A novel notion from a nice enough nihlist (Charitable website using ALCHEMY,Social Media, and other silliness)

in #charity9 years ago (edited)

-Why I'm giving up on my own idea and tossing it to you trendy technical types-

I lack any technical or legal knowledge to give birth to a spark I've had. Furthermore I greatly lack any desire to do so. There is much red tape to go through concerning "the proper order of things", and to so entangle myself requires great faith. A thing not entirely absent,yet far outweighed by pessimism that tells me my energies are better spend elsewhere . I did not anticipate the success of many aspects of our world circa. 2016 including social networking yet this sites interesting flip on the formula convinced to to share it in the hopes anyone with ability yet no vision may be inspired. Prior to finding this site I wadded up the idea and threw it in the rubbish bin and wrote the whole thought off as an inebriated mental queef. However I would have done the exact same had I thought of something like Facebook,Twitter,etc, so perhaps I should at least allow the idea to air. It's a blog after all, certainly no more silly than 10 fun poodle haircut ideas, so a touch of optimism has led me here in the hopes it may take hold with a forward looking business or reader here or simply dissipate. Regardless of the judgements of my peers, harsh or receptive, I stand happy knowing there is a true bottom and it looks something like ethical ways to Feng Shui fleas and roaches and I'm not quite there with this idea.

-The idea itself-

In short having users volunteer their emails spam folder space to receive special offers in order to generate revenue for charity . It's neither doing or using nothing from the users p.o.v other than entering their email and actually creating something in the physical place. So I will call it charitable alchemy. They also get to feel good doing good and have their friends see them do it (explained later in my own way)

Not settled on a name of website or even checked if available. Spamalchemy, SpamAlchem Goodspam.com Spamthegood.com Spammam.com Yummyspam,tasty spam I don't know it needs to be available,short,catchy and easy to spell.

The catchphrase I'm more proud of. It's "Use your digital space to make the real world a better place" (Use,using,let,have vs use) (physical vs real). It's fine and you can argue yourself in circles if you care to.

Keyword- Traffic. That's the life blood. If your an already established business,blogger,social media socialite, you stand so much better a chance at making this work. It's a nice notion but its success is going to be highly circumstantial. If some social media site like this,that face, or the others were to take the idea to run with I could see it working.

Income sources (all depend on traffic)

  1. Cost per impression/view from ads
  2. Affiliate sales form purchases made through ads (Do people seriously shop that way?)
  3. Subscriptions or promised donations from sponsors to get larger more prominent ads and on demand access to your email database.
  4. Merchandising. Yeah shirts,mugs, highly overpriced things people shouldn't be wasting $ on but enough might.
  5. SPAM! It exists so much because there is value in it. Even with common,effective filtration of it companies still shell out money for the chance someone will read it and buy their peddlings. It's a numbers game and with the heart strings tugged it stands possible your numbers may be rather good.
  6. Interest. Whether you park the proceeds in a nothing bank account or throw it all in junk bonds if you contribute the wad end of year it should make something.

Expenses (very minimal,off top of my head)

  1. Domain reg stuff. Chicken feed.
  2. Server/band costs (only a major factor if the idea is a success)
  3. Time spend making it. Managing it, if your so skilled. Could be huge $ if your me and can't do any of it.
  4. Marketing/seo all that fun stuff. Could be huge. If your developed already and can simply route your traffic to the venture could near nothing.

Advantages/Thoughts in General and Over Competitors (other people relying on ad revenue or spammers. Same class imo)

  1. Charity. Conscience. Heart strings. At no cost to the donor. We'd all like to give more. This gift costs literally nothing, has no sting, no great sacrifice except a larger number on your spam folder, and has the potential to add up. It's up to your morals/lack thereof if you build it and choose to run it pure and improve the world or seek to benefit from it personally as an interest/traffic generator as many companies do ie 5% of this fashionable, peer approved, huge profit margin shoe made by children paid with peanuts goes too xyz. Sales went up 30% we need to do that more often.

  2. Make it the easiest thing in the world or make it social. Allow users to add their email w/o annoying verification like sms/social integration only a tic box saying in legalise they have no rights how you choose to whore that address out. Even if they provide fake emails at exceptionally high volume it pumps up your database so its may be worth more to the sponsors your giving in exchange for premium affiliate deals /little shady guys your selling it to.

2b. If you choose to make it social (better yet offer a choice) then have them sign in with their social network accounts. Let it send a tweet or a post saying I Jane Doe just used my digital space to make the real world a better place. I'm colder than most, but even in charity many people especially on SM are vainer than most. They not only want to do good,without sacrifice, they want to be seen doing it. Give them what they want.Having a cake,eating it too, and a selfie with it. Integrate, and don't judge at least publicly because in the real ends can make up for the silliness of the means.

  1. Every sponsor/advertiser you choose to have gets an image fluff. Could be a nice extra incentive for them to do business with you. I know the worst of them dedicate big bucks to anything that lets them look good w/o the hassles of ever having to be good.

3B If your very capable in dealing with sponsors, arrange them to provide exclusive discounts and charitable matching for ads on your site and email offers generated using your list. More affiliate revenue and people may actually check their spam folder and visit. Which should make the sponsors even happier.

3C. Consider coding in some hey I'm spam beacon on everything in the database so even craptastic spam filters can detect and accurately flag as spam if visitors are sheepish about a "folder they won't really click anyway". Spam's a bad keyword but its well known and needs no explanation. If you can repair its image with your Charitable venture, you won't have to get much word out about what it is,does,how it effects you. No big whats a cookie speech. Reconsider mentioning that to the sponsors in anything but unknowable legalise unless they really like you!

  1. Allow them to choose where the money goes and let every vote count. Choose say 5-10 charities that don't squander donations in shady,wasteful marketing on beads,buttons, and mailing people quarters to mail back with more. Look on their sites, see 97%+ of every dollar is going to building wells.Not the managing director's less successful brothers label factory that they toss so much money off on to the benefit of someone not in need but greed. The word escapes me, but work with the fiscally and morally sound. That they don't salary themselves @ 5 million.

4B. Once you've made a nice list of organizations(good idea for a blog someone other than me, as so many name brand charities are quite scummy) Let the visitors vote on a simply poll you run for the year. 31% to this, 62% that, 7% there. Come Dec 31st or whenever make your donation of all the income-expenses accordingly and post the receipts they give.

*You shouldn't have to register as a charity to do this but do keep in mind the tax stuff.
*You might want to register in Puerto Rico or some tax haven if you can't be made a charity or donations/income math comes out to make you liable somehow (very bad news if successful and you are 100% good) . It's not a psychical enterprise unless you require onsite staff so haven of choice if you possess such knowledge.

--In closing---

Well there it was. It now exists outside the crumpled up jottings of a mad man. I doubt I could ever care about the many fields enough to commit to the many educations I would require to do this product myself and I know I won't talk myself into paying for its cost in outsourcing.

I hope some good hearted but currently uninspired techie takes it and makes a nice 100% charitable venture from it. If someone takes it with personal gain in mind than its still worth more than its current state as a piece of rubbish doing with 50% charity. Secretly and selfishly, I hope someone just tries it, it takes off like a strange,unforeseen,silly fire like so much, and decides since they frolic in a field of fortuitous four leafed clovers to ship me a barrel of them for the drunken leprechaun song I sang back before the yacht's and God complexes began.

So if you like the notion and want more weird ideas give me an upvote. On the whole I don't really care :)

As a treat for all that text its visualization time! I utilized all my arts to make it, looking at it now I have great certainty my arts have failed me.



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