Online part time job for degree pursuing and Graduates
- Chegg is the online platform to provide homework help and tutoring for students.
- For this, they are hiring Students and Graduates.
- They are paying decent amount for that.
Chegg Expert:
- Like Software Engineer or Product Engineer, Chegg Q&A Expert is also a position that tends to solve the homework questions.
- Pay per each question depends on the Subject.
- For exmple: 189 Inr has been paid for each Computer Science Question
- One can solve the questions from any of the following Subjects.
- Business
- Accounting
- Economics
- Finance
- Operations Management
- Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Science
- Advanced Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Earth Science
- Advanced Maths
- Basic Maths
- Calculus
- Other Maths
- Statistics and Probability
- Health Care
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Nursing
- Psychology
- Business
Registration Process
- Go to the following website
- To be elgible as Chegg Q&A Expert, it is necessary to clear two exams.
- First Test have the questions reelated to the Subject in which user wants to start answering.
- For second test- They will provide one pdf and the questions will be based on the PDF.
- The PDF contains some terms and conditions regards Answering and Payment .
- After bacground verification, You can start answering.
- There is no limit on number of questions to be Answered. You can solve from 0 to n number of questions.