Experience has Taught Me Well: How to Overcome Any Obstacle
Experience has Taught Me Well: How to Overcome Any Obstacle
My grandfather was a wise man who always saw the brighter side of things, despite his own trials and tribulations over the years. He was no stranger to obstacles, but he always said experience had taught him well and that it was important to make the most of any situation, be it good or bad. While I didn’t always see things his way at first, I’ve now come to see how valuable this advice can be as I face my own challenges every day in my personal and professional life. Here are some of the things I’ve learned along the way that I hope will help you, too!
Find your inner strength
There are always going to be obstacles in life. It's how we overcome them that defines us. I've learned that it's important to find your inner strength and use it to push through whatever obstacle you're facing. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do was when my mom died. As a little girl, she taught me so much about life, love, and even gardening, which was her favorite hobby. When she passed away from cancer two years ago, my world felt as if it had shattered into a million pieces with no way of being put back together again. That moment became one of the toughest times in my life because now there was this huge void left in our lives without her presence and guidance.
I remember thinking about all the things she did for me like putting me on her lap when I fell down or comforting me after I was bullied at school or buying cookies from the bakery every weekend so we could enjoy them together while watching cartoons after school. But then I realized that even though she wasn't physically here anymore, those memories would live on forever and I still had people who loved me - both in my family and outside of it. For a long time afterwards, just getting out of bed each morning was hard but eventually I realized that I couldn't stay stuck in the sadness forever. So I started working out with some friends from high school to try to relieve some stress and then found myself volunteering at an animal shelter nearby to help take care of dogs who needed homes. The best part is that meeting new people at these places has helped create new friendships outside of my old circle too. And for now, those friendships have been enough to make up for what I lost with momma bear. But sometimes, life throws you another curveball that you weren't expecting and those old feelings start creeping back in. Like last year when one of my closest friends moved across the country to go to college. Suddenly, it felt like all of my support systems were crumbling around me as I struggled to figure out how to keep living a normal life without him by my side.
Stand up for yourself
When you're trying to make your way in the world, there will be people who try to bring you down. They might be jealous of your success, or they might not believe in you. Whatever their reasons, don't let them stop you from achieving your goals. Here's how to stand up for yourself and overcome any obstacle 1) Talk back to negative thoughts. The first step is to notice when a negative thought pops into your head and write it down so that you can see it clearly. If a thought like I'll never get this done pops into your head, write it down on paper right away so that you can see it clearly and have time to question its validity. You may notice that the more often you repeat this kind of thought, the less power it has over you because your brain becomes trained to know better than to believe everything that comes out of its mouth! 2) Show people what they want without feeding their negativity. It's also important to show people what they want while being careful not to feed their negativity. In other words, help them find solutions rather than telling them why they are wrong. For example, if someone tells you that you won't ever succeed as an entrepreneur and all you do is prove them right by quitting before even giving it a shot-they've accomplished exactly what they wanted by discouraging you before you even tried! However, if instead of quitting immediately (or telling them off), you use it as motivation to work harder at developing your skills then soon enough-you'll be the one laughing last.
Accept who you are today
No matter how much you change or grow, there will always be parts of you that remain the same. And that's okay! In fact, it's what makes you unique and special. Learning to accept who you are today is an important step in moving forward tomorrow. Here are four tips to help you do just that -Start with gratitude. What are you grateful for? It can be anything from your family, friends, skills, health, good grades...
-Look at obstacles as opportunities for growth. Ask yourself this question: What can I learn from this?
-Do something every day that moves you closer to your goal/dream/vision for yourself.
-Take a few minutes every day (even if it's only for one minute) to check in with yourself and ask these three questions: What did I enjoy about my day?, What would I like more of?, What would I like less of? -What am I going to commit to doing differently tomorrow? The answers you give may surprise you.
Identify your mission in life
When I was younger, I used to think that my mission in life was to be perfect. I would strive for straight As, for popularity, and for always having my life together. But as I've gotten older, I've realized that life is about so much more than that. Life is about taking risks, making mistakes, and learning from them. It's about being your own person and doing what makes you happy. For me, my mission in life is to live with no regrets. To take chances and seize every opportunity that comes my way. To follow my heart and pursue my dreams. And to always be learning and growing as a person. To accept who I am, love myself for it, and never be ashamed of who I am. So when times get tough or obstacles come up, I try to remember this mission. To fight through the difficulty because sometimes that's the only way to grow. In retrospect these difficulties will make me stronger and make me happier in the end- which is ultimately why I'm living this life. Sometimes things are hard, but they're worth it if they can teach us something new. So while some people might give up on themselves too soon and not really accomplish anything, I want to say 'no' to giving up on myself before knowing what I'm capable of.
Give yourself some credit where it's due
I'm not going to lie, I've had some tough times. But I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. And because of that, I've been able to overcome any obstacle thrown my way. If you're struggling with something right now and it feels like there's no light at the end of the tunnel - keep fighting. You'll make it through! 1) What is your biggest piece of advice for new bloggers?
I know what it's like to be new to blogging, and my best advice would be to stay consistent. Keep posting quality content and don't give up on your blog before you even get started! It will get easier as time goes on (and as long as you have fun doing it!)
- Why do you think people need inspiration in their lives?
People often lose sight of their goals when they're overwhelmed by life or can't find hope in what they do day-to-day. Inspiration helps people remember that their dreams are achievable and gives them strength when they need it most!
Stop comparing yourself to others
When you're in the thick of things, it's easy to get bogged down by comparing yourself to others. You see them progressing and advancing while you feel like you're stuck in place. But trust me when I say that comparison is the thief of joy. It'll rob you of your motivation and leave you feeling defeated. So instead of fixating on what everyone else is doing, focus on your own journey. Use their success as inspiration to keep going, but don't forget that your path is unique to you. There's no one else out there who can do it quite like you can. No matter how hard you try, someone will always be ahead of you or beside you. That doesn't mean they are better than you or more deserving than you. They simply got a head start or took a different route. We all have our strengths and weaknesses so instead of spending time wondering why they've accomplished more, use their example to motivate yourself further! Don't give up just because you haven't achieved the same level of success. Keep pushing for progress every day. Look at where you want to go and make plans for getting there, not where other people are right now. The true beauty in life is found in the journey - not necessarily where we end up.
Don't have regrets over what could have been, be glad of what was.
I've been through a lot in my life. I've made mistakes, I've had heartache, and I've had to overcome some pretty big obstacles. But I don't have any regrets. Because every experience, good or bad, has taught me something valuable. And they all serve as a reminder that no matter what's thrown at me, I can get through it if I try hard enough. So if you're going through something difficult right now? Don't worry! You can do it. Keep trying, and know that you'll get there eventually.: Remember that success is not final; failure is not fatal; it's the courage to continue that counts.
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