like and not considering the vast possibilities. Part of it is about getting the word out and connecting. Even if you aren't interested in a subject if you see a well done post you should share it on other social media. It all helps us.

That's very true. We each have our own voice and spin on things and you just need to find YOUR niche and you'll start connecting with like-minded individuals.

I am really happy to see you here. I hope you will consider doing some blogging here. We chicken lovers are lonely here.

This is wrong on so many levels...I have been a fan of the Chicken Chick for years and she works her tail off for her brand. Anyone who has a successful blog, written books, and created a brand like she has, does not deserve the belittling of their hard work that you just gave her. Now you're in a pickle though... she has asked you to cease and desist by removing this post but you can't because it's on the blockchain. What's really interesting is that if you had payed any attention to her blog at would know that she used to be an attorney. Hmmm, I guess all content does matter!

Someone who 'used to be an attorney' didn't write that post. I promise you that.

Yawn, so what that she used to be a fucking attorney, gamgams used to be a ballerina, this is the internet, and your opinion is about as correct as her's is, can you be specific when you say "belittling of their hard work"?
GUESS WHAT, tough luck being specific with that, just as she wasn't specific at all about what facts she was talking about, why? Because if she could she would and she didn't chose to do that, instead she wanted to make it seem like "omg the only way you can write about anybody is by going to the horse's mouth" as if the internet gives a fuck about what you think people can and can't do and what they can and can't write. A gracious PROVE ME WRONG, but we all know, you can't PROVE SHIT but dare me to prove any of my intrepid insinuations:
That you can write what the fuck you want on the internet about who the fuck you want.
That you are mouthing off an opinion as fact when you say "belittling of their hard work" and then try to tie it in to legality.
So laughable, so comical, why did you stand up to defend her when she couldn't do a damn job of defending shit, and she's an ex attorney (WTF THAT MEANS IS BEYOND ME, is she or is she not an attorney?)

I should have added, that Disclaimer: WITHOUT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES. Defamation my balls, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?

By the way, she didn't make that comment. I am glad you are a fan. I posted this in chat and 5 min. later the she magically shows up? lol, this is someone pulling my leg.

I also like her, and I didn't say anything bad about her.

This is wrong on so many levels...I have been a fan of the Chicken Chick for years and she works her tail off for her brand. Anyone who has a successful blog, written books, and created a brand like she has, does not deserve the belittling of their hard work that you just gave her.

What exactly is wrong here? Where is the belittling. Further belittling is not illegal even if it were.

Now you're in a pickle though... she has asked you to cease and desist by removing this post but you can't because it's on the blockchain.

Cease and desist what? ROFL.

As I am sure you are aware @thecryptofiend.. She is a public figure. I had no intent on harming her. I respect her. There is nothing wrong with my post. :)

Thanks for the support.

O, you are wrong on about every level of your post, especially about the blockchain. As if people cannot correct shit, as if this shit is set in stone. Laughable.

Excellent narrative! ☆☆☆☆☆🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳

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