in #chemicalstoavoid7 years ago (edited)

There are a myriad of bullshit items that can be found in virtually any type of milk, dairy or otherwise. Please consider the following with an open mind, as people are very easy to get butt-hurt when being told that their dietary intake is unhealthy. There is a lot of indoctrination that has gone into making us think that we need certain things in our lives, and chances are, there is always a massive profit payout when Big Brother promotes Big Agriculture.

Let's start with dairy, because the list of putrid ingredients is longer. Again, please read this with an open mind, and read the entire article before spamming the comments about how you've done a certain thing your whole life, and that you're still perfectly alive still.

Dairy milk DOES contain:

  • Bovine Growth Hormone (not to be confused with the ADDED hormones that some milks claim to not have. These hormones are actually designed to nourish a baby calf while making it turn into a HUGE, adult cow. You CAN NOT remove all hormones from another animal's milk, because it is biologically designed to have hormones to help that animal species grow! A human does not need hormones from a cow.) Also, any other animal milk, such as goat milk, will contain hormones as well.)

  • Pus Cells (Yes, you read that right. The same type of crap that accumulates in acne IS LEGALLY ALLOWED IN ALL DAIRY! I really hope you imagine yourself drinking pus next time you have a nice glass of animal lactations.)

  • Stress Hormones (Have you ever lived in a concentration camp your whole life, only to see your whole friends and family list slaughtered mercilessly with no hope in sight? Didn't think so! However, MOST animal products, milks included, are contaminated every day by stress hormones due to the shitty living conditions for the animals. If ANY of this is new to you, and you eat animal products, I challenge you to watch the whole documentary Earthlings. 99% of animal product consumers do not have the balls to finish it.)

  • Casein (This is the primary protein in dairy milk, and it has been found to be cancer-causing. For more info on that, read the China Study.)

  • Oxidized, Saturated Fats (I am not sure how fresh the milk is in other parts of the worlds, but the USA requires pasteurization which basically kills all nutritional value (or whatever was left), while also exposing the milk to large amounts of oxygen, which basically strips any remaining extra electrons the substances may have had. Oxidized stuff is not good; this is why we cover things up before they get brown.)

  • Feces & Blood (These are pretty straightforward... Imagine being forcefully impregnated by a human arm, then giving birth only to have your child and all the milk stolen, then being forcefully raped/impregnated again, and again, and again, until you lose all energy and are then killed. Oh, and did I mention that you're standing in your own shit and blood this whole time? Factory farms don't care about these animals at all, and if you watch videos, it's actually pretty disturbing, because it seems like factory farm workers actually enjoy slaughtering animals all day. If I started killing dogs at the speed the average cow slaughterhouse does, I would have local police department at my door within a day. And we're talking about BILLIONS OF ANIMALS A YEAR HERE.)

For those of you who have already made the switch to the healthier options, there are still a couple of things you want to be on the lookout for. Here they are:

  • Carrageenan (This is typically added to "creamy" items, and it contains a cyanide molecule. No bueno.)

  • Titanium Dioxide (You will see this mentioned in MANY of my posts most likely. It is a titanium particle they like to add to things to make them look whiter. Pretty dumb to add microscopic metals to change the color of FOOD if you ask me but, hey, I don't work for the megacorporations for a reason.)

  • Natural Flavors (These don't have to be natural at all, and can actually include nasty shit like Beaver's Anal Gland, which is ACTUALLY labeled as "safe" to be added to food! You can't make that shit up!!!! Read up on the food usage of Beaver's Anal Gland aka Castoreum here: . Think of how many fucking bullshit items they'll add if they spent millions trying to get Beaver's Anal Gland through the approval process...)

Non-Dairy milks are becoming more and more popular every day, and the crazy thing is, you can make them at your house if you have a blender and SOME NUTS! Take water, add to blender, add prefered nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, are ALL DANK), blend 'er up, add something else if you need, and BAM! You didn't even have to wait for an animal to get raped or a child to get kidnapped from it's mother! Crazy, right?

Well, I hope you enjoyed this rant! Please Upvote and Resteem to spread awareness!

Keep an eye out for more #chemicalstoavoid also!

Also, please let's not hate on each other (: I understand that diet is a very heated debate, so let's keep this informative and constructive.


Upvoted and resteemed :-)

Thanks for steemin it up for me (:

pasteurized milk is dead.
raw milk is a good source of nutrients. raw cheese is amazing for health.
more information on this link (and several others online):

always choose organic dairy products

Contrary to popular belief, cheese is actually coagulated lactations from an animal that isn't a human... So in no way, shape, or form is cheese biologically designed for the human body... The dairy industry actually lobbies the government to get them to recommend it... Casein, the #1 protein in bovine milk, and thus CHEESE, is a carcinogen, meaning it directly promoted the growth of more and more cancer cells ( And just to clarify, The China Study is one of the most world-renowned scientific studies regarding nutrition. The human body TURNS OFF the gene to produce Lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, when you stop consuming bovine milk and other dairy products because the human body does NOT need dairy at all and can get all that good stuff from the SAME places that the COWS got it; PLANTS.

It's really simple, and I was hoping the point would get across easier. I hope that cheese being unhealthy for the human body doesn't ruin your day (:

It's ok.
You know. I've been vegan and raw vegan for a while but this wasn't good for my body. TCM and ancient ayurveda have different opinions on that.

Raw cheese can be a powerhouse of good minerals and some vitamind like D.

And also: it's quite delicious :)

Really great information, there is not a single genuine reason to consume dairy product but lots are there to #DitchDairy and #GoVegan

I like drinking milk, but what I have found out is that I usually get acne after drinking milk (does not happen with yoghurt). My skin is much better when I don't drink milk.

What non-dairy milk do you suggest?

I have notices that same thing also! Practically any dairy exposure at all tends to leave me feeling and looking more oily and the acne which was SO BAD before starts to show again. However, having been eating a plant-based diet for a couple years I have noticed an outright extinction of all my acne, it's really awesome.

I really like all nuts, so I would consider drinking just about any nut milk. I like almond, cashew, hazelnut, walnut, coconut and hemp milks. All of those are worth trying, and have much healthier and more abundant calcium, proteins, flavor, etc (: