Shit I Find in the Desert

in #charity6 years ago (edited)


I’m thinking about writing a blog, called “Shit I Find in the Desert.” I live in an area, long ago was populated by natives, so I go out for walks and I can’t help but find stuff. I once found a pure silver 1946 quarter. Funny to think, it may have been sitting in the same spot since before the house I lived in nearby was built. House was built in like 1960 or something, old ranch house for this area, but native land for hundreds of years before that.

I’ve also found rocks with aquatic fossils in them hiking around this area, and I believe I found a rare meteorite as a child in this area, which sadly is lost.

Digging a hole for a pond turned into an excavation. I pulled up old adobe bricks, lots of bottles and broken glass, I think I found the old camode. Glass dated to the 1920s, a full 40 years before an official house is located as existing on the property.

My family lives on a 5 acre ranch there, 2 houses, 3 or 4ish structures .... right next door, over the wash is vacant desert. My step Dad knows the owner, anything I find, walking around over there, I would be glad to give to anyone who wants to share the history of this land. I’ve used a metal detector and found a lot of strange metal objects. And one, that really will make some people jealous:


Not the fork, I put that there for scale ... that’s a steel, Native American arrowhead. Very rare, only made for a short period of time. Seems to me like it would not be hard to fake and thus, even if rare, hard to quantify as real and worth a lot of money. It’s one of the coolest things I have found, in my life. I know it is real and exactly where it was found.

I used to use a metal detector, but it distracts me. I just find stuff. I can’t help it. I go for a walk for my health, I come back with 5 different things I found.

Should I make a blog, dedicated to shit I find in the desert? We could even sell the shit, and like donate some proceeds to local native youth organizations or something like that. Does that sound like a good idea ... or just, random pictures of weird shit.


Funny story about the silver quarter, I found it, because I was in open toed shoes, bent down to pull the cactus out of my toe ... all black, old silver ... I knew what it was right away, right in front of my face.

Came back with a metal detector to that same spot ... lotta junk. No more silver quarters though.

Motorcycle toy found in same area:


Relic quality stuff, for sure.

More modern find, Winchester money clip. Unfortunately it didnt’ have any money clipped to it, rando found it going on a walk before a trip to Vegas. The trip went well. Otherwise, I woulda tossed the cursed, empty money clip back where I found it.


Of course, in a world where people let their pets out and mingle with the coyotes ... you also find too much of this:


The coyotes, and the rabbit they didn’t catch, appreciate eating your basset hound. Every once in awhile a new person moves into the neighborhood and you see a “Lost Dog” sign. Your dog is coyote food. Dumbass. You live in the desert.

True story, one time, chick was like Air BnB one of the hoises and she has like, a little toy Yorkie or, it wan’t a Yorkie, it was a Chichua or something, and she asks, “So, where can I let my dog ... go..” and I was like, I’m sorry, have you ever been to Arizona before?” and she says, yes, she lived in Arizona for many years ... OK, but the nature part .... are you familiar with the nature part? Because there are snakes, and there are coyotes, and your dog has no idea could just walk right into a big problem. Your dog can “go” anywhere outside. I don’t want, you coming crying to me, my dog got bit by a scorpion because I wqsn’t watching it, right? Watch your dog at all times. Totally your responsibility, your dog has no idea.

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