Youths with guns.
It's almost been six years since the Charlie Hebdo shooting. That shooting changed my life and my thinking forever. It forced me to realize that free speech doesn't stop with law and that censorship can be enforced with any douche with a weapon.
What's more, I realized what the real curse of younger millennials and Gen Z actually is. The people who shot up Charlie Hebdo were people who had their core beliefs protected from the cradle, just like how we coddle our youth now. So, when Charlie Hebdo made fun of Muhammad, it was like the shooters were toddlers being called a "poopy head" for the first time. Only, they were toddlers who were old enough to possess and use AK-47s rather than just throwing a hissy-fit.
That's what we're getting all the time now: toddlers with rifles. People who don't know how to be offended without responding violently.