RE: Chart Your Course Challenge – My Turn
Plotting is half the struggle.
so so true. Live and learn is fine. But PLAN, live and learn... tends to be a bit more helpful! hehehe even though the planning is SUCH a chore! :)
And yes - I dont' even think I used the tag... i didn't think about it??? LOL (or maybe i did- who knows hahaha) but I'm glad that SOMEONE decided to start!!! hahahahaha
cheese and crackers -funny story (quickly told) went to a fancy restaurant - order the cheese plate - they brought the most delicious (and stinkiest) cheese I have ever tasted. Fouled the air of the whole section I was eating it. I was so embarrassed that I ordered it! Why would a restaurant expose EVERYONE to that horrid stench?!?!?! LOLOLOL They should have provided a private room for that experience hehehehehe (and i don't think it was limberger... everyone always asks - but they said a different name lol)
beautiful day to you! :)
Lol! Let them smell the cheesey aroma. And a wonderful day to you, too!