Where I'm At Currently With Care Package 4.0
I'm strapped for cash right now and renting a house I can just barely afford. But there are people out there with no roof over their heads, and they don't stop needing help just because I'm skint.
So I've been scraping cash together for the last two months to afford the components for yet another round of care packages for the homeless bros. These ones won't be as fancy as Care Package 3.0 in part because of budget limitations, but also because of the changing seasons.
Care Package 3.0 was Winter focused. Lots of stuff for staying warm. That's not the problem lately as the weather is quickly warming up. The problem is rain. It's coming up on April, which is notoriously rainy. As is Oregon in general for that matter.
Consequently, Care Package 3.0 contains an umbrella, a thermal bivy sack, and an emergency poncho. Also a Soylent of course, just so they can have a spare meal in reserve that won't spoil any time soon. I did order hand warmers but they won't fit.
The containers I bought are a bit too small. It's warm enough anyways I might just save the hand warmers for next Winter's care packages. As usual there's exactly ten. Probably I will meet up with the Hot Soup For the Homeless crew like last time to hand these out.
I'm unsure what else I can fit in there, really. But also unsure what I can afford. I don't want to become homeless in the process of helping the homeless, but I also can't do nothing. There's a balance to be struck, as in all things.
Anyways that's where things are at currently. I will let you guys know what else I find that will fit in there, which I think would be a useful inclusion. Or I may just go and distribute these packages as-is. It will really depend on what SBD does in the coming week.
Stay Cozy!
Well I think serving for humanity takes you a step more towards yourself and towards God, you have your own financial crisis still you help needy, so nice of you, this package 3.0 will help them in rain, btw what does poncho mean?
This is a rain poncho.

Also known as a full body condom
Haha thats what actually it looks like. You took out words that were just there at the tip of my tongue.. Hilarious looking thing.
hahahaha true that
I hope it hasnt been used along the with guy ;)
Oo I got it, rain jacket
I wish my upvote could be worth much more cents than it is right now. It takes a good heart to think bout others - to help those who you don't expect any help from in the future. I like what you are doing, it's little by little. I always say that those who are not faithful with the little things, will not be faithful when they get the big things. Thanks @alexbeyman for your act of kindness to those who you don't expect any payback from. God bless you.
You are amazing. I know it’s taugh now with Steem and SBD so low, but you still find a way how to help others especially those who need it the most. For that and many other things I have a huge respect for you.
I m speechless. Apart from great artist you are a great man too no need for further comment on that. This is just being human. Well done Alex
Often people think they can only give out of their abundance, this is commendable.
I am thrilled with this post. I recalled the word empathy. recalled tsunami time in aceh. we are helped by many people. This is the attitude that always has to be confiscated. empathy. sometimes we feel forgotten about this. May God make your way your brother. our prayers from aceh and indonesia. continue. regards.
Sorry i must be coment. It's apresition from me..forgive me.
That's really great. Its always good to know that someone is trying to make this world a better & beautiful place.
This is a great thing you are doing! Helping others is rewarding in more non materialistic ways! I wish SBD pumps up again so you can sustain a lot better with your new home!
Nice job my good man! I am sure that this sort of giving will have an impact. Kudos
Its people like you that make the world a better place. Even if you're strapped for cash, you don't think much about it and go help others. I wish there were more people like you in the world and this post also is quite inspiring for me to do something to help homeless people around town.