Steemit Chess Tournaments by @bmwaso : All levels, full fun, and price money to win! (German-English)

in #chess8 years ago (edited)

Mit diesem Post erlaube ich mir die Steemit Schach Turniere von @bmwaso mit seinem Einverständniss zu promoten.

With this post I allow myself to promote the Steemit chess tournaments of @bmwaso with his consent.


  • Wir spielen zweimal in jeder Woche (Dienstag und Sonntag)
  • Der Schachserver ist: (kostenlos, einfache Anmeldung mit Email Adresse)
  • Die Teilnahme ist natürlich kostenlos und unverbindlich
  • Die Termine werden mit einem online Wahlverfahren (ohne Anmeldung) durch die Teilnehmer mit Mehrheitsbeschluß gewählt
  • Spielmodus ist: 7 Minuten plus 1 Sekunde pro Zug, Dauer 60 Minuten
  • Der Link zu dem aktuellen Turnier wird eine Stunde vorher mit Paßwort in einigen Kanälen gepostet.

  • We play twice a week (Tuesday and Sunday)
  • The chess game is: (free, easy registration with email address)
  • Participation is, of course, free of charge and non-binding
  • The dates are decided by an online voting procedure (without registration) by the participants by majority vote
  • Game mode is: 7 minutes plus 1 second per turn, duration 60 minutes
  • The link to the current tournament is posted one hour before with password in some channels.

Hier ist der Link zu der Vorplanung zum nächsten Turnier:

Here is the link to the preliminary planning for the next tournament:

Bitte nimm dir eine Minute Zeit um an beiden Abstimmungen teilzunehmen: Tag und Zeit

Dein Vote auf meinem Post oder auf dem Post von @bmwaso trägt zur Erhöhung des Preisgeldes bei.

Die gesammten SBD meines Posts gehen an den Fond für die Preisgelder!

Besonders möchte ich hervorheben, dass @bmwaso nach dem Turnier eine kleine Reportage über den Spielverlauf macht und im Kommentarbereich weiterer Austausch der Spieler stattfinden kann.

Please take a minute to participate in both votes: day and time

Your vote on my post or on the post from @bmwaso contributes to the increase of the prize money.

The entire SBD of my post goes to the fund for the prize money!

I would like to emphasize that @bmwaso after the tournament makes a little reportage about the course of the game and in the comment area further exchange of the players can take place.

Update: Sunday - 06/08/2017 at 14:00 GMT. (16.00 German Time)

Allen Teilnehmern ein gutes Spiel und viel Erfolg!
All participants a good game and a lot of success!

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

photo by @schamangerbert: my Arabic chess set

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Great report. Thank you so much for helping the project grow :) with your help the prize money will increase so much :D

It is my pleasure to make it grow, I like the game and your way to organize it!
I will update the link when you make the final post for the next tournament.

I just posted the date&time announcement post. Tomorrow I will post updated Rules&Format and Saturday updated prize pool post(thx to you prize pool will grow).

That's awesome :D

And, are you joining? Come on try it :)

chess is my best i m a small player but some play good

We may play now for test:

The first who clicks it will get the game!

nice, however i suck at chess haha

Wow sir very nice info and tip i don't know how to play chess but now the tournament is on so i should try to learn it.

You have 2 1/2 days :) good luck!

I will test my chess skills ;)


do you want to play now?
I may sent you a link to a game

Wow! It's very interesting!)

Awesome, upvoted! I've had my eyes on playing the tournament three times, but holidays with the kids currently make it very difficult. Looking forward to the next one!

You will make it one day :) Now we had 6 players today, it is growing .)

I will, good to see it growing steadily :). Thanks for the reply!

Great information! But I don't know how to play Chess at all :(

nice sir u r the chess master its a wonder full game only for genius....i was stollen my paswrd other account therefor i cant comment u yesterday and now start this new and follow u ,follow me my this account..
for our always touch like allways i post about introduce on my this blog...@shahzaib is my other acount which now closed

This time you should not post stolen pictures again, try to be your own!

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