Thursdsy Thoughts - Toxins and Mental Health

Ok, so I am going to be very real with you here. First, I wrote this once already and somehow cleared everything I any thoughts on how I managed that would be very helpful!

As I dig further and further into educating myself, not only do I find myself more and more disgusted, but I also become more empowered. I can't help but think that had I known more then, I could have better helped my daughter as a child. Most of us are brought up in a society that puts this outrageous stigma on mental health and those seeking help. It was a rough road, without a map or a guide. All I can say is that I did the best I knew in the moment(s). Getting help wasn't easy, nearly impossible most of the time.

I was scared, still am from time to time. I can only imagine how by daughter feels.
Most people seem to truly have no clue. For them, I am happy, because it is likely they have never had to face thatbroad. That long, dark road of uncertainty. image

So what causes these issues? You know they'd like us to believe that it's all genetic. I don't buy it, not one bit. I do believe that you may be born with a predisposition to be more susceptible to certain things, but I believe our environment has a lot more to do with all of it than "they" let on.
Take a look at the numbers of mental health conditions and how they are rising. I know a great deal of it is in fact that pharmaceuticals just love to prescribe prescribe prescribe. However, being on the side of the fence in which I live with the affects of mental health every day, I know it runs deeper.
So, what is one of the root causes? Are you ready to hear it? Heavy metal poisoning. No, I don't mean too much Ozzy and Metalica, I am talking true metals in our environment, seeping into our system and causing havoc on our system!

What metals, you ask? How are we exposed?

-Baby formula
-Baked goods and processed foods
-Over-the-counter and prescription antacids
-Other pharmaceutical drugs as a binding agent
-Aluminum pots and pans
-Skin cream

-Car seat covers
-Black rubber
-Burned motor oil
-Evaporated milk
-Floor coverings
-Refined wheat flour (white flour)
-Silver polish
-Soft drinks from vending machines with cadmium in the pipes

-Canned food
-Cigarette smoke (firsthand & secondhand)
-Colored, glossy newsprint
-Some ceramic dishes
-Lead paint in older homes
-Lead water pipes in older buildings
-Refined chocolate
-Vehicle emissions (even though lead gasoline was banned)

-Dental fillings:mercury is primarily released as a vapor to gain access to the brain and blood
-Fish: Not all fish, mostly farmed varieties
-Immunizations: Many vaccines, even those used for children contain the mercury-based preservative thimerosol in excessive amounts, for both children and adults.

As you see, they are all around us. Some of these things are even dictated by the government that we must use.

So what do we do? What can we do?

Arm yourself with education! Detox your body. Go chemical-free in your home and your life. Take action!

And one of my favorite cartoon sayings....



I share this same perception with you. I think little have to do with genetics, bou most of the issues are related to epigenetics and/or environment.

One of my favorite topics.

Well described

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