Stop Chemtrails Digest #2
Stop Chemtrails! Don't Ignore Them! Act! It Is Our Planet! It Is Our Future!
Digest of recent posts tagged with #geoengineering:
- Geoengineering / Chemtrails photoreport - Portugal by @zedikaredirect
- Geo-Engineering & Chemtrails. LOOK UP ! by @jimbobbill
- Why do I think "they" really are changing the weather?! by @em3di
- CHANGING the WEATHER (and REALITY) with ORGONE MAGIC by @mango369
- Are You Gonna Believe Me, Or Your Lyin' Eyes? by @lifeworship
- Geo-enginnering.... by @ameliasarmy
- Stratospheric Aerosol Injection by @ervin-lemark
- North West Florida: Lots of Geo Engineering Today by @jamesc
- Chemtrails: The Truth And The Conspiracy Theory by @lifeworship
stop the #hysteria
Dear @valiozzi, thank you very much for your reply.
Yes, let us stop the hysteria. And the chemtrails.
Good luck stopping something imaginary
Thank you!