Chess: annotated game with explosive finish

in #chess6 years ago

A nice game I played on lichess

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. d3 Bc5 5. O-O d6 6. Be3 Bb6 7. a4 O-O 8. c3 Bg4 9. h3 Bxf3

This seems like a strange decision, but perhaps it is not a mistake by itself.
But it leaves white with the bishops.

10. Qxf3 h6 11. b4?! Ne7?

Here my opponent had missed that I can win a pawn with Bxh6, however I also missed this tactic.

12. Nd2? Ng6?! 13. Bb3?! Kh7?

Moving the king up to h7 seems perhaps a bit early in this position.
But I think white has stronger than my Bc2, I was not playing for any immediate win, just putting my bishop on a
good square.

14. Bc2?! c6?! 15. d4 Bc7 16. Qe2? Qe7? 17. Rae1? Rae8?! 18. Qd3 Rd8 19. f4?! exf4?

I was very surprises by this capture, but f4-f5 does not seem to hold much for black.

20. Bxf4 d5??

This move is a catastrophe, even if I did not exploit it, just allowing me to play e4-e5 with no
challenge seems like a terrible idea,
I did not see exd5! during the game, although I think that should lead to a very pleasant position for

21. e5? Ng8?

I don't really any much better option that this, although it does short his king of squares.

22. Re3 Qe6? 23. h4 h5? 24. Bg5? Nh6? 25. Bxh6 Kxh6?! 26. Rf5? Nxh4?

This is the key position I wanted to discuss, I spent some time thinking here,
I decided that Rf6 has to win, I saw his king moving to f4, and I did not really see how he could defend
the position after some constructive move Kh2 or Qd3.

27. Rf6+ gxf6? 28. Qh7+ Kg5 29. Rg3+ Kf4 30. Qd3?! Qg4?! 31. Qe3# 1-0

One thing I would say, try not to move your king into the center of the board!

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