Lovely!!!! As I was reading, I just kept nodding my head in agreement!!!
Well... Not about university... That's long past for me! Hahaha
But your outlook, your focus...
even down to Daydream Express.... Hmmmmm curiosity strikes!!!! Lolol my name IS dreemsteem, after all 😉
But I won't peek into whatever that is... until I finish writing my story that involve "dreEms" 😉 I am way too susceptible to other ideas when I'm writing and I never realize it early enough hahahhaa
I love that you're already using Steemit, and I'm sure that as your work in University increases, it will become more difficult to balance Steemit life. My hope is that you'll find even small bits of time to dedicate to your craft and stay active on Steemit, as you can!
I'm so glad that you did this challenge and I hope it becomes useful as a map to keep you on the right course!!! 😊
Thank you! Daydream Express is very much a WIP right now and it'll need a lot of editing when it's finished. But I'm staying optimistic.
As far as Steemit goes, I'm still pretty clueless, but I'm sure I'll pick it up as I go along.
Thank you for setting this challenge up. It made me think about what I want to achieve over the next year. I'm also curious about your story involving dreams...
Good luck to you in achieving your goals.
Ahhhh not dreams.... dreEms 😉
And I think we are all pretty clueless on steemit hahahaha but we do keep learning one day at a time! So you're in grand company! 😊
And you're more than welcome to take a look if you like!
It's also a work in progress.. but I don't think it will ever be published. I'm choosing to tell a story on Steemit, acknowledging that there are serious limitations in doing so.... But very much preferring the benefits of storyteller/storylistener interaction!!!
That's a pretty sweet benefit of Steemit that's typically lost when you publish IRL.
I guess it just depends on those goals we listed hehehe
By the way... If you do take a peek, it might be a little confusing to read starting at chapter 6. But there are links at the bottom of chapter 6 for previous chapters. No pressure! Just an honest suggestion 😊
Most are past their payout and I like that just fine. Let's people know I value their interaction, not just their upvote 😉