What can we do at Steemit about Geo-Engineering

in #chemtrails8 years ago (edited)

Chemtrails (Geo-Engineering) is a health risk to everything in our environment. But thankfully, we have a powerful tool called Steemit. We can use this tool to help stop this mess dead in its tracks.

Chemtrails is a health risk to virtually every citizen in the world. Chemtrail activity has been spotted in every country under the United Nations. Thanks to social media and public attention, more people are willing to talk about chemtrails in effort to understand and stop the threat. It is now time we put the next technological breakthrough together with social media and build a force to be reckoned with.

It’s simple. Post our ideas, document our actions, vote on everything and receive feedback. Additionally, combine this with rewards. We can all have our own media shows as this is all being automatically and seamlessly monetize for us. Our viewers don't even have to look at Ads. Also, invest in Steemit to get voting power; voting power gives you a cost-free vote that will count in determining who gets paid and how much.

We are fighting large propaganda campaigns, but this is huge boost for the good guys. Please read on…

If you're not sure about chemtrails, watch some videos. Watch the Arizona chemtrail meetings! This really put a new perspective on my views. The people of Arizona are getting hit hard. There is lots of footage from many sources. It is one of those things, it is too widespread to be fake. Many of the people are reporting they have extremely high levels of Barium, and are also finding Strontium, and Aluminum in their blood. This is a Nano size free-formed Aluminum that does not occur in nature. The Aluminum, due to its small size, can cross the blood-brain barrier and penetrate air filters. There is more evidence linking aluminum to Alzheimer's disease and this is devastating to the environment especially the bugs, and the trees. My heart goes out to the people of Arizona.

The United States Air Force has been implicated in Chemtrails. It is not so hard to believe, according to its very own declassified documents the US government attacked and experimented on their own people using aerosol sprays. I have friends and family in the Air Force. None of them are directly involved and I consider them to be great people. We need to understand that those that may have a job with an involved agency can be a valuable asset. Even those directly involved (flying or loading the plains) may not fully understand what they are doing. We need to have respect for these people but we should not spare them any evidence they may need to hear. This is a very good motivator being so close to the action; our Air Force and military people are extremely important.

Stay focused: this is still a call to make everyone accountable including ourselves. Certainly be considerate when talking to people but don’t back down due to emotional distress. You can survive emotional distress and can become stronger from it. On the flip side: ignore it, and the chemtrails will increase and take our health.

If you're going to go right to the EPA, Air Force, politicians, etc.. Let's add tags at the top of the post like this: "chemtrails chemtrails-reach" .. Give everyone the the contact information and why you wanted to contact them. Names, numbers, addresses for letters, emails, Linkedin accounts, etc.. My suggestion is that your post should make people want to follow up: pick up the phone, start the tape recorder, and post the call in the comments.. Let's have some ideas of who best to contact first. If you were going to make a call, wouldn't you want to see the top voted #chemtrails-reach so you could consider those first? This may be a bit strong for some people, please remember though you may have to watch those videos a few times to really wrap your head around this. Please trust me, what you find may hurt but this is important. All things considered, these measures are not harsh.

But, there is hope.. Information is going up everywhere. People are waking up and taking notice.
<( ̄︶ ̄)>

We will determine our future.

We can get the word out. Real billboards are going up..

Just think, what if we ended up paying hundreds or even thousands of people to really get the information out. On the opposition, this is exactly what these organizations are do now by spending our tax dollars on propaganda campaigns. Lets fight back and level the playing field.

If we get an active group here, it will not be by chance. Reach out to large existing groups and make an impression. Remind everyone of your contributions over time (large groups do not see everyone’s post, you have to re-introduce yourself and re-post new versions of your material). Send them to Steemit so they can read a post like this one. I’m sure you will have no problem finding people with 30,000 viewers or more. You are invited to document all your group contacting efforts here in the comments below. Lets start sharing, lets get to work.. Steemit gives us a new weapon to use. Lets extend this gift and build a peaceful but very powerful movement designed to stop this genocide dead in its tracks.

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Post #chemtrails material. Hot news or original works will be appreciated the most. You'll probably do better if it is clear you're not a simple re-posting bot. In general, breaking and viral news or original works should get the most votes.

Any Story or Comments

Use #chemtrails-reach in a new Story or in comments to tag a person or organization you want others to contact. Make it easy for readers to do this task, include all the information you know about. Keep it up-to-date. Skilled people are very busy, seriously automate this task.

Use #chemtrails-reach in your replies when want to announce any successful contacts. Record all conversations and submit them if you believe it will help someone else. Include good email replies with the email address and signature.

Reply to this Story

Help spread #chemtrails-reach and Steemit. Reply directly to this post with a #chemtrails-reach tag that includes a large group or organization you want to see brought to Steemit. Give us all the information you can find, make it easy for us to help. We can support you by voting on other platforms, adding replies and traffic and of course phone calls and emails.

Remember, put new chemtrail information and news under a new Story.


Geoengineering is a real problem, and we need people talking about it. At this point, it's not theory; it's phenomenon. It's been widely documented (google is your friend) and analyzed. The NDAA explicitly permits the secretary of defense to conduct "any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population" for "Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity". See http://www.dod.mil/dodgc/olc/docs/1998NDAA.pdf, PDF page 287, section 1078 subsections (a) and (b). Now, subsection (c) states that informed consent from each human test subject is required, but they probably hired Bill Clinton to define "informed" and "consent" for them and determined that the subjects are informed when they see the chemtrails and consent by not moving.

What I'm still looking for is meaningful, actionable solutions. The closest thing I've found is this which describes various personal health supplements and defenses (starting at PDF page 38) including some scalar wave antenna stuff that supposedly pushes the toxins back out into space. I can't personally say that won't work, but I'm skeptical to say the least (if someone with more time and maker skills than me wants to try it, I'd love to hear about it).

Contacting List Haven (Mysterious White “Fibers” video)

We are being sprayed like roaches! This is a dear to Claudia Stauber, the host of Cabin Talk on FB and YouTube. She's PASSIONATE about it and often interviews people who know and understand what chemtrails are and what they're doing to us, and more importantly: WHO's doing it. You may want to check out her channel. Thanks for creating awareness! 😊

Yup, this conspiratorial bullshit is worthy of a downvote because it lowers the quality of Steemit. If you want this sort of post to take over then expect Steemit to go nowhere. I'm not interested in reading or debating this sort of material because my mind was already made up a long time ago. Just like I have decided the moon landing is real, vaccines are among the greatest invention of mankind, fluoride has saved the lives of millions of people, and Homo sapiens are the process of millions of years of evolution.

Fortunately, red tagged this with the proper keyword to help people find this sort of content. Now, if only I could use this tag as a way to filter out submissions so I could never see them again, it would greatly increase the Steemit experience.

comment pruned due to size

Until we have complete transparency people need to ask the hard questions and get some answers. We are just watching out for our safety so I hope you can find some comfort in that. I know this is not an easy topic I completely understand and I appreciate your feedback.

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