To Canada and Canadians.. appears to me as though a...confessional, of sorts, is in order. My native country, the "good ol' US-of-A", has outpaced Canada in the ongoing "race-to-see-which-of-the-countries-on-the-north-american-continent-can-behave-in-the-most-absurd-manner".

This juicy nugget just came to my attention. Does no one realize what this is? It is quite literally --- well, in a figurative sense ---- the "burning-of-books".


Big picture-wise, it doesn't matter in the slightest what any given group feels about these monuments (though this whole situation "smells-funny" to me)...this is entirely beside the point. Contained within the center-of-gravity of this whole outbreak-of-madness are the allegedly pivotal figures on the "losing" side of history...OUR history. Ought we not be reminded to learn from this dark chapter in the book that is our collective past?

The "powers-that-(shouldn't)-be" want nothing more than to erase history from memory, and people are giving that very thing to them, willingly I might add, on a silver platter! All because of a shared sense of being offended by this history and the figures associated with same. Australian comedian Stephen Hughes has something to say on this matter:



What we see playing out is the visible "tip-of-the-iceberg" of the classic Divide and Conquer tactic employed by the ruling powers since time immemorial.

It is time for people to wake the fuck up!!! It is time for people to grow the fuck up!!! It is time to stop behaving like spoiled children who lash out when they don't get their way. Heart strings are being played like a finely tuned fiddle.


Ultimately, our problems are not the past...though that particular 'tree' certainly has it's roots firmly planted there. Our problems are the fruits of that tree, very much in the present. Erasing the past is absolving those who feast on that fruit - the powers-that-(oughtn't)-be.

It is time to awake from your slumber... It is time to unite!



preaching to the choir lol
half of the population is still watching cnn ... forgot how to read most likely lol
but with you all the way...
love the video to funny ...and true,,,

We have similar issues up here too. Sorry for all you are going through down there.

I know, and my heart is with you too.


Yep, the so-called 'elite' know just what to do and have been doing it since there was an 'elite'. Get us to fight/police ourselves and they don't even have to lift a finger. They just eat caviar and watch us tear each other apart.

There's a difference here. The books aren't being burned - as in the books that give context and historical accounts. These statues don't say anything. They glorify generals of the confederacy. They also aren't typically being destroyed. The intent is to put them in museums where they can be given context.

These statues were divisive from the get go. They divided white and black Americans, and were put up for that very purpose. Taking them down rights that wrong. Given the timing, you may still be right about them being strategically removed to increase tensions, but leaving them up would ensure that racial tensions were never mended.

When they try to destroy something that gives actual context to the civil war then you should be worried. As it stands these statues don't teach anything except that the US is still willing to glorify the racist bastards that fought for the confederacy. That is a current problem that needs to be rectified.

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