Space advantage leading to a winning maneuver.
A game fragment from one of my online games, here I get a space advantage and exploit it with a very nice maneuver that then won the game for me. This is the interesting part of the game presented here.

Taken from a game.
White and black both have isolated d-pawns but white has an advantage, the advantage comes from his overweight in space.
Black will suffer from a cramped position.
12.-b5 13.Qd4 Nf5 14.Bxf6 Bxf6 15.Qe4+ Ne7 16.Nd4 0-0

This is the position where I found a very nice maneuver.

17.-Nxc6 18.dxc6 Re8?

Re8 lose immediately, which was the biggest concern I had about playing 17.Nc6, but it works tactically.

19.-Qxc7? 20.Qxe8 Not really better, this loses a rook, as in the game.
19.-Rxe4 20.cxd8=Q Bxd8 21.Nxe4

was the game, there was a little more, but nothing of interest
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many people finds this game very interesting and respected
but its so bad that i still have no idea how to play the game
Well it should never be to late to learn.
you are right
i can have you as my teacher and mentor :)
Well I do write hopefully instructional articles here, beyond that I could be willing to teach, but that will not be free.
:D great