in #charlesfuchs6 years ago (edited)

"Numbers do not equal influence... It's about engagement"

What's up STACKERS!

Yes, you did read that right... your boy @stackin made over 15,000+ Posts and Comments on Steemit. Isn't that freaking crazy or what? 😜

There are so many new people coming to the "Steem Blockchain" everyday and I see so many people struggle when first starting out. 

They come to the platform all "hyped up" but eventually get let down quickly. You guys need to remember that Steemit is a social media platform that pays in crypto based on influence and engagement. 📊

You see, everyone starts with zero influence when joining just like I did. So what makes people more "popular" than others, is it just content? Absolutely Not. 

There are many difference ways to "standout" from the rest, some will do it right but most will fail because they "just don't get it". 🙇🏼

So Charles, how do you get influence? 🤷🏼‍♂️

It's very simple but not easy to do just like anything in real life. There are many ways to get influence on "Social Media" but the most important things on Steemit to get influence is to start buying Steem, creating content, commenting, making tons of friends, finding ways to provide value to the platform and especially engagement with the community.

I can go on and on what to do but it's really your responsibility to become a "Social Butterfly" if you want people to get to know who you are and start pounding that upvote button. 🤣

It's been a great journey so far and I've made so many "new internet friends" on here, all I can it's been freaking awesome. 

Remember, we are just getting started and I see huge growth and potential on the Steem blockchain. It's just going to grow bigger and bigger everyday. 📈

If you think it's too "noisy" right now to get known on Steemit, wait until 2019 when there will be 10X more people here and 100 times harder... so in other words, get started now and start making new friends. 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

With that being said, I hope this helps many of you guys out. Engagement is very important when building a following. It takes lots of work but at the end of the day, it will be well worth it. 

Keep On STACKIN! 💞

For those who's interested in following my "Content" and "Daily" Posts... you can just follow me @stackin to get my updates.


Congratulations @stackin.
I want to be like you 😂. It took me the whole of January to make 500+ posts, but i could only manage another 500+ between February till this time. I slacked off after a good start. But I'm getting my groove back.
Thanks for the tips Charles 👌

You got this, most of my posts are from engaging with the community. Don’t get burnt out tonearly, we have a long year lol

Thanks man! Steem on 💪

I recently set myself a challenge where I'm supposed to make a certain number of posts per day.

20 or

I'm planning to hit 500 posts as my next milestone.

Great! The challenge is needed if you want this to be a success.
500 posts is very achievable. Don't forget engagement counts too.
Congratulations in advance.
Cheers man!

Thanks @shuta.
I'll be achieving that and I'll keep pushing forward.

It’s a key to steemit , communication as everyone who is on top claims it to be . The ones on top earned fhsir way up in a similar way and it’s as if you the ones under look at you as a role model

You’re my role model 😉 😋

It will be noisier when steemit @$10, 2 million steemians and SMTs are everywhere.
Keep on steemin'.
You are a force to be reckon with.

You see as steemit best friends, you should read/comment my ten truth and a lie post. Also, congratulations on this milestone!

Fine @kubbyelizabeth! lol ... sheeesh, what else you want me to do 🤣

So much, I have a long list. I'm convinced you need me as an assistant.

You got some good points about engagement. The funny thing I see at some steemians (without any opinion or acusing) is that they treat Steemit way different than other social media platforms. With Steemit it's like some people just sit back and wait for others to vote, comment or whatever. But that is far from being social in my opinion (gosh...I do give my opinion;) ) It's just like FB or insta, you read, reply, bond, because you that's were the social aspect is all about. The thing with Steemit is that it even can be worth something so focus is often on rewards than on the commitment and engagement, from with I believe trueley, rewards are comming automaticly, as long as your commited and true to the platform and your 'steemit friends' :)

Congrats man! And I agree.. you have to be social on Steemit.. that's the best way to grow

Speaking the truth right here 😁

Yes it takes time, energy and some money too to get started. We need patience like you do. Time like you spend and content like you produce.
People may think it is easy. Imagine how much time it must have taken to get a mark of 15000 posts and comments. Hearty congratulations to you sir and hope you have the imagined success ahead.
15000 congratulations from my side!!!!!!

You hit the nail right on the head, people have that “want it now” attitude. Patience and consistency is key. Keep on steemin’ 😎

Congratulations on your achievements. It is important to get influence on steemit and a good numner of followers. Thank you @stackin. Keep steeming

Thanks @gloeze! Steeeeeeem on! 💸

Yea Steeeeeeeem on 😁

Congratulations men, it's a great job, you are awesome! !!

Fleeeeexin' 😬 💪🏼

Wow 15,000 post on steemit that means a lot of work and commitment on your side to achieve this kind of results. I agree with you on the secret of success in steemit is to buy steem power and engagement, because these are the sure ways to become an influencer on steemit. Congratulation on your achievement @stackin

Thanks Jesus lol jk

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