Project Hope, extension and repercussions in Venezuela (Food Donation)

in #charity5 years ago (edited)

Hello dear readers!

I met steemit in February 2018, since then I am part of a constant struggle for growth on this platform, in all this time incredible things happened to me (Today I want to refer only to the good ones) on this platform, I met valuable people who have great initiatives in favor of other people and that make this ecosystem a more human, warm and hopeful place.

At the beginning of 2019 @crypto.piotr creates an initiative called @project.hope, with the purpose of providing support to people residing in Venezuela who were suffering the scourge of a very strong economic crisis, with the passing of the months this project has gone growing becoming a very strong community within the platform, generating a climate of respect and mutual support.

Transcending the platform

As most know, I am a pastor and I owe myself to the care of the people, I participate in my small town in a Fellowship of Pastors. After an episode lived in my congregation with the Son of a believer who suffered an accident falling from a horse, where he was diagnosed with a broken leg, I felt helpless to not be able to provide the necessary help due to economic limitations.

At the next fellowship meeting present a proposal for help to the needy called "project hope", taking the original name of the project of which I am a beneficiary in steemit, trying to bring hope to people in need in our communities and trying to give back to people A little of what I received here. The proposal was very well received and we started working on the project funded by ourselves and some members of our congregations, managing to benefit a family at this beginning of the program (little but very satisfactory).

The problem

The crisis in Venezuela is very acute and affects the entire population, those who have not left the country are trying to do so but those who cannot leave should give some support and that is what we intend to do through "project hope".

This project studies cases of extreme need in areas of health, food, housing, clothing and footwear in order to solve according to our capabilities, the most priority needs and thus bring some joy in the middle of a depressing situation.


We meet from time to time, we receive the proposals of the different Pastors, we evaluate the expenses and we prioritize the needs that we must cover, then we present them to the respective congregations so that each willing believer, who has the possibility to help bring his contribution.

In this way we manage mutual aid among those who are still fighting in our country, this is the specific case of Uracoa, it is the name of the small city where I reside. We are aware that it is very little, but we hope that this will grow and we will be able to bring joy to more homes in situations of extreme need.


In my opinion, the first conquest is to make people in different congregations and outside them interested, involved and willing to help others, understanding that we all live in the same context of need, however, there are people who He has committed to this small project and they have already given their input for the first food delivery.

project hopeproject hopeproject hopeproject hope

The second achievement is that we already made the first delivery of food, of which I share these images. In addition, we already have the next installment scheduled for September 27, and we are moving forward in the study of the third beneficiary family, which will represent the third installment of the hope project.


There are many limitations we face to carry out this beautiful project, however, we think it will have growth to reach more families in our town.

Personally I am trying to give my brothers in the city some of what I have received on this platform, project hope has become the extension of "project hope" in the streets of Venezuela, which began in the virtual field (Internet) has transcended the physical plane in the streets of my country in the form of food to the most needy.

With this publication I want to thank all those who support "project hope" in steemit, and give testimony of the added value of this platform, steemit has given me many satisfactions and I am trying to show the world the value of this ecosystem, that a small initiative @project.hope can become something big, affecting several families in a positive way.

I invite you to share with us those positive experiences on the platform, also let me know your opinion about this project .

PROJECT #HOPE An Initiative to give hope!

@crypto.piotr, @cyberspacegod, @achim03, @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, @neavvy, @juanmolina, @jadams2k18, @machnbirdsparo, @honarparvar, @guruvaj, @alokkumar121, @edgarare1, @flash07, @djennyfloro @gandhibaba, @reverseacid, @yonnathang, @mariusfebruary.

Thanks to all of you!

Partners supporting my work:

Project Esperanza.jpg


Dear @fucho80

Thank you for sharing your steemit journey experience with us. I'm proud to be part of it. It's a bit strange that I feel emotionally so close to someone I've never met; someone I will probably never get to know in our lifetime. But it does feel good :)

with the purpose of providing support to people residing in Venezuela

Well, original purpose was to support few people I valued from 3rd world countries. However I tried to collaborate with few Africans as well as some guys from Bangladesh. And my impression was that culture-wise Venezuelans are the closest to european mindset. So I ended up focusing on building relationship with you guys.

It's important to underline, that my goal was to support few solid content creators who are passionate about topics related to technology, AI, blockchain etc. I've finally chosed to support 4 of you guys, out of ... well, many. All 4 proved over and over

The reason why I called our initiative "PROJECT HOPE" is quite simple and straight forward:

I believed and I still believe, that with my growing contacts and yours growing follower-base I will be able to help each one of you to secure some extra source of income. We all share HOPE that in a long run my financial support will allow you to become influencer/reviewer/marketer and so far we're on the right track! :)

cc: @juanmolina, @fucho80, @lanzjoseg, @jadams2k18

Cheers, Piotr

Hi leader @crypto.piotr, I am happy that you like the development we are having.

It's a bit strange that I feel emotionally so close to someone I've never met; someone I will probably never get to know in our lifetime. But it does feel good :)

The emotion is shared brother, chiselously this project represents a lot for me, I appreciate your words, for me it is also something strange but positive that someone so geographically distant, can perfectly understand my situation to make plans and support us in that way. Thank you!

So I ended up focusing on building relationship with you guys.

I've finally chosed to support 4 of you guys, out of ... well, many. All 4 proved over and over

I think that sometimes things arise alone, we appreciate the interest and perseverance in the project, I know that you make an effort to maintain support, so we try to justify what you do for us with work, I hope we are doing well.

We all share HOPE that in a long run my financial support will allow you to become influencer / reviewer / marketer and so far we're on the right track! :)

Wooo in recent months I have particularly witnessed the growth of this project, in addition to your influence on this platform, in addition to that this influence is transcending steemit, right now I am working with four people in my city giving instructions to have their account and preparing them for their first publication on steemit, we basically owe that to you and the work you have done to keep me on the platform and for my account to grow.

As for this publication, I will continue to promote this project in the streets of my city, using part of the resources that I am generating on the platform to contribute to what we receive outside of it, in Venezuela we have the following said: "Grain to Grain the chicken fills the stomach "

Thanks leader.

Thank you for your touching kind words @fucho80

I am now understanding better your vision... and I am happy to support it within my reach. Making good feels great... making good while being happy, feel crazy great! If you add the fact that you can do it for free... then you become a "Super Hero" and that feels so great...

I know it does not compare... but it kind of feels when your son acknowledges you as a great dad! It's a mix of pride/proud, honor, purpose and mega adrenaline of happiness.

superhero @forykw? :)

I always wanted to be a bad guy, threatening the world

Friend @crypto.piotr

You have been a great pillar for us in this platform especially for the great help in a selfless way, that has managed to change in us paradigms even of behavior within the platform. I say it for me the acquired learning has made our blog better and better and always trying to deliver good content.

Not everything is perfect but we are determined to do it much better every day, first because we deserve it and also our families deserve it to have a better quality of life in the midst of everything we can live day by day in a constant struggle for survival, as well as you read him fight to have to take to the table and that my daughters do not go hungry that has changed since I am here in steemit but also other people can be very favored and that is thanks to you.

One extra empty sit prepared at the dinner table.

I always remember this, every time I can help someone with some food.

Thanks friend Piotr

Thank you for your touching kind words @lanzjoseg

Hi dear @fucho80

Friend, I could barely read your publication very early today, it gave me a lot of emotion, knowing that we are helping those we can to the best of our ability, I have been doing that for a long time, I know what it is to be hungry and only having a plate of food a day on the table but more pain gives me when it is my daughter's turn that destroys me as a father not having money so that they do not lack their food.

When I got my first time in Steemit a long time ago that helped me buy food, but it also allowed me to help a neighbor who is in a worse situation sometimes until a day and a half without trying food, in that sense when I have also had it helped.

Many times I say that what we do with the right hand should not know the left, but you know this publication gave me an idea and is to create a hope project in each of the places where we live the four Venezuelans who started this project with our great friend @crypto.piotr,

I will ask some questions to see how we can do this with a legal basis within our country and thus be able to replicate our experience.

once reading ..

I don't give because I have a lot, I give because I know what it is to have nothing.

I have realized that those of us who have little tend to be more collaborators when it comes to helping others, compared to those who do have a lot to offer.

Friend it is a great honor to be part of this great project that gave us hope.

I send you a big fraternal hug

Hello dear professor @lanzjoseg, it is a true honor to have you here.

Many times I say that what we do with the right hand should not know the left, but you know this publication gave me an idea and is to create a hope project in each of the places where we live the four Venezuelans who started this project with our great friend @crypto.piotr,

That seems like a great idea to me, my dear Jose. I think that everything we can do to help someone, although it seems little ends up being a lot, more in the situation of our country where a kilo of cornmeal becomes a miracle for a family .... We will be the Miracle someone's!

Friend it is a great honor to be part of this great project that gave us hope.

No friend, the honor is mine for having met here with people as valuable as you, I feel that God placed you in my way as a blessing, firstly @crypto.piotr and then all those who have become a support for this draft.

Thanks friend!

Dear @fucho80, God bless you for helping your community, today more than ever we need to support each other because the rest of the world will not come to our aid.

I hadn't heard of @project.hope but I'm glad it exists, I know about the commitment of @crypto.piotr with the Venezuelans and I know that their presence in the project will be synonymous of success, I regret not being able to help you beyond an upvote and a resteem.

Hello my dear @darthgexe thanks for coming.

I haven't heard of @project.hope but I'm glad it exists, I know about the commitment of @ crypto.piotr with the Venezuelans and I know that their presence in the project will be synonymous of success, I regret not being able to help you beyond an upvote and a resteem.

This @crypto.piotr initiative is helping not only Venezuelans, it is forging a community where we show commitment and mutual help. Thanks for the support, positive feedback and resteem is very good, thanks friend.

Hey @fucho80... you might also get more awareness of this via KARMA platform in EOS blockchain. With this I don't intend to fork anything of this project, but instead empower it.

KARMA values a lot good will and donation behavior. So, I thought it would be a great place for Project Hope to be. (CC @crypto.piotr).

Hello dear @forykw, thanks for being here once again.

you might also get more awareness of this via KARMA platform in EOS blockchain. With this I don't intend to fork anything of this project, but instead empower it.

Quiet friend I understand what you say, I think that all this is very positive and if there is the possibility of taking this project further for me it is a good idea. The problem with KARMA is that to create an account there I need to invest and right now I don't have the resources (I'm waiting for a child) I don't know if it's true that I need that investment ... Do I need to invest to create an account in KARMA?

KARMA values a lot good will and donation behavior. So, I thought it would be a great place for Project Hope to be. (CC @crypto.piotr).

Now, as for the original project @crypto.piotr is the one who has the decision about it, he has the last word.

Thanks friend, you help a lot!

I can work to create two free accounts. I usually do this via my other account @ffoorryykkww (you will find a post there with some instructions).

But let me think how can I make this easy for both sides... and I can make it happen.


Ok, perfect I wait for you.

Community is where it is at my friend,
Both on the ground where you live, and online here at Steemit.
When our Government's let us down, which they so often do.
We can only turn and help each other.
Every thing good starts small in this Universe, every little step will bring you closer to your goal.
Remember the Universe always answers when you ask.
Blessings my friend, keep pushing forward. ❤

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi friend @andyjem, thanks for being here ... How are you?

We can only turn and help each other.

Friend this is essential for survival, when the system fails we only have each other, in mutual support there is strength and we can all move forward.

Every thing good starts small in this Universe, every little step will bring you closer to your goal.

That's what brother is about, doing things thinking that although our comineso is small, in the future we will achieve great things ... We are focused!

keep pushing forward. ❤

Thank you friend for these words of encouragement, we will continue pushing until we achieve our goals.


Hi @fucho80,
thank you very much for your work and giving us some Proof of Charity.
I want to apreciate it a bit with a full upvote, so that you get some NOBEL token, which you can sell on the market.

Achim Mertens

Wooo friend @achimmertens, very grateful for this support, you are really doing a great job, I'm betting a bit of Nobel to raise my voting power and support other people committed to charity.

Thanks friend!

Dandole apoyo al proyecto @fucho80 resteem y voto.

Gracias por el apoyo amiga! También estaré visitando tu blog

Love the project. Love what you're all doing with this thing. Thanks for the images. The aura there looks good. My hope is that all our efforts here will continue to gain momentum and connect the world. God bless.

Hi @machnbirdsparo, thanks for being here.

Love the project. Love what you're all doing with this thing. Thanks for the images. The aura there looks good. My hope is that all our efforts here will continue to gain momentum and connect the world. God bless

Thank you friend, they are really encouraging words and encourage me to move forward with this, I think this will continue to grow, we are about to make the second installment and I will bring images of that.

God bless you the same.

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