Chess problem 61 / Schachaufgabe 61

in #chess7 years ago (edited)


Hi, chess fans! This time I created an artificial chess position for you again. Even if it didn't arise in a real chess game, it closely reminds on one of these typical attacking situations in which we feel that we could win if we just were able to find the correct variation ...
In order to avoid missing possible victories again and again at the crucial moments, let's practice a little bit: now it's on you to find the winning moves for white - have fun! :)


Hallo Schachfreunde! Diesmal habe ich wieder eine künstliche Schachstellung für euch kreiert. Obwohl sie nicht in einer realen Schachpartie entstand, erinnert sie doch sehr an eine der typischen Angriffssituationen, in denen wir fühlen, dass wir gewinnen könnten, wenn wir doch nur die richtige Variante finden würden ...
Damit es nicht immer wieder geschieht, in den entscheidenden Momenten mögliche Siege zu verpassen, lasst uns ein wenig üben: Nun ist es an euch, die Gewinnzüge für Weiß zu entdecken - viel Spaß! :)

FEN: 3q1r1k/5pp1/1nb1pN1p/3pP2Q/6RP/3np1P1/5R1K/8 w - - 0 1

White to move:
Weiß am Zug:


Sooorry I was wrong!

I can't find a mate, but if whites play knight E8, after QxE8 Rf6
If black captures, Qxh6 #

So the best movement is G6 and after Qxh6, Kg6, R(f)xg6, Fxg6, Rxg6 and whites have to sacrife their Queen and lose the knight after Qxg6 playing with advantage.

I'm just getting started with chess, maybe I'm wrong, I tried my best :)

Also Rxg7 leads to a draw, after Qg4 the king moves to H8 and Qh5 endlessly or otherwise it's a checkmate.
But I don't think a draw is the solution hehe, just mentioning it in case it's correct :)

Tried my best!

  1. Ne8 Qxe8
  2. Rf6 g6
  3. Qxh6+ Kg8

Can white win now?

Yes, White can with 4. Rg5. The idea is to play 5.Rh5 next - if the rook is taken then the mate sequence is 6.Qg5+ Kh8/h7 7.Rh6 mate!
If Black plays 1...Bxe8 (idea: 2.Rg5 Nxe5! 3.Rh5? Ng4! check and the queen on h6 will be taken on next move) instead of 1...Qxe8 (idea: Qd8 keeps in touch with rook on f6 to enable the defence Nxe5 as shown) then 2.R5xg6 wins as the rook on f8 is unprotected now (no queen on e8!)
If this is the right solution 1.Ne8 is a wonderful move and very hard to be seen :-)

After Rg5, Nxf2 and nothing is threatened. Blacks can promote their pawn peacefully while drinking soda and there is no way to avoid it unless whites move one of the pieces threatening a checkmate, losing the game.

Good objection :-) If I play 5. h5 then? Blacks position is pretty cramped and I don't see a defence against 6.hxg6 and mate soon. In that case White will drink soda :-)
By the way: One white rook is on f6, so there is no piece taking on f2. The whole line we discuss is:
1.Ne8 Qxe8
2.Rf6 g6
3.Qxh6+ Kg8
4.Rg5 now if
a) 4...Nf2 5.h5
b) 4...Nxe5 5.Rxe5 renewing the threat Rh5

  1. h5! wins even faster!

After Kg8,

1)Rxg6 + Fxg6
2)Rxg6 + Qxg6
3)Qxg6 + Kh8

But I think the best solution (taking into account blacks are about to promote a pawn and can defend the position) is a draw like this:

1)Rxg7+ HxG7
2)Qg4+ Kh8
3)Qh5 (again threatening mate in one) + Kg7 (to avoid the mate) and so on...

Is it an unavoidable draw if black plays correctly?

No! The aim is to win as white! :)

@jaki01 I'm 99.9% sure this is a draw. Since no one has answered yet, I had plenty of time to study this game and even downloaded a chess program to my computer and it says this game is a draw, after that I asked a friend from Canada who is 1900 ELO (not a lot but still better than me) and he couldn't see a mate either. After that I asked GM Vallejo (it was a great honor for me that he answered,lol) and he said this.

In English it means "Hello, I don't know. It's easy to make a draw here..but if a computer doesn't find a solution...I don't think I can."

Sorry haha, I did everything I could, but at the end of the day it seems like the right solution is a draw unless black pieces make a mistake. I couldn't have figured this out by myself, but this puzzle blew me out of the water, very difficult...

Going to sleep now that I finally found the answer, thank you for making me think a lot to solve this puzzle :)

@jaki01 I'm 99.9% sure this is a draw.

Please check the solution above!
Greetings to GM Vallejo. :-)

Maybe it's a belated Aprils fool joke 🤪
Now that I know that far superior players also don't seem to find the solution I can stop thinking - or is use it as extra motivation? :D
Well, I will give it a few more minutes with my afternoon coffee!

Just check the solution above. :)

I meant Rxg7 already corrected it.

Morgen :)

Habe mich jetzt beim Kaffee einige Zeit daran probiert, was besseres als diese Stellung wo ich ein Unentschieden erzwingen kann, geht sich aber nicht aus für mich :/

Nachdem der weiße Turm von g4 den schwarzen Bauern von g7 schlägt, schlägt der schwarze König den Turm - danach setzte ich mittels Dame von h5 auf g4 schach und es ergibt sich folgendes Bild:


Der König hat mit h8 ja eh nur eine Fluchtmöglichkeit. Etwas gefährlicheres als mit der Dame von g5 auf h4 zurückzuziehen, um mit der Bedrohung von h6 ein Matt anzudrohen, fällt mir aber nicht ein.


Schwarz sieht diese Bedrohung jedoch und geht mit dem König von h8 wieder auf g7 und wir sind wieder bei der Ausgangssituation. Mittels der Wiederholung dieses Spiels kann ich zwar das Unentschieden erzwingen, eine Siegoption finde ich jedoch keine.

Bin gespannt, wie du oder jemand anderes hier gewinnt :) Schönen Tag!

This is also the solution I keep getting, a draw....

Great chessboard by the way :) I used to have one like this when I wasa child and didn't even know how to play chess, and my best friend at that time put it under a car and guess what happened next.... Since that day he was not my friend anymore haha.
(Not true, I got mad for 1 week and talked to him again)

Actually it's just a small and old one - But it was great for the beach with my dad - and it fits smoothly on my kitchen table (tried Jaki's quiz while enjoying breakfast) :D

Have a nice day - looking forward to who is smarter than us here and finds the solution :P

It sounds very relaxing! And I hope Magnus Carlsen doesn't have Steemit haha :)

Freut mich, dass dich meine Schachaufgaben beschäftigen. :)

Wie du richtig erkannt hast, sichert 1. Txg7 Weiß ein Unentschieden. Das ist aber nicht das Ziel hier ... :)

Ich weiß, dass es nicht das Ziel ist :D Ich weiß aber leider auch, dass ich die Lösung nicht zusammenbringe :(

Kannst du vielleicht einen kleinen Tipp rausgeben, bevor du auflöst? :)

EDIT: Hab jetzt noch mit Turm von g4 auf g6 als ersten Zug durchprobiert, sah vielversprechend aus - aber auch da gelingt mir nichts zwingendes danach.

Bin in den nächsten Stunden ziemlich beschäftigt, werde aber dann (später) noch mal einen Tipp geben, falls niemand das Problem bis dahin gelöst haben sollte. :)

Bin gespannt - nocht nicht gesehen bei deinen Posts, dass so lange keine Lösung kam :) - also hast du wohl gut gewählt!

Es gab schon ab und zu ein paar ziemlich harte Nüsse, aber der Schwierigkeitsgrad wechselt (absichtlich) von Aufgabe zu Aufgabe ...

  1. Sg8! Txg8 (Kxg8 2.Dxh6 g6 3.Txg6 fxg6 4. Dxg6+ Kh8 5. Dh6+ Kg8und 6. Tf6 nebst matt in 2)
  2. Txf7 und Gewinn (der Einschlag auf g7 nebst Dxh6+ ist nicht zu verhindern, 2...Df8 3.Txf8 und Gewinn)

1...exf2 2. Sxh6

  1. Sg8 Sxf2
  2. Sxh6 Sxg4+
  3. Sxg4+ Kg8
  4. Sf6+ gxf6
  5. Dg4+ Kh7
  6. Dh5+ Kg7
  7. Dg4+ Kh6 und Schwarz gewinnt.

h5 g4!
g7 h8
g4 e2
Black is in sorrow now…
when d3xf2
then Qe2
the white Queen will be always 2 steps before exitus of black king. Whatever black will do…
No more chance.

  1. Txg7 Kxg7
  2. Qg4+ Kh8
  3. Qe2 Nxf2
  4. Qxe3 Qxf6
  5. exf6 Ng4+ and black wins.

A good problem and I hope a genius will solve this and win the contest!


Great and amazing game.
I love to play chess.
Its my favourite game.

Thanks @jaki01 for sharing this post.

Upvoted + resteemed your post.

Haha this chess game reminds me of my childhood we used to have a Logo and QBasic Practical in our computer labs of our school and I used to choose the very last desk of the lab and I and my best friend we used to paint or play chess and when sir used to say what are you both doing then we used to pretend and say sir that we have completed 3 practicals of logo and we are now with the QBasic Practical work but we used to paint for half and hour and the other half an hour we used to play chess in our school computer though we both dint knew C of chess but still used to play randomly and the rest was no one used to win...

Best part I still don't know how to play chess so sorry @jaki01 no idea about the moves hahaha

You may check out the rules. :)

Thankyou @jaki01 its helpful guide ...Lets learn then ...Tough for me cause am a beginer..I surely update about my practice hahahaha lol 😂😂😂

Thanks for your chess article. It is a good work
Thanks @jaki01
have a great day

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