Chess, A game annotation, some tactical ideas included

in #chess6 years ago

A game I just played on lichess
I managed to play this game without a lot of mistakes, I think only Bxf7 was a clear mistake.
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Nxb4

not the most accurate move, however white needs to not play 5. Nxe5? since 5... Qf6 and black has a clear edge
6.d4 does nothing to help since 6... Bxd4 7.Qxd4 Nxc2+, leading to a win for black

5. c3 Nc6 6. d4 exd4 7. cxd4 Bb4+ 8. Bd2 Qe7?

This is an uncommon move, the normal move is Bxd2+ and since this is not developing a bishop or knight black looses time here.

9. O-O Bxd2 10. Nbxd2 d6?! 11. Re1?! Bg4? 12. Qb3 Na5?

This move is an unfortunate mistake dropping a piece to tactic Qa4+ or Qb5+ which the computer seems to prefer

13. Qa4+?! Nc6 14. d5 Bd7 15. dxc6 Bxc6 16. Qb3 h6??

Again not developing a piece, also this does nothing to combat the white initiative in the center

17. e5 O-O-O?

White pushed the e-pawn restricting black more, queenside castling seems dangerous since white has a lot of firepower
that can quickly be directed against the black queenside.

18. Bxf7? d5?!

Bxf7 might be a little to greedy, clearly a mistake, however not enough to touch whites advantage, d5 tries to trap the bishop seems like a
reasonable move.

19. Bg6?! Qe6 20. Bd3 Ne7?

Finally developing that knight, but now is a bit late, white has a quick attack on the queenside.

21. Nd4 Qg4?! 22. N2f3 Rhf8

White stabilized his position with this knight move, the rook move puts some pressure on, but white can kick the black queen

23. h3 Qh5 24. Rab1 Qe8

Qe8 tries to defend, but that is not enough

25. Nxc6 Qxc6 26. Rec1 Qb6 27. Qa3

now it is very hard to defend this position.

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