Our new Trail introduction and First Curated posts

Hello! I am very happy to come back with new ideas for this account. I decided to start a Charity Trail :) I feel very excited and I hope to get some help from you for all this people who really need support right now.
How to help
- Visit the curated posts and If you haven't upvote, so upvote them if you want. Remember to check the payout date first.
- Talk to the authors of the posts to see if they are receiving extra donations.
- Joining the trail to curate (upvote) next posts with us. (Instructions below)
- Nominating charities posts in the comments section.
- Reporting abuse. If you know a post we curated is a fake, report it in the comments (with evidence and argument) so we remove the upvote and ban the author for next posts.
- Upvoting this post will help in two ways:
-- We will have more Voting Strenght to curate better.
-- SBD of this post will be donated for people in need after earthqakes in Mexico. - Resteeming this post to be seen by more people and maybe get more to help.
- You can also go further and create a post and donate the SBD for charities. Look for a person in need in your city, a charity institution, a poor school...
There have been dissasters around the world so some posts to help people have emerged, also there's always people needing help for treatments or for having accidents and so on.
These are the first curated posts for this small charity trail / Primeros posts votados por este pequeño trail de caridad:
How to join the trail
- Go to: https://steem.place/en/Follow_en
- Fill the form with the information needed:
-- In account, write: ubicaritas
-- In voting percent: Write the percent you want to vote with. Since we will be curating 5-10 posts we recomend 20% as maximum; so your vote power doesn't drain.
-- Check ENABLE.
-- Click ADD. - It will appear in the table like this:
- Now you will be upvoting every post we upvote!
We have just started so we are really happy to hear your suggestions :)
Cómo ayudar
- Visita los posts votados y si no lo haz hecho dales tu upvote si lo deseas. Recuerda revisar la fecha de pago primero.
- Habla con los autores de los posts para ver si reciben donaciones extra.
- Únete al trail para dar upvote a los próximos posts junto con nosotros. (Instrucciones abajo)
- Nominando posts de caridad en la sección de comentarios.
- Reportando abusos. Si sabes si un post que hemos votado es falso, repórtalo en los comentarios (con evidencia y arumentos) así removeremos el upvote y bannearemos al autor.
- Dando upvote a este post ayudas de dos maneras:
-- Tendremos más Vote Strenght para dar upvote con mayor impacto.
-- Los SBD reunidos por este post serán donados a los afectados por el terremoto en México. - Dando Resteem a este post para que sea visto por más personas y obtener más ayuda.
- También puedes ir más allá y crear tu propio post para donar los SBD a la caridad. Busca a una persona necesitada en tu ciudad, una institución, una escuela pobre, etc.
Cómo unirte al Trail
- Ve a: https://steem.place/en/Follow_en
- Llena el formulario con la información que te pide:
-- En account, escribe: ubicaritas
-- En voting percent: Escribe el porcentaje con el que quieres dar tus upvotes. Dado que estaremos votando de 5 a 10 posts, te recomendamos poner 20% como máximo, así tu voting power no se drenará.
-- Selecciona ENABLE.
-- Clic en ADD. - Aparecerá en la tabla de la siguiente manera:
- Ahora cada que nosotros apoyemos un post con nuestro voto ¡Tú también lo harás!
Great Results Come When We Break The Rules - Creative People Make Their Own Rules
Not all rules are meant to be broken.
@fundraisers has resteemed this post.
All posts that use the TAG # fundrasiers get resteemed by @fundraisers in the aim to make a page here on Steemit where posts like these can be found easily and voted on even easier.
Steem on!
¡Muy buena iniciativa, compañera! Le di resteem para darle más difusión al post :). ¡Un saludo!
¡Muchas gracias! Espero dar el ancho con esto y no quedarme a medias. :) qué antojo de café!XD