Manson And Family, Woodstock, A Hidden MK Ultra Experiment?

in #charles7 years ago (edited)

Now where can one start with the story of Charles Manson, and the Manson Brady Bunch Reject Family.

Some see him as a stone cold killer, but NOT in the sense you might expect, but it was geared toward his deluded followers who took it upon themselves to commit murder, and other unspeakable acts done to their victims which still to this day sit in the back of many minds saying..

"How did he do it?"

"How did he sway these group of young folks to do his bidding without lifting a finger whatsoever?"

Yes, that's the $128,000 dollar question (64,000 --> X2, in case you were wondering).

Unfortunately the answer still remains unclear, and Manson himself gave rather off the wall statements claiming that an unforeseen race war would breakout sometime in the future, and blacks were top of list as an enemy whom needed to be eradicated from existence.

Now right off, this seems downright silly, ridiculous, and beyond insane to many..

Question is..

Did Manson actually have a point prove with the orchestrated murders he infused in the minds of his crew?

No one really knew the answer other than Manson, and his adopted family members.

So let's take a look into a few side facts that will throw a HUGE spin of this long-time controversial story.

This all starts from the source Charles Manson, rather starting from his adult years you would have to start back to his early childhood years, this is like a comparison to the newer updated Halloween movie series where see Michael Myers embark on his dark journey into the forbidden world as a serial killer at a very young age.

You see Myers was a fiction based character, and was MUCH MORE brutal rather reversed opposite of Manson's strange demeanor except with the same evil intentions, but Manson was more cunning and sinister to the core in the psychological sense.

Yup you heard me right, Manson did sound like an idiot who lost his load of sanity marbles as they rolled off of the wagon wheel truck from the VERY start of his morbid existence.

But one has to understand more about his messed up childhood (and believed me it's messed up which largely has to do with his Mother's choice of lifestyle and fast-life activities involving drug narcotics). His Mother divorced Charles's Father (William Manson), and this would land young Manson in a boys school institution, so one could only imagine what problems either he would cause or face while he attended school there.

Afterwards, Manson would began implicating his passions toward a life of crime which has him in and out of prison, spending half of his time on earth incarcerated as if one spends most of their time walking as a free citizen of America. It would seemed to be normal in his mind that prison was his true kingdom, his castle, his safe haven, and he would LITERALLY do anything to be in there behind the iron bars as his longtime residence.

It was reported that he was starving for attention, he was rejected by many within his peer group as his years as a youth, and MOST of that was from his inability to connect with others in the world around him, so the only thing he believed who would acknowledge him would be rejected youths just like him in which he could mold through mental conditioning.

So how MUCH LOWER could Manson go at this point in his life?

Well apparently there was a lower level for him to explore when he decided to gather up a flock of young teens (a few in their twenties), to form a flock of cold-blooded killers. And one who have to know that he would need help to control these individuals, so enter the use of narcotics such as LSD, and who knows what other types of narcs he relied on to sway their intentions into his favor.

He would also turn to various mental manipulating tactics preaching his "pseudo ideologies" to the more novice youths he controlled, and coaxing them into doing his bidding for the purpose of setting them on the path as rulers of a new found world, and that his predictions of a sooner or later race war to break out would have to be managed by mentoring blacks (this was if they won the race war, and Manson along with his family would bring them up to speed on how to live in their "planned out" civilized world they would layout for them in specific detail).

So this "family flock" Manson was putting together a band of loyal members he charmed and manipulated to help him carry out his warped agenda of his "supposed" prophesied turn of events he claimed would manifest in the future. These young individuals had to already be on the verge of serious mentality issues, simply because of the fact that they let this deranged prophet feed them outrageous disinformation they chose to adapt as genuinely true.

There were more original members of the group, and it was based on Manson's ability to convince them with slick charismatic preaching and talk molding their "psyche", breaking down barriers in their mind, and the end result leaves you with controlled "puppets" who beckoned to every request he tossed at them for what he believed to be toward a greater cause -- or rather a "pseudo cause", because the man really wasn't what a sane individual would see as a prominent/stable human being.

A list of members in his gathered "family", are listed below.

  • Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme >> who tried to assassinate former President Gerald Ford.
  • Susan Atkins >> key member of the family, took part in eight killings during that summer, including the horrible Tate/LaBianca murders >> After being routinely denied parole, she died at a women’s prison in Chowchilla in 2009. She was 61 and had been diagnosed a year earlier with brain cancer.
  • Tex Watson >> key member of the family >> involved in the horrible Tate/LaBianca murders >> Now 71, he is said to have fathered four children from conjugal visits in prison, and he started a prison ministry. He was denied parole for the 17th time in 2016, and will be eligible for another hearing in 2021.
  • Bobby Beausoleil >> convicted for the murder of Gary Hinman, he composed and recorded the soundtrack to the movie Lucifer Rising in the late 80's >> he remains incarcerated in prison, he is up parole for the 18th time of his 47 years served. Beausoleil can reapply for parole again in 2019, when he will be 71 years old.
  • Mary Brunner >> bared a child with Manson named Valentine, she was imprisoned due to the the 1971 Hawthorn Shootout were hostages were taken by them every hour as she and other family members demanded for the release of Manson who was incarcerated with key members of the group in prison.
  • Patricia Krenwinkel >> key member of the family >> who served as an family member participant in the Tate/LaBianca murders >> Now 69 years old, she has been in a women’s prison in Riverside County for 47 years, longer than any other woman in California. Krenwinkel has been denied parole more than 13 times.
  • Leslie Van Houten >> key member of the family >> participant in the Tate/LaBianca murders >> It was the 21st time that Van Houten, 68, has appeared before a parole board, and the second time that commissioners had found her ready for release. Gov. Jerry Brown, however, rejected her parole, concluding that Van Houten — the youngest member of Manson’s so-called family — posed “an unreasonable danger to society if released from prison.”
  • Linda Kasabian >> testified against members of the Manson Family and served as a "prime lookout" as the murders took place, and was not involved in any of the murders >> In her testimony, Kasabian said Manson was the devil and that she did not report him to the police because she feared for the safety of her daughter. After the trial, she returned to New Hampshire. Today she is 68.
  • Sandra Good >> was convicted for mail threats sent to executives of prominent companies (from supposedly endanger the earth's resources) served 15 years in prison in 1976, and was released in 1985. From what is known, she never took part in any of the murders.
  • Steve “Clem” Grogan >> was in the car during the two murders on Aug. 9, 1969 >> he eventually was convicted in the murder Donald “Shorty” Shea shortly after the Tate/LaBianca murders >> Grogan narrowly avoided a jury’s death sentence after a judge reduced it to life in prison, saying Grogan “was too stupid and too hopped on drugs to decide anything on his own.” He was paroled in 1985.
  • Bruce Davis >> Davis was found guilty for participating in the murder of Gary Hinman, and Shorty Shea in 1969 >> He was recommended for parole in 2013, 2014 and 2015, but Brown refused to sign off on them all three times. At his 31st parole hearing, in February 2017, he also won recommendation of parole; Brown again denied it.

Now this is the number one thing that was burning in the minds of many people who witnessed this wild, unchained, soulless individual and his followers committed unspeakable acts that were unconceivable to one's imagination. It's clear to see that Manson was a nutjob, a quack, and most notably a master manipulator. But some people wanted to know whether or not Manson was in line with a secret organization, was he associated with a clan or cult, so now it's time to jump into the nitty-gritty and learn a little more about this enigmatic sadist.

See I remember watching a short video clip Manson was being ushered down a long staircase in handcuffs while in the custody of law enforcement officers, in that video I NEVER will forget that look on Mason's face, it was if he was staring far off into space, just looking straight ahead being lead forward like he was in a comatose state of mind, VERY emotionless.

This got me thinking right away when I saw that scene, and that odd look of uncertainty on his face.

For a moment I believed he was a "manipulated puppet", very lifeless, and stoic.

Manson was known for this behavior he demonstrated at times from what some had claimed, it's no doubt that this manifested from his childhood. Manson's mother would serve as the focal point which helped to contribute to his odd behavior. It was reported that his mother Kathleen Maddox would get rather thirsty, and would put her own son in the middle of harm's way by offering to sell him to another woman (if the lady would take him into her family) for an ICE COLD PITCHER OF BEER??

Manson did care for his mother that much (which is based off that the fact she was a prostitute), he surely had nothing but disdain for her, and that's probably where most of the cracks in his already fragile mind, and warped ideas had taken him down the dark path of no return.

And it's still more to this chaotic revelation of scrutiny, which somehow involves the most popular pop culture singing groups of the early 60's, that's right if you guessed before me saying it.

The Beatles.

And then it was the whole "Manson / CIA Conspiracy Angle", which eventually was brought into the mix.

Now there's hearsay about a certain music track the Beatles produced, which greatly changed society during the 60's timeline.

It was ironic to see parents flock to these charismatic young performers whom primarily learned about them from their daughters. Young girls and women were taken in by their unique music, and it all started an entire Beatlemania outbreak across the country. It's a fact that they had MUCH influence on the young population at that time, the parents didn't seem to mind it as much.

But they had a difference of opinion when you had a young performer by the name of Elvis Presley, who too was a charismatic performer, and too swooned young girls as he became a major icon in the rock and roll genre (the parents claimed that Elvis danced too proactively, and feared it would rub off on their daughters in a negative manner.)

Given a short span of time between the 50's and 60's, was a HUGE cultural change in the music industry as well as the youth generation all together. But was this a coincidence that ideas and the social norm shifted so rapidly within a short frame of time?

Another thing to consider was the aspect of war, and in the mid-50's to early 70's would serve as the marking point of The Vietnam War. Soldiers who were inducted into the war dealt with a lot of distress, pain, uncertainty, and yes some just winded up going "AWOL" losing it all together due to the intense pressure when spending every second just to make it out and return back home alive from the ordeal.

It's just like that one line Colonel Campbell told agent Solid Snake in Metal Gear 4.

Campbell to Snake:

>> "Lose your cool on the battlefield, and your body stops doing what you tell it to" <<

Make no mistake.. These young men were conditioned before they would do battle with their enemy, and we all know that drill sergeants, petty officers, captains, squad leaders, were taught to think and react in different ways the average citizens would not understand.

Was this by coincidence? Or was this planned in advance?

This is what brings us to the "MK Ultra" experiment that was launched in 1953 to develop better interrogation techniques, as well as to explore the possibility of creating a programmable assassin. The Government is ALWAYS seeking out various war tactics to use on a battlefield, and where there's war, there's a payday for individuals who often chose to remain in the shadows while pulling the strings of the economy in ways they see fit. In this case, it was focus squarely on the war economy.

Some of these are families who are well-known, and these families (unlike this manipulated pseudo-Manson family) are extremely wealthy and powerful. And they also have secret agendas they heavily invested to "shift" influence of an economy, and people of that economy followed suit without truly realizing that they were being pushed into it face first, and they didn't dare QUESTION WHY.

You see it wasn't just the U.S. Military who had a stake in perfecting efficient cold-hearted killers, they wanted total commitment, control, down to the core of a soldier's conscious thoughts. And war itself, is a money-maker whether you believe it or not, that's how it has always been reviewed, and will continue to be viewed that way long as it helps to drive in revenue, bring in new clientele who in turn would invest into it as if it was a 401K plan, and they of course would "scale it out" to macro proportions.

And you maybe wondering what happens to the millions upon millions of cash still sitting on the table, well that's just it,
if they're looking for a way to manipulate young people by exploiting any of their mental weaknesses, music and hypnotic experimentation was way to generate and pull negative attitudes / influence out of the targeted individual(s) who are cleverly manipulated.

There's NO LEVEL OR DEPTH various governmental institutions will stoop to when looking for a controllable "patsy", and this was done a number of years before the latter events of late-60's. Manson was NO EXCEPTION to that rule for he was just a "patsy", a tool to be used and discarded away and someone tosses away the key.

**As was the case for another famous pawn entangled into a mix-up for the now 54th anniversary death of JFK, and yes I'm talking about Lee Harvey Oswald who was just a "fall guy," for the authorities to play pin the tail of the donkey with and yeah you can throw in James Earl Ray as well, because again he was nothing more than a pawn in a carefully masqueraded scheme when he was announced as Martin Luther King's Shooter, who supposedly committed the sinister act while King was present on a balcony section of the Lorraine Motel.

Overall the history of this country has lately fallen to *MAJOR DECEPTION

  • in our government, racial bias, and scrutiny,


The social norm back in the 50's, was quite the standard, and it was one key issue at this time that kept a nation separated on either side of a dividing line. It was the long-time situation of segregation, and the laws put in place to serve as a reminder to people of color to stay in their place, to feel oppressed, belittled, and were NOT entitled to sit in a restaurant occupied by white people, they were met with angry telling them to find a school for their own kind to attend, when riding the bus they were NOT allowed to ride in the front with any of the white passengers, and the kicker was the fact that blacks were forced into the Vietnam War, and those who lost their lives during the war were hardly remembered as they gave their lives for a country who saw them as inferior and expendable.

Racism has always been the most controversial issue in America, this especially holds merit to the time of the pilgrims, when they set sail for what would soon become the early start of America in the form of colonies. When they studied the customs of various Indian tribes, they were exposed to new ideologies, and learned everything from them, they would then conspire to take everything away from them after these tribes trusted them as a newfound ally. Basically they were kicked out of various regions of their own land, and this would carry over hundreds of years later in the form of resentment demonstrated by Native American citizens.

These were situations that continued to drive a wedge between various racial groups, and there were certain individuals who would take note of these unforgettable events, individuals such as Charles Manson was aware of the injustices demonstrated against various minority groups, but he specifically identified all of this primarily with blacks and deep down he felt that sooner or later a "revolutionary breakout" between the two races would unfold.

He wanted to find a way to push his ideologies into the minds of the youth he was attempting to manipulate in believing what he felt was relevant, and because he was heavily into music, he also knew that music was a doorway into the young minds of easily manipulated individuals.

"Helter Skelter" was Manson's ticket to gathering a flock of weak-minded youths who were facing constant rejection in their lives, abandonment, neglect, and the biggest one of them all chronic depression.

See Elvis wasn't the influence maker Manson needed to sway young thinkers, The Beatles however was a MUCH different story that influenced heavily influenced the youth demographic, and Manson knew and understood that well.

Ironic how it's listed at track number #13..

Some were thinking that Manson was using this particular song to gather followers, when in fact he claimed that the popular song was responsible for stirring up ill-feelings of minority blacks, and this led him to be believed that this was the song that would break the camel's back, and would ultimately lead to an all out race war.

But he needed to direct this angle carefully, and he set out to play the "pin the tail on the donkey game" in order to spin the racial demography towards black people, putting them out there as instigators of an unspeakable crime as a direct result retaliating for enforced slavery, random lynchings, and hard-pressed Jim Crow Laws, which belittled their very existence. I'm sure he new about the stories of Emmett Till, Jesse Washington, >> which undoubtedly were the two MOST horrific events in history of racial hate crimes ever committed. Because the way I see it, there had to be a motive for him to think that a race war was going to break out on a grand level back in that time period.

Yes.. Racial overtones were DEFINITELY at an all-time high, but Manson I'm thinking was off about his prediction by nearly 50 years. Prejudice did carry on through the decades long after he was incarcerated for his life sentence, and this "race war", THE BIG ONE had yet to kick off in full force.

The entire situation with Sharon Tate, baffles me for one reason, and this is a HARD-ANGLED VIEWPOINT I was thinking about..

I think Tate was already targeted..

Why I say that has a lot to do with one of the victims that pissed Manson off ahead of time, was the focal point for a plan for revenge.

Remember the name Gary Hinman?

Because of Hinman's bold decision I believe that was what led to Sharon Tate's murder, and he along with a few others who were unfortunately present at the time the Manson family showed up to eradicate them by orders handed to them from the ringleader Manson.

It was Hinman who basically signed his own death warrant due to the fact that he TURNED DOWN Manson for a possible record deal that he believed would shoot him directly into the spotlight of the music industry, however Hinman didn't Manson was a perfect fit, and this all but enraged the cult leader, and he wanted vengeance in the worst way possible.

So what better way to make a statement (Manson conceived), but to go after NOT ONLY Hinman, but his friends who were also well-known and working in the entertainment industry enter ---> Tate and her friends hanging out at Polanski's place, bad timing DEFINITELY for them.

To cover his tracks, he decided to flush out activists groups such as the Black Panthers.

The problem however was that during the first wave of murders starting with Tate and her friends.

Manson addressed his followers' work, and let them know that the work they done was nothing short of "sloppy work".

He decided to tag along for the next targeted victims, the LaBianca's, who ran a grocery business establishment were the next victims the following night of the back-to-back murders, (and Manson tagged along with his servants to see to it they did a better job.)

So given the fact that Manson got his revenge, as his flock successfully eliminated Hinman, plus Tate an upcoming actress, and a few other well-known individuals all tied to the entertainment industry should have been what he wanted in order to place the blame on "falsified" group of minority killers, and hoping to spark mass outrage, and possibly a race war should emerge from all of it was contrary to the fact.

  • 1. See the fact of the matter is, was that Manson was just P'ED THE "F" OFF at himself because he himself was just as sloppy as the murders he directed when giving his input on taking out the intended targets, yet telling them how they accomplish what he tells them to do, and that's what landed him and his followers behind bars for the last 50 some odd years, and the kicker was that Manson was too incompetent to live in the real world as a responsible citizen doing his part to give something back to the community, and so he stayed in jail so he can live off of the system in my opinion make him the BIGGEST PSSY in the history of mankind<<*

  • 2. See the fact of the matter is, was that Manson was just P'ED THE "F" OFF because Gary Hinman crushed his dreams of becoming a musical icon <<

  • 3. See the fact of the matter is, was that Manson was just P'ED THE "F" OFF because he wanted to be noticed, he wanted his life to matter, and have friends who would truly accept him (so he used drugs such as LSD and other paraphernalia to do that for him) <<

  • 4. See the fact of the matter is, was that Manson was just P'ED THE "F" OFF because deep down he knew he was a bonafide racist, despite the fact that he's also a "defector," after telling his followers if black people were to win the race war, then they would emerge as idealists who are best fitted to help them better to understand how to run the country) <<

  • 5. See the fact of the matter is, was that Manson was just P'ED THE "F" OFF because his own mother showed more affection for a cold pitcher of Budweiser beer rather than for him, and took it 3 steps further when she offered to sell him to another lady <<

  • 6. See the fact of the matter is, was that Manson was just P'ED THE "F" OFF because he was only 5'2", a pip-squeak, and COULDN'T KICK ANYBODY'S ASS ON HIS BEST DAY (I mean he probably couldn't even get the better of Groucho Marks for God's sake LOL) <<

To say that Manson was a MK Ultra victim, to me can be proven as such. At best, the CIA, and who knows how many other government organizations were probably the MOST intrigued by Manson's ability to plan out diabolical plots, manipulative cunning, and twisted story-telling skills to win over weak-minded, very passive individuals. Another thing that interested them I'm sure, was the growing number of followers "outside" Manson's inner group of followers, the CIA found out about Manson used LSD, magic mushrooms, to further subdue his young group of followers, and feed them controversial propaganda either from words of the scriptures putting them in a "psychedelic state of mind".

NOTE: The original title "Cease To Exist", was Manson's first choice for the sound track, and was later converted to the title, "Never Learn Not To Love."

Whether or not he was tied to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), could be a strong possibly, Manson did converse with members of the Beach Boys band, and I'm sure if he knew them, then it's a given that he had to be introduced to other key players in not only Hollywood, but ranking officials who were testing MK theories and experiments on various volunteers (and these were mostly young ladies and teenage girls who were desperately seeking stardom and fame who came from various points of origin across America, as well as other countries.)

There were others who influenced the push for LSD, as co-founder of "Time Magazine",
that honor goes to both Henry R. Luce, and his charming wife Claire Boothe Luce, who were largely responsible for introducing the drug to American culture as far back as the 1930's. Henry R. Luce was also a publisher at Time, so right there tells you that he had a loud voice which was heard by many, and LSD was become more and more popular and accessible then one could imagine. Manson knew about the Luces, and knew other factors of various secret societies knew them as well, including the infamous Rothschild Family.

As for the aspect of LSD meets Woodstock, was the perfect testing ground to REALLY put this powerful psychedelic drug to the test. There were many willing participants, and the thrill of searching for a higher plane of conscious thinking was knocking at their door, and they knew answering to the call would take them somewhere they've never ventured before. I'm pretty damn sure that various government organizations were dotting their I's and crossing their T's, because they knew that LSD, had the ability to alter one's state of thinking.

To them that meant that any possible outcome could be demonstrated from the behavior of those kids back then, and with the drastic shift from the fifties conservative culture, to the unconstrained free to fully express yourself seventies era proved that culture could in fact be largely affected by MK = Mind Kontrol methods that were often deemed unconventional.

(Helter Skelter Book - "RISE")

"My Final Thought"

Manson Was DEFINITELY Involved with various secret societies, he knew the top of the top folks of Hollywood, and they in turn knew the top power players in position on Capitol Hill. So putting it bluntly.. The man's GUILTY AS CHARGED!! But I still believe he had Hinman killed by his family members as an act of revenge for turning him away from the Hollywood limelight, and Tate was an added bonus who just so happened to know Hinman, and would bring mass attention to the entire sinister act itself.

I now I bring this write-up to a close.. Until next time folks. :D

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