A Meditation for Awareness
A meditation technique for you to become more aware of things beyond the physical. Start by sitting or laying down in a comfortable position. Wear clothing that will keep you warm, but do not cover yourself with any heavy blankets. Take many deep belly breaths until you are relaxed and grounded in the space that you are in. Allow your focus to shift to the crown of your head, feeling a pulsing of energy there. A white light energy flows in through the crown of your head, down into your solar plexus. The place of your power, the space of your inner strength. With every breath, allow the light to fill your being - starting from the point below your ribs, within your solar plexus. As you feel this energy, this light, growing within you imagine the outer shell of your physical being not as one piece but as the hundreds of thousands of atoms that it is truly composed of. Tiny little dots of matter that surround this light that exists within you. See now how the light within you is not stuck or contained within, but permeates every atom of your physical body and pours out of your body in rays to meet the white light of the Universe that surrounds you. Stay in this energetic space of Universal connection for as long as is comfortable. Feel yourself. Feel your energy. Feel the Universe as it greets your energy. See how Universal energy and your energy are one and the same. Feel how you are a unique entity, but never truly separate or distanced from the Light of Existence. Be here, be present with this sensation of oneness. Keep this sensation with you after your meditation time has finished. For now you know the truth. The truth resonates within you. We are all separate on this physical plane, but all of us are connected always through the energy that permeates each level and layer of reality.