Don't ask for Charity if you are a lazy fraud. Children need it more!
I feel bitter towards adults who are able minded and able bodied asking for charity when there are children who need the charity even more so.
Adults have had their whole lives to make something of themselves and to not leech off of others and the system, when children don’t have that same opportunity.
Children should be the main recipients (and adults stuck in outlier scenarios e.g. the middle of sudden war zones, horrible accidents, stuck in some shithole 3rd world socialist/communist country, etc…) should be the top candidates for charity. When I see adults that are able bodied and minded being lazy in 1st world countries and then asking for charity it makes me despise them.
Now people should be free to donate to whoever they want, but my money is going to children (and/or adults in those outlier scenarios). I see these leeches as people who are cheating the weakest and most in need of the charity.
I work hard everyday so that I can give to the weakest and most in need (disabled, children in need, outlier scenarios listed above etc…) and I just see these people draining the resources of the weakest when they aren’t actual weak themselves. It’s basically a form of fraud to me and I see it as a type of theft via that laziness and fraud. How can I do so much for others yet these able minded and able bodied people can’t even help themselves in one of the most prosperous regions in the world?
Despicable IMO
And don’t give me this bullshit line about “you never know when you’ll need the help”
Bullshit, if I need the help it’ll be because I became one of the outlier scenarios, not because I became a lazy piece of shit.