Stop Chemtrails Digest #7
Stop Chemtrails! Don't Ignore Them! Act! It Is Our Planet! It Is Our Future!
Digest of recent posts tagged with #chemtrails and #geoengineering:
- Open Source Alchemy Project is launching a documentary film! by @paulomalley
- Chemtrails over the city of Vila Nova de Gaia - 03/16/2017 by @paulocouto
- This isn't what the sky is supposed to look like !!! by @jimbobbill
- GeoEngineering aka Solar Radiation Management - LiveStream Rant by @titusfrost
- World Wide Wake Up Tour With David Icke Is Coming To Ljubljana This Sunday by @ervin-lemark
Resteem, spread the word! It is our duty to our children to speak out!
Cover photo by @jimbobbill taken from this post - thank you!