| #Chaospunk Issue #6 | {:|< Desert pt. 1 >|:} }]|[ The Epic of Magus Aurelius ]|[[ Stardate Phase 2 : Act 3 ]|
( "Anubis Warm Welcome" Original Collage Art )
{:|< Desert pt. 1 >|:} [ Issue #6 ]
So there Aurelius was, an infinite desert lay before him .. all he could do was walk .. and walk, he did. There wasn't much else he COULD do!
For ages, nothing changed for Aurelius .. his path was all of the same boring, utterly predictable desert-scape. By the time that Aurelius became absolutely bored of his journey, and right at the moment where he was about to give up, reality shifted, almost as if by clockwork. Suddenly Aurelius found himself enthroed within a carnival facade .. an illusory mirror world cascaded forth from within realities periphery and quickly re-constructed itself into a new and fascinating alternate reality in a very short instant, almost as if by magick!
Suddenly, far, and over across the horizon Aurelius noticed a familiar landmark, it appeared to be the mythical library that was known to only exist within The Pleroma. Aurelius had only heard fables of this lost, ancient library of esoteric wisdom through mythological tales that had been told to him in the classroom. The location appeared to have all the known landmarks of recognised association. It clearly appeared to be The Lost Oasis of Thoth, The Atlantean.
It was at this stage that Aurelius' attitude shifted and he began to experience a more exciting journey through the Pleroma desert, he started to grow an itching and burning desire to FINALLY learn the ancient occulted mysteries written by the Gods themselves .. in a state of pure untethered excitement, Aurelius instinctively allowed his intuition to guide his path by faith alone, and he practically beelines toward The Oasis. Aurelius is bursting with excitement as he makes his approach.
"FINALLY something new!!!"
Suddenly as Aurelius moves closer to the library, a gargantuan being peers out from behind a nearby mountain .. it's the High God Anubis, protector of the gates of the underworld! .. Anubis begins to walk toward Aurelius .. his colossal, towering presence is an amazing, however deeply humbling sight to behold .. his energy was immense, and his energy was greatly powerful beyond words .. Aurelius almost had a hard time keeping himself composed and grounded, but he managed to stay strong and was able to successfully retain himself.
( "Anubis Warm Welcome" Original Collage Art )
Anubis squatted before Aurelius and began to gaze DEEP into his being .. The ominous facial expression on the face of Anubis is both incredibly cold and incredibly off-putting .. Aurelius began to interface with him as both of their spiritual energies intermingled and played with one another.. Through their interfacing Anubis began to upload various sporadic memories as well as necessary wisdom of his collective history into the mind of Aurelius as they interfaced with one another .. Once the upload was complete, Aurelius came to feel the connection detach from him .. Anubis gave him a solemn nod of the head, which signalled to Aurelius that he'd been granted access and had permission to continue moving onward .. Aurelius solemnly nodded back to Anubis in deep appreciation and continued his journey forward toward the Oasis.
However long Aurelius kept journeying toward the Oasis, it clearly appeared that the distance gap never seemed to shorten, despite the distance he travelled. This left Aurelius confused and in a desperate way ,, it made no sense.
Along his path Aurelius eventually came across what appeared to be a magickal elixir. He guzzled the elixir down as if it were just simply water. It was shortly after this point that his world became more and more illusory and fantastic. It became clear to Aurelius that these effects were enhanced due to the drink he recently ingested. After he finished the bottle, he noticed that it automatically filled itself back up automatically .. Aurelius came to drink from this bottle religiously during his journey. The liquid within the elixir bottle appeared to replenish his energy as well as he continued to drink from it.
"How very fascinating!"
( "Side Quest" Original Collage Art)
For a while Aurelius became quite entertained by the illusion that became of his world. At the time, to him, it was no illusion. It felt and appeared more real than real. At the time, Aurelius wished for nothing more than to explore the strange quirks and dynamics of his newly discovered reality, and he began to experiment on them. The infinite apparent novelties that became of the desert began to unravel for him and taught him a plethora of aspects about the quantum nature of reality that few people EVER have the opportunity to discover within their lives. Among the vast amount of various things he learned, he learned how to dance, he learned how to sing, he even learned kung-fu, and he even eventually learned how to dodge bullets as well .. however, within this ever-changing, alluring shape-shifting mirage his grand-master became nothing more than an alluring crystalline essence that protruded from the desert floor and sparkled from the depths of the elixir bottle itself. All of this was happening because the elixir offered him a side-quest .. one in which he couldn't just simply ignore. It was invigorating to him.
Aurelius wanted more, and trust me .. He got more!
Through an effervescent yet blurry time-frame, reality had eventually come to be so transformed to a point where Aurelius eventually learned more than the average human ever learns put in such an utterly unique and novel situation, and in such a surprisingly short time-frame as well! .. however, it appeared that Aurelius began to learn a bit too much for his own good. It appeared that he learned a certain universal secret that few beings ever have the capacity OR courage to EVER experience and witness for themselves first-hand within their lifetime. He learned and came to embody the experience of what has been called "The Forever Time", one of THE MOST hidden secrets imaginable, and he hadn't even reached The Oasis yet!!
Because of his lengthy visit within the realm of "The Forever Time" Aurelius entire body eventually became transformed into what is popularly known by those within occult circles as a Philosophers Stone. Aurelius had mastered the art of alchemy, just by existing and surviving within the desert, naturally experiencing what he had. He could manifest ANYTHING he wanted instantaneously! .. This was something of a new ability that was completely foreign to his experience prior .. Aurelius accidentally began slipping between various alternate realities that individually contained separate and unique histories, depending on the choices that he made within a moment by moment window. He eventually became stuck in a constant Event Horizon time loop, where he was constantly walking through reality as if upon the edge of a razor, knowing that he could be killed at any moment if he weren't careful. Because of his newfound abilities, Aurelius was causing chaos within the various realms unintentionally.
Dark beings would flock toward him, waiting for him to slip up so that they could step in and devour him. All it would have taken would have been JUST ONE SLIP and Aurelius would have been done for! .. Aurelius was acutely aware of these beings and their motives, despite their best attempts at camouflaging themselves and hiding their true appearance. For his own dark and narcissistic entertainment, Aurelius even began to compete with the dark collective in games he would create, winning evert game that he set forth within these alternate dimensions.. he even eventually won a game where he won the title "Lord of the Quad-Roads", however, he had yet to figure out where these Quad-Roads even were, but they definitely sounded important!
Mephistopheles, the demon king even jumped into his reality and began competing with him from time to time, and Aurelius always came out the victor, no matter how many desperate attempts Mephistopheles would make to stifle him, Aurelius always appeared to carry the upper hand. Aurelius walked a path of blind faith, and things just tended to naturally work out for him, as he always trusted his sharp intuition and gut that never failed to warn him as he was about to step into a dangerous or wrong situation, he would always listen carefully to his intuition and take a step back .. This infuriated the dark forces, as Aurelius had a distinctly razor sharp intuition.
All of this However, was only the beginning.
Continue to follow Magus Aurelius on his dynamic CyberPunk adventure by using the hashtag: #chaospunk !
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"This is not a game."
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