My cloudbusting attracted an apache gunship over my house! Should i stop?
I opened my front door and i froze on the spot as an Apache gunship, 40' off the floor came straight towards me.
When i got my act together i grabbed my camera and headed for the back door. I just managed to take these two pictures before it left my sight.
I have never seen one of them in this area in the 6 years i have lived here, and i have had a number of helicopters over the house and definitely where i have put tower busters.
Today i had to visit the council offices near where the NEXRAD station my family neutralised last week and today when the heavy precipitation came over with thick cloud it just dissolved it in about 1 hour.
A quick video on the way back the scenery was beautiful and all the clouds were building up on the edges miles away, I had to take a video of all the birds, because using the cloudbuster or more accurately orgone energy will attract flocks of birds.
This is a real tool against the NWO and there may well be a real danger of using it. On one hand staring at an oncoming gunship in your pyjamas is one thing or does the cause mean i should continue? Any thought would be appreciated.
birds after the storm
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thats crazy a gunship outiside of your front door im interested in making one of those cloudbusters could you point me in the direction of some instructions
Hi sneakerpimp and thanks for having a look. I have put up instructions on my steemit page and if you follow me then you will see what i am getting up to and have a look through the information i have been putting up. I am really glad you want to make one and when you do have a think about using the Cell towers to break up the chemtrails in your area.

These things really work so please let me know how you get on.
Another plane looking at the hole in the sky today. Ha ha