Charitable good deeds – Let's raise funds for children's boarding school (Amal perbuatan baik – mari kita mengumpulkan dana untuk anak asrama sekolah)

in #charity7 years ago (edited)

Hi stemians of all, meet again in this great platform, I will take this opportunity to write about charities and schools. The results I got from my postings upvote later will I submit fully to a foundation the existing boarding schools in my town, there are many children who still need tuition fees, most of them using the time for study and do important things, which makes me attractive is their strength and firmness that is no longer expecting money from their parents, there's a part of them are orphans or have parents not a man anymore.

They are the ones who most strongly resist the suffering, the suffering they experienced include:

1. Separation from their parents.

All can certainly imagine how sad when living away from parents, as the saying goes's "go to wander so you feel important about the sense of longing, so that you really understand about life."

I asked one of them about the experience away from the parents, he said, in a dormitory and reminded parents at home then it is feeling the most pain in the ass, especially when reminded that being tired mama facial finish working in the rice fields, it's like I want to go home and desperately wicked homework such as washing dishes, washing clothes, and many others, but I can't do much since I am here, I am also not dare extort money from them, I will find your own way here by selling cakes when heading off to school.

2. They should be able to learn two languages (English and Arabic), two that language is the language of the day today.

As we experience that the world is growing rapidly and have to master several languages so that it can easily interact with people of different countries so that we can share experiences, albeit slightly helped by using translations languages through google, it is just another system rather than individual skil.

some of them will get a penalty when speaking than English and Arabic, it is an affliction in my opinion, but it is an important thing in the world of education, the penalty provided is also not a punch, but clean up garbage in the area and it would be helpful to avoid the attack of malaria caused by the anopheles mosquito bites.

3. Sleep 10 or more friends in one room.

Very boring when had to sleep en masse in one room, the atmosphere is so hot, sultry, and very noisy. But the kind of life that would become a friend and later memories after completion in education.

that's a little bit of the story of the suffering of those who are struggling improve their lives, I hope can help them in this way.

I was inspired from @lindahas and @azizbd in helping children in Bangladesh, she gives fruits and snacks every week from the post he results upvote wrote.
hope this works out, anyone who wants to give the SBD for charity please contact me @elnazry#6417 DM thru my personal in Discord, I will give the SBD that you send to them in the form of charity/social in the form of currency of Indonesia.

Yesterday we donate some SBD to buy lunch to them, it is a special thing that ever we experienced together with @albustan, @ahmedyusuf, @azwarr76 @munirahayati, @fahmi, @iqbalsp, we are very proud of might help them, may all that is here not in vain to use the platform that is so great to be able to do charity.

Thanks to all stemians who want to read this post, hopefully this works for a charitable good deeds.

Greetings great for you guys.

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Saleum keu babandum ureung Aceh



I am quite amazed with this post and pretty much give mamfaat information for audiences, I give a thumbs up this post

Thanks mas broe...

Semoga membawa keberkahan. Amin

Nice sharing. Salam kenal

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