@steEMPOWERtwins Deliver Donation from SteemSports Charity Event to Holland Rescue Mission- Giving Tuesday Video
Thanksgiving Charity Post:
Holland Rescue Mission:

This deserves upvotes! Good work !
We at steemsports.com are proud of you @steempowertwins, thanks for all you do for us and for Steemit.
Awesome job Twins !!!
Great work !
Outstanding work SteemPowerTwins, Onwards!!
Way to go! You're sure turning into a power-couple of brand ambassadors!
[ Okay... Blame the image credit for the above, or me. :) ]
Shared & pinned on twitter
Great job & appreciation from me as a Boy Scout of eight years that made it to Eagle Scout and have help in these for three decades and love seeing these great cooperative efforts in and for the communities we live in.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Share this on twitter! Good job @steempowertwins! I hope this will become a series! :)
smart , beautiful ,and generous girls <3