The time I met Cher!

in #cher7 years ago

Let me take you back to the early fall of 1999 and I had just turned 12 years old. I had recently dealt with some oral surgery at the Children's Hospital in my area, a place I had visited many times as a child. I don't remember exactly how I was told, but I had been chosen along with maybe 5 other kids who frequented the hospital to receive backstage passes to Cher's Believe tour in my city. I didn't know a lot about Cher other than her song " Believe " that was popular at that time, but never the less I was excited. This would have been my first (wait, it was my only) concert. I was going to get 5th row seating and got to meet Cher!

My stepmother began playing Cher songs, making me watch every movie she starred in and educating me on Cher history. I got more and more excited, thinking that I was ready for her to quiz me on her movies and songs! Before I knew it, the time had come and I was super nervous and excited.

The day of the concert had finally arrived! Our neighbors were big fans and happened to have gotten tickets too, so my dad split a limo cost with them for our 45 minute drive to the stadium. The whole ride there, our neighbors and my stepmother and I discussed Cher and they showed me the many albums and collectible items that they had (and expected me to get signed for them). When we arrived, we went our separate ways as I was given my VIP backstage pass lanyard and taken to my seat. It was still going to be a bit before Cher was to be on stage, and Cindi Lauper was supposed to be opening for her so I was excited about that. Sadly though, we found out that Cindi wasn't able to be there and another act took her place (though I can't remember who it was..). After the act was done, a security guard came to get me, my stepmother and the other children who were gifted the backstage passes and were lead backstage. I was so excited, lugging the pile of items my neighbors asked me to get signed and a giant sunflower I had picked from our garden from her. We waited in line for a while, as others had their turn in Cher's dressing room. As I waited in line, a security officer chuckled as he looked at the albums next to me. " Just to warn you, she isn't going to look like that when you see her " he chuckled again, pointing at the album. I smiled nervously in response and continued to wait.

Finally, it was my turn! I was so excited and nervous as I slowly tiptoed into her dressing room. She was dressed in a huge costume, her hair looked ten feet tall and her dress looked amazing. I slowly walked towards her and she opened her arms bringing me into a hug. Cher hugged me!! I smiled nervously bringing my hands towards her to present her with my giant sunflower, and a little Chuck E Cheese figurine of that chick that looks like a duck that sings. Cher smiled as she took both gifts. I don't remember what she said about the sunflower, but I do remember she was amazed at how big it was as she placed it on her vanity. She looked upon the little birdie figure that my little sister asked me to give her and asked " Is this supposed to be me? " and smiled. I looked up at her and smiled nervously nodding my head because I didn't really know what to say. The rest is kind of a blur, I was in shock most of the time that Cher hugged me and that I was actually meeting a huge celebrity. She gave me a cool VIP pack of items and signed each one. A teddy bear, a poster, CD and then she signed my backstage pass before sending me on my way. Sadly, I had completely forgotten about the stack of albums that my neighbors had sent me in with and didn't get any of them signed. I still feel bad to this day about it, but I was in total shock so its to be expected to be forgetful.

The rest of the night was a blast. The concert was amazing. Her outfits were amazing. I didn't even care that I was being yelled at by people behind me for standing on a chair so I could see (I'm only 4'11.. was shorter then lol).

Well that's my story, hope you enjoyed it! :)

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