Characteristics of Inherited Purpose
In the first four characteristics of inherited purpose, we discussed family unit and individual. This article now goes into characteristics of inherited property and the roles that each one plays in a family. When property is inherited, we inherit the whole family it will. If we are not a biological family member, our role in the family is to provide a suitable environment for the next generation. This means that we should give them what they need, but we can also claim our rights to enjoy all the rewards of having it.
The first characteristic is personality, which is most interesting in this context. Personality refers to one's attitude toward the inherited purpose, or its fulfillment. It also refers to one's general attitude toward people. It follows that if we display favorable personality traits, we will also be able to enjoy benefits from the inheritance.
When we talk about personality, we use the expression "character" to refer to a person's behavior. This is not the same as "nurturing" or "warm." Characteristic traits include being determined, assertive, determined, and self-reliant. Some people have more than one character trait, while other people only have one. These are the characters we call our attitudes toward life.
Then characteristic is to adapt or change. This means that we should be capable of changing with the times. Although attitudes can't be changed, they can be adapted to fit circumstances. This is an important quality because adaptation is a prerequisite for the fulfillment of inherited purpose. Without adaptation, the purpose for which we were born may have been disregarded.
after that characteristic is to be determined. This refers to a person's ability to face challenges, disappointments, and obstacles. This characteristic is not correlated with personality. People who are determined are not necessarily people who are lazy or disheartened.
Characteristics of inherited purpose are very important to us because they help to define who we are, our strengths and weaknesses, and how we will respond to various situations. They also help us to decide what we want to do with our lives. For example, if we want to be a doctor, we should possess all the attributes necessary to be a successful doctor. If we don't, then we could become a teacher or an administrator but our life would be characterized by failure. If we want to have a successful career as a stock trader, we should possess the attitude that trading is about purchasing and selling with high confidence, rather than having feelings of greed or fear.
Having a good characteristic can certainly benefit us. However, having an inherited purpose does not guarantee success. It just means that we possess a quality which is necessary for us to reach our goal. It does not mean that we are guaranteed success; however, it does mean that we should be prepared for any given situation and move on with grace and assurance.
People who find life's journey interesting are not necessarily those who have acquired no personal success. The truth is that every person has his own inherited qualities which contribute to his success or failure. If you find your life's journey interesting, then you have already achieved success. You have taken the first step. Moving ahead is easy; it's staying in the process that's hard.
Do not worry too much about what other people think of you. People who criticize others without basis are not worthy of being included in their circle of friends. We should know that life is filled with criticisms and that no one has the right to criticize other people more than themselves. We should also realize that we are the only ones responsible for our own actions.
Acquiring a characteristic does not make someone more admirable, since it can only be useful if it leads to success. A person's character defines him/her and what he/she wants to become. That is why it is important to look at your own personality, interests, hobbies, values and lifestyle before considering applying for a certain position in life. Remember, there's no such thing as a stupid question. Nobody is perfect. Think about your habits and weaknesses.
Some people may say that characteristic is useless unless one uses it in his/her life. However, we must remember that life is not about living a lifetime but making a career. Think about your inherited purpose now. What would be the best trait that can help you attain success? Choose it and live your life to the fullest.