Chess problem 47 / Schachaufgabe 47steemCreated with Sketch.

in #chess7 years ago (edited)


Hi, chess fans! :) The problem which you have to solve today is an own composition. The idea is to show, how important the mobility of ones own pieces is in chess. Even if black has quite some material advantage, his fate is already sealed because of his immotile and cramped pieces. Now it's on you to prove that black is already lost - how can white win?


Hallo Schachfreunde! :) Die Stellung, mit der ihr es diesmal zu tun habt, ist eine Eigenkreation, die dazu dient, zu zeigen, wie wichtig Figurenmobilität im Schach ist. Schwarz bekommt die Unbeweglichkeit und Eingeengtheit seiner Figuren schmerzhaft zu spüren, denn obwohl er einiges an Material mehr besitzt, ist sein Schicksal bereits besiegelt. Jetzt liegt es an euch, das zu beweisen - also wie gewinnt Weiß?

FEN: 6br/ppp1Kpnk/6p1/PPP2PPq/3Q1P1p/5p1P/5P2/8 w - - 0 1

White to move: / Weiß am Zug:


Solution - the only one. :)

Here now the only solution, found by @greatwolf:

  1. Qxg7+! Kxg7
  2. f6+ Kh7
  3. b6! cxb6 (3. ... axb6 4. c6! with the same idea like in the main variation.)
  4. a6! bxa6
  5. c6 Qg4! (That's the only way to get some counterplay.)
  6. hxg4 h3
  7. c7 h2
  8. c8Q h1Q
  9. Qf8! (Now it's over because of the threat Qg7#.) Qe1+
  10. Kd8 Qd2+
  11. Kc8 Qc3+
  12. Kb8 ...

    And now black has no reasonable check anymore:
    12 . ... Qc8+
  13. Kxc8 a5
  14. Qg7#

Very nice chess problem which combines several ideas, like restricting the mobility of the opponent's pieces by means of a brilliant queen sacrifice, and a pawn break through with underpromotion into a new queen.

Qxg7+, Kxg7, f6+, Kh7, b6(doesn't matter how black captures, eg. axb then c6!, if cxb then a6!). After one of the pawns queen, Qf8 follows with mate on g7.

  1. Qxg7+ Kxg7
  2. f6+ Kh7
  3. b6 cxb6
  4. a6 bxa6
  5. c6 Qg4
  6. hxg4 h3
    Who wins now?

Just got back from meetup and saw reply. Hmm, ok in this case a possible sequence could go like this: c8=Q, h1=Q, Qf8, Qe1+, Kd8, Qd2+, Kc8. From here Qc1+ or Qc3+ white replies with Kb7. If Qc2+ then Kb8. In either case, black runs out of useful checks while white is ready to mate on g7.

That was great, wolf! ;-)

  1. Kf8 Ne8 2.f6 and black is in zugzwang, black cannot move his knight because it is the only piece that defend the checkmate. If black plays:
    2... a6 3. bxa6 bxa6 4. c6
    2... b6 3. cxb6 (or axb6) cxb6 (axb6) 4. a6 (or c6) and White is going to crown a queen
    Other variant could be:
  2. Kf8 Nxf5 2.Qf6 and black has the same problems that in the first variant.

I like this kind of position, they teach you so much

Looks great. I think in the second variation you mean 1. Kf8 Nxf5 2. Qf6, right?
This time we have a quiet solution which you found and a more spectacular attack which @greatwolf found, but still didn't show me the final position. :)

Edit: as @greatwolf pointed out, after 1. Kf8 f6 black wins (check my reply to his last comment here).
Nevertheless you did very well, too: your idea tricked me so that I suddenly thought my problem had a second solution. Sorry for the confusion caused, next time I should be more thoroughly again!

I have to ask, what happens if black just plays f6 instead after Kf8?

@greatwolf, you saved my chess problem!
Actually when I composed it I only had one solution in mind, the one which you found! And yes, I thought I had checked it well enough. However, when @juanmi96 posted his idea, I suddenly thought "Damn, there is a second solution, but I have to accept that, and it looks nice, too!"
(I didn't check it thoroughly enough to verify it before I declared his solution as 'correct', too, neither by 'biobrain' nor by chess software - sorry for the confusion caused. :-) )
But you are completely right: After 1.Kf8 f6 black wins, and to be honest, I am happy that my little chess problem has one solution only ...

Yes, you are right Nxf5, sorry.

  1. Kf8 Nxf5 2. Qf6 a6 3. bxa6 bxa6 4. c6 Qg4 5. hxg4 a3 6. gxf6 a2 7. Qg7++
    4. ... Qxg5 5. fxg5 Ng3 6. Qg7++
    4. ... Qh6 5. gxh6 Kxh6 6. Qxh8+ Bh7 7. Qf6 Bg8 8. Kxg8 Ne7+ 9. Kf8 Nf6 10. Qh8++

Your notation doesn't make any sense after move 4. do you mean hxg, h3? Also what is axf6??

Nice combination of stalemate theme and breakthrough idea of 3 against 3 pawns. Applause for your creativity.

King f8 then queen g7? Can't see much black can do without loosing major pieces like a queen or a horse..


  1. Kf8 f6! (That's even winning for black, as pointed out by @greatwolf.)

Well kimg eats knight I guess, looks an easy game after eith white pressing from everywhere but can't find the exact solution :p

  1. Kf8 Ne8
  2. Kxe8 gxf5.

Edit: as already mentioned, after 1. Kf8 f6 black wins.

Als fortgeschrittener Schach-Laie würde ich folgendes versuchen:

  • Dame d4-e5: damit schütze ich gleichzeitig meinen Bauer auf f5 und bedrohe den schwarzen Bauer auf c7 und verhindere auch dass die Dame in Bedrohung kommt, falls schwarzer Springer zum späteren Zeitpunkt (z.B. wenn mein Bauer auf f5 weiter geht) auf e6 ausweichen sollte.

Ne, das war nix, mein Bauer auf f5 hat eine doppelte Bedrohung durch Springer und Bauer auf g6

  • Bauer f5-f6: damit entgehe ich der doppelten Bedrohung und greife den schwarzen Springer an. Dieser Bauer ist nun dreifach abgesichert.

  • Weicht der schwarze Springer jetzt auf e6, dann gehe ich mit Dame von d4-d5 und greife damit gleichzeitig den Springer und Bauer auf b7 an.

  • Schwarz könnte nun mit Bauer c7-c6 kontern und die Dame attackieren. Dann würde ich mit meinem Bauer b5 auf c6 schlagen. Das wird dann von Schwarz mit b7-c6 erwidert.

  • Meine Dame schlägt den schwarzen Bauer auf c6 und macht damit im weiteren verlauf den Weg frei für Umwandlung von zumindest das Bauern auf der C-Linie.

So, und ab hier habe ich nicht mehr weiter geplant. :-)

Wenn du 1. f6 spielst, folgt Sf5+ bei gleichzeitigem Angriff auf die Dame, und Schwarz gewinnt.
Der oberste Kommentar zeigt dir die Lösung. :)

Ach danke, wieder was dazu gelernt.

This is one of the best puzzles I've seen from you @jaki01. Well done.

Thanks! :)


Whole variations please ... :-) (You know the game already.)

Actually Kf8 is very bad move.

Kf8, e6
e6, Bd5+
Ke7, Nf5+ white loses queen

e6 is not possible!
@greatwolf already found the solution.

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